Ray R. Larson

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Ray R. Larson


Datum a
místo úmrtí

Vzdělání B.A., English and Comparative Literature California State University, Fullerton, 1976

M.S.L.S., Library Science, California State University, Fullerton, 1976
Certificate: Library Automation and Information Science, UC Berkeley, 1979
Ph.D., Library and Information Studies, UC Berkeley, 1986

Pracoviště Schools of Information, California, 207B South Hall
Známý pro design a hodnocení vyhledávacích systémů a knihoven

Kontakt (510) 642-6046
Email ray@ischool.berkeley.edu
Twitter @rayrlarson[1]

Ray R. Larson je profesorem, který v současné době působí na Schools of Information na univerzitě v Kalifornii. Zabývá se navrhováním a hodnocením informačních systémů.



1976: B.A., English and Comparative Literature, California State University, Fullerton
1976: M.S.L.S., Library Science, California State University, Fullerton
1979: Certificate: Library Automation and Information Science, UC Berkeley
1986: Ph.D., Library and Information Studies, UC Berkeley[2]


Ray R. Larson je profesorem na School of Information na univerzitě v Kalifornii.
Je aktivním členem ASIS (American Society for Information Science), kde byl v předchozích letech členem představenstva, fungoval na pozici bývalého předsedy ASIS a poradce pro ASIS Bay Area Student Chapter.
V roce 2002 byl zvolen jako patron American Association for the Advancement of Science (Americká asociace pro rozvoj vědy)[3].


Ray R. Larson se specializuje na oblast designu a hodnocení vyhledávání informací v systémech a digitálních knihovnách. Taktéž se zabývá hodnocením interakce uživatelů s těmito systémy[4] .
Pracuje jako programátor/analytik pro UC Division of Library Automation (DLA), kde se podílel na designu, rozvoji a hodnocení výkonu systému MELVYL[5] (online katalog pro univerzitu v Kalifornii).
Vydává publikace, které se zabývají oblastí hodnocení informačních systému a vyhledávání informací.


V průběhu vědecké kariéry se profesor Ray R. Larson zabýval projektem Sequoia 2000[6]. Zde se podílel na designu, hodnocení a informačním systému na podporu infomačních potřeb vědců studujících globální změny. Zabýval se výzkumem zaměřený na vyhledávání a získávání informací a na digitální knihovny, včetně toho, jak využít strukturu a obsah XML a jejich aplikaci na digitální knihovny.
Taktéž pracoval na hledání efektivního způsobu vyhledávání geografických informací ve vícejazyčném prostředí.
Pracoval projektu UC Berkeley Digital Library, což byl jeden z projektů digitálních knihoven, které byly sponzorované NSF, NASA a ARPA. Zde pracoval na informačním systému, který poskytoval informace ze životního prostředí.
Působil jako vedoucí výzkumný pracovník projektu Cheshire[7] , díky kterému byla rozvinuta další generace online katalogů a full textových vyhledávacích systémů.
Poslední práce na Cheshire systému byla podporována Mezinárodní digitální knihovnou grantem od NSF (National Science Foundation).
Projekty působily pod názvem: "Cross-Domain Resource Discovery: Integrated Discovery and Use of Textual, Numeric and Spatial Data". Taktéž se zabýval projekty sponzorovanými DARPA, jako byly: Search Support for Unfamiliar Metadata Vocabularies a Translingual Information Management Using Domain Ontologies. Taktéž se zabýval projektem podporovaným IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services) s názvem Seamless Searching Between Numeric and Text Resources.
Ve volném čase pracuje na projektech zabývající se bibliometrií a automatickými klasifikačními metodami[8].


Seznam publikací převzat z oficiální stránky Ray. R. Larsona[9].


  • Ray R. Larson "Design and Development of a Network-Based Electronic Library." In: Andersen, Deborah Lines; Galvin, Thomas J.; Giguere, Mark D. (Eds.) Navigating the Networks: Proceedings of the ASIS Midyear Meeting, Portland, Oregon May 21-25, 1994 (pp. 95-114). Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc., 1994. Online Preprint
  • Ray R. Larson, Ralph Moon, Jerome McDonough, Lucy Kuntz and Paul O'Leary. Cheshire II: Design and Evaluation of a Next-Generation Online Catalog System" IN: ASIS '95: Proceedings of the 58th ASIS Annual Meeting. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 1995. (p. 215-225). Online Preprint
  • Ray R. Larson, Christian Plaunt, Allison Gyle Woodruff and Marti A. Hearst. "The Sequoia 2000 Electronic Repository." Digital Technical Journal. 7(3), p. 50-65. Online Preprint.
  • Ray R. Larson. "Search Capabilities for Users of Digital Libraries: Tools and Paradigms" discussion paper from UCLA/NSF Digital Library workshop.
  • Ray R. Larson, "Geographic Information Retrieval and Spatial Browsing" IN: GIS and Libraries: Patrons, Maps and Spatial Information, edited by Linda Smith and Myke Gluck, Urbana-Champaign : University of Illinois, 1996. (p. 81-124). Online Preprint.
  • Ray R. Larson, "Bibliometrics of the World Wide Web: An Exploratory Analysis of the Intellectual Structure of Cyberspace." To appear in the Proceedings of the 1996 Annual ASIS Meeting, Baltimore. Online Preprint.

Disertační práce

  • Workload Characteristics and Computer System Utilization in Online Library Catalogs. (Ph.D. dissertation) University of California at Berkeley, March 1986. University Microfilms No. DA8624828.


  • "Monitoring and Evaluating MELVYL." (with Vicki Graham) Information Technology and Libraries. Volume 2, Number 1 (March 1983) pp. 93-104.
  • "Transaction Logs: Gathering Information about MELVYL." DLA Bulletin. Volume 4, Number 2 (October 1984) pp. 17-18.
  • "The Evolution of Information System Technologies: Trends and Prospects". Proceedings of the 1988 FID Conference, Helsinki, Finland. Also published in: Koskiala, S. and Launo, R., (Eds.) Information, Knowledge, Evolution. New York: North-Holland, 1989.
  • "Hypertext and Information Retrieval: Towards the Next Generation of Information Systems". In: Borgman, C. L. and Pai, E. Y. H. (Eds.) Information and Technology: Proceedings of the 51st ASIS Annual Meeting, Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc., 1988.
  • Yunhua Shi and Ray R. Larson. "Facilitating Chinese Character Entry and Information Retrieval Through Regular Expression Searching." Library and Information Science Research, vol. 11, 1989, pp. 335-355.
  • "An Automatic Method of Enhancing Topical Searching for Online Catalogs based on Classification Clustering." In The Annual Review of OCLC Research, July 1988 - June 1989. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., 1989.
  • "Managing Information Overload in Online Catalog Subject Searching". In: Katzer, J. and Newby, G. B. (Eds.) Managing Information and Technology: Proceedings of the 52nd ASIS Annual Meeting, Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc., 1989.
  • Yunhua Shi and Ray R. Larson "Chinese Online - Problems and Solutions." Information Technology and Libraries, v. 9 no. 2 (June 1990).
  • "CD-ROM Search Software: From Menus to Hypertext." In: Duggan, M. K. (Ed.) CD-ROM in the Library: Today and Tomorrow, New York: G.K. Hall, 1990.
  • "The Decline of Subject Searching: Long-Term Trends and Patterns of Index Use in an Online Catalog." Journal of the American Society for Information Science. vol. 42 no. 3, 1991, pp. 197-215.
  • "Classification Clustering, Probabilistic Information Retrieval and the Online Catalog." Library Quarterly, vol. 61, no. 2 (April), 1991, pp. 133-173.
  • "Between Scylla and Charybdis: Subject Searching in Online Catalogs." Advances in Librarianship, vol. 15, 1991, pp. 175-236.
  • "Rapid Prototyping and Code Generation for Direct Manipulation Interfaces". In: Martin Dillon, Ed. Interfaces for Information Retrieval and Online Systems. New York: Greenwood Press, 1991.
  • "Evaluation of Advanced Retrieval Techniques in an Experimental Online Catalog." Journal of the American Society for Information Science, v. 43 no. 1 (January 1992), pp. 34-53
  • "Experiments in Automatic Library of Congress Classification." Journal of the American Society for Information Science, v. 43 no. 2 (March 1992), pp. 130-148
  • Jolly Chen, Ray Larson, and Michael Stonebraker. "The Sequoia 2000 Object Browser." in Digest of papers, Compcon spring 1992 : San Francisco, California, February 24-28, 1992. Los Alamitos, Calif.: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1992.
  • Ray R. Larson "Design and Development of a Network-Based Electronic Library." In: Andersen, Deborah Lines; Galvin, Thomas J.; Giguere, Mark D. (Eds.) Navigating the Networks: Proceedings of the ASIS Midyear Meeting, Portland, Oregon May 21-25, 1994 (pp. 95-114). Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc., 1994.
  • Ray R. Larson, Ralph Moon, Jerome McDonough, Lucy Kuntz & Paul O'Leary. "Cheshire II: Design and Evaluation of a Next-Generation Online Catalog System" IN: ASIS '95: Proceedings of the 58th ASIS Annual Meeting. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 1995. (p. 215-225).
  • Ray R. Larson, Christian Plaunt, Allison Gyle Woodruff, Marti A. Hearst. "The Sequoia 2000 Electronic Repository." Digital Technical Journal. 7(3), p. 50-65.
  • Ray R. Larson, "Geographic Information Retrieval and Spatial Browsing" IN: GIS and Libraries: Patrons, Maps and Spatial Information, edited by Linda Smith and Myke Gluck, Urbana-Champaign : University of Illinois, 1996. (p. 81-124)
  • Ray R. Larson, Jerome McDonough, Lucy Kuntz, Paul O'Leary, and Ralph Moon, "Cheshire II: Designing a Next-Generation Online Catalog." Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 47(7) (July 1996), p. 555-567 .
  • Ray R. Larson, "Bibliometrics of the World Wide Web: An Exploratory Analysis of the Intellectual Structure of Cyberspace." To appear in the Proceedings of the 1996 Annual ASIS Meeting, Baltimore


  • Evaluating Public Access On-Line Catalogs: Phase I Development and Testing of Data Collection and Analysis Tools. Final Report to the Council on Library Resources. Berkeley, CA: Division of Library Automation. Office of the Assistant Vice President: Library Plans and Policies. University of California, July 1981.
  • Users Look at Online Catalogs: Part 2: Interacting with Online Catalogs. Final Report to the Council on Library Resources. Berkeley, CA: Division of Library Automation and Library Studies and Research Division. Office of the Assistant Vice President: Library Plans and Policies. University of California, April 29, 1983.
  • University of California, Division of Library Automation and Library Research and Analysis Group. Users Look at Online Catalogs: Results of a National Survey of Users and Non-Users of Online Public Access Catalogs. Final Report to the Council on Library Resources. Berkeley, CA: Office of the Asst. Vice President -- Library Plans and Policies, University of California Systemwide Administration, November 16, 1982. (Contributor)
  • University of California, Division of Library Automation and Library Research and Analysis Group. University of California Users Look at MELVYL: Results of a Survey of Users of the University of California Prototype Online Catalog. Final Report to the Council on Library Resources. Berkeley, CA: Office of the Asst. Vice President -- Library Plans and Policies, University of California Systemwide Administration, March 31, 1983. (Contributor)
  • "An Automatic Method of Enhancing Topical Searching for Online Catalogs Based on Classification Clustering." In The Annual Review of OCLC Research, July 1988 - June 1989. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., 1989.
  • Stonebraker, M. and Dozier, J. "Large Capacity Object Servers to Support Global Change Research." (Contributor). Sequoia 2000 Technical Report 91/1 July 1991. Berkeley: Sequoia 2000 Project, 1991.
  • Chen, J., Larson, R. and Stonebraker, M. "The Sequoia 2000 Object Browser," Sequoia 2000 Technical Report 91/4 December 1991. Berkeley: Sequoia 2000 Project, 1991
  • Larson, Ray R. "Design and Development of a Network-Based Electronic Library." Sequoia 2000 Technical Report s2k-94-54, July 1994. Berkeley: Sequoia 2000 Project, 1994.

Konference a přednášky

  • "Computer Literacy for Librarians." Microcomputers and Law Library Administration Applications Conference. Oct. 1985, San Francisco.
  • "The Evolving Microcomputer, An Introduction." San Francisco Bay Region Special Libraries Association Workshop. Jan. 1987, San Francisco.
  • "Transaction Monitor Design and Evaluation Methods." American Library Association MidWinter Meeting. Jan. 1987, Chicago.
  • "User Reactions to CD-ROM Database Searching." American Society for Information Science Mid-Year Meeting. May 1987, Kings Island, Ohio.
  • "The Evolution of Information System Technologies: Trends and Prospects". Presented at the 1988 FID (International Federation for Information and Documentation) Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
  • "The Decline of Subject Searching in Online Public Access Catalogs: Causes and Remedies". Presented at the 1988 ALA Annual Meeting, New Orleans. (Later, revised version submitted for publication)
  • "Hypertext and Information Retrieval: Towards the Next Generation of Information Systems". American Society for Information Science 51st Annual Meeting (1988), Atlanta.
  • "Rapid Prototyping and Code Generation for Direct Manipulation Interfaces". Presented at the 1989 American Society for Information Science Mid-Year Meeting, San Diego.
  • "CD-ROM Search Software: From Menus to Hypertext." Presented at CD-ROM in the Library: Today and Tomorrow, a workshop sponsored by University of California Extension and the School of Library and Information Studies. August 1989, Berkeley.
  • "Managing information overload in online catalog subject searching." Presented at the 1989 American Society for Information Science 52st Annual Meeting.
  • "Interface 2000: New Technologies for User Interaction" (session organizer and chair) panel session presented at the American Society for Information Science 1990 Annual Meeting, Toronto, Nov 7, 1990.
  • "Virtual Reality" (session organizer and chair) panel session presented at the American Society for Information Science 1991 Mid-Year Meeting, San Jose, Apr 27, 1991.
  • "Interaction with Multimedia Systems" (session organizer and chair) panel session presented at the American Society for Information Science 1991 Mid-Year Meeting, San Jose, Apr 27, 1991.
  • "Training the User vs. Training the System." presented at panel session presented at the American Society for Information Science 1991 Mid-Year Meeting, San Jose, Apr 28, 1991.
  • "Subject Retrieval for OPACS." Presented at the User Interfaces for Online Public Access Catalogs research workshop, Library of Congress, November 1, 1991.
  • "Sequoia 2000: Computer and Information Sciences Applied to Global Change Research." Presented at the American Society for Information Science 1992 Mid-Year Meeting, Albuquerque, May 29, 1992.
  • "Subject Synergy: Combining Topical Indicators in an Online Environment" Presented at the Rethinking Subject Access Workshop (sponsored by the California Library Association), Berkeley, July 31, 1992.
  • "Enriched Records and Smart Systems: Expanded Subject Access in an Online Environment" Presented at the Subject Access in an Online Environment Workshop (Sponsored by the Northern California Technical Processes Group), Fremont, CA, April 30, 1993.
  • "Image Storage, Retrieval, Manipulation and Visualization in the Sequoia 2000 Project." Presented at the American Society for Information Science Mid-Year Meeting, Knoxville, Tenn., May 1993.
  • "User Interfaces for Online Public Access Catalog Systems: A Research Workshop." (Chair and organizer) Held in conjunction with the ACM/SIGIR Annual Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Pittsburgh, PA, July 1, 1993.
  • "Design and Development of a Network-Based Electronic Library." (Plenary Session). Presented at the American Society for Information Science Mid-Year Meeting, Portland, Oregon, May 24, 1994.
  • "Geographic Data and Access in Sequoia 2000." Presented at the American Society for Information Science Mid-Year Meeting, Portland, Oregon, May 24, 1994.
  • "Intelligent Information Retrieval Using Controlled Vocabulary in MARC Records." Presented at the LITA/ALCTS Authority Control Interest Group at the American Library Association Annual Meeting) Miami, Florida, June 26, 1994.
  • "DBMS-IR Integration in POSTGRES." Presented at the ACM/SIGIR Annual International Conference on Research on Information Retrieval. Dublin, Ireland, July 4, 1994.
  • "Cheshire II" Presented at User Interfaces for Online Public Access Systems: A Research Workshop (III). Held at the Library of Congress, Oct. 21, 1994.
  • "Geographic Information Retrieval and Spatial Browsing." Presented at the GIS and Libraries: 32nd Annual Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing conference. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 13, 1995.
  • "Cheshire II" presented at the American Library Association Meeting, "Beyond Boolean: Advanced Interfaces to Information Databases" session sponsored by the LITA, Artificial Intelligence / Expert Systems Interest Group and the LITA, Human / Machine Interface Interest Group. Chicago, June 27, 1995.
  • "Cheshire II: Demonstration of a Next-Generation Online Catalog System" Presented at the ACM/SIGIR Annual International Conference on Information Retrieval. Seattle, July 10, 1995.
  • "Automatic Classification" (session chair) Presented at the ACM/SIGIR Annual International Conference on Information Retrieval. Seattle, July 13, 1995.
  • Clifford Lynch, Ray R. Larson (Chairs). "Z39.50 and the IR Research Community: A Research Workshop." Presented at the ACM/SIGIR Annual International Conference on Information Retrieval. Seattle, July 13, 1995.
  • "The UC Berkeley Environmental Digital Library." Presented at the American Society for Information Science Annual Meeting, Chicago, October 9, 1995.
  • "Cheshire II: The Next-Generation Online Catalog" (Advanced Information Retrieval Systems: System Design and Significance of Interfaces Session). Presented at the American Society for Information Science Annual Meeting, Chicago, October 10, 1995.
  • "Cheshire II: The Next-Generation Online Catalog" (Systems for Information Exploration and Retrieval: Demonstration of Research Prototypes Session). Presented at the American Society for Information Science Annual Meeting, Chicago, October 10, 1995.
  • "Distance Education for Information Science." (Chair) Presented at the American Society for Information Science Annual Meeting, Chicago, October 12, 1995.
  • "Cheshire II: Design and Evaluation of a Next-Generation Online Catalog System." (Contributed papers: System Design Session) Presented at the American Society for Information Science Annual Meeting, Chicago, October 12, 1995.
  • "Information Access in the Global Electronic Library" Presented at Electronic Library: Administrative Issues for Organization & Access, Sponsored by Association for Library Collections and Technical Services, Boston, April 26-27, 1996.
  • "Bibliometrics of the World Wide Web: An Exploratory Analysis of the Intellectual Structure of Cyberspace." To be presented at the 1996 Annual ASIS Meeting, Baltimore, Oct. 19-24, 1996.
  • "Electronic Texts on the Internet" To be presented at the 1996 Annual ASIS Meeting, Baltimore, Oct. 19-24, 1996.
  • "Planning Curricula for the Information Professionals of the 21st Century" To be presented at the 1996 Annual ASIS Meeting, Baltimore, Oct. 19-24, 1996.


  • Review of Hypertext Hands-On By Ben Shneiderman and Greg Kearsley. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 41(8) December 1990, p.612.
  • Review of Mirror Worlds, or, The day software puts the universe in a shoebox ... How it will happen, and what it will mean, By David Gelernter. College and Research Libraries, 53(4) July 1992.
  • Review of Using Subject Headings for Online Retrieval: Theory, Practice, and Potential., by K. M. Drabenstott, and D. Vizine-Goetz. Information processing and management, 31(3), 1994, pp. 450-451.
  • Review of ARCView 2.0d for Windows. The Geographic Information System for Everyone, Library Quarterly, 66(3) July 1996. pp. 313-315.

Abstrakt článku s názvem: Design and Development of a Network-Based Electronic Library

Článek popisuje návrh a vývoj elektronické knihovny, ve které by se nacházely různé technické zprávy a literatura. E-knihovna se nacházela ve fázi vývoje na Kalifornské univerzitě v Berkeley. Cílem bylo uživatelům zpřístupnit veškerý text a naskenovat obrázky stránek všech technických zpráv, týkající se matematické (počítačové) informatiky do lokálně propojených serverů v síti se společným vyhledávacím protokolem. Bylo třeba použít tento distribuovaný systém virtuální knihovny CSTR (Computer Science Technical Reports Project), protože nebylo možné schraňovat všechna data na jednom místě. Taktéž bylo nutné virtuální knihovnu rozdělit na různě velká úložiště.
Souběžně se zavedením technických zpráv a literatury se pracovalo na projektu Sequoia 2000, což je výzkumný projekt, který se zaměřuje na správu vědeckých údajů o globálních klimatických změnách a zveřejňování multimediálních dat.
Hlavní důležitou věcí pro ukládání a vyhledávání informací v knihovně byl databázový systém Postgres, který čerpal ze systému DBMS.
Článek popisuje na jakém principu Postgres indexuje obsah, a jak funguje jeho algoritmus přístupu z úložišť.
Článek zmiňuje i některé vědecké otázky týkající se designu, efektivity vyhledávání, zlepšení přístupu k informacím, organizaci dat a vytvoření komunikační sítě knihovny.
Na závěr uvádí, že potřeba distribuovaných knihoven je nevyhnutelná a je třeba pracovat na technologiích, kteří uživatelům usnadní získávaní dat a vytvoří jim mnoho terabitovou sbírku databází.[10]


  1. Ray Larson. Berkley: School of Information [online]. [cit. 2016-05-17].Dostupné z: http://www.ischool.berkeley.edu/people/faculty/raylarson
  2. Ray Larson. Berkley: School of Information [online]. [cit. 2016-04-17]. Dostupné z: http://www.ischool.berkeley.edu/people/faculty/raylarson
  3. Ray R. Larson [online]. [cit. 2016-04-17]. Dostupné z: http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~ray/
  4. Short biography. Ray R. Larson [online]. [cit. 2016-04-17]. Dostupné z: http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~ray/biography.html
  5. Ray Larson. Berkley: School of Information [online]. [cit. 2016-04-17]. Dostupné z: http://www.ischool.berkeley.edu/people/faculty/raylarson
  6. Research Project. Ray R. Larson [online]. [cit. 2016-04-17]. Dostupné z: http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~ray/projects.html
  7. Research Project. Ray R. Larson [online]. [cit. 2016-04-17]. Dostupné z: http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~ray/projects.html
  8. Research Project. Ray R. Larson [online]. [cit. 2016-04-17]. Dostupné z: http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~ray/projects.html
  9. Publications. Ray R. Larson [online]. [cit. 2016-04-17]. Dostupné z: http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~ray/papers.html
  10. LARSON, Ray R. Design Development of a Network-Based Electronic Library [online].[cit. 2016-05-17]. Dostupné z: https://sherlock.ischool.berkeley.edu/diglib/asis.html


Melvyl. University of California: California Digital Library [online]. [cit. 2016-04-17]. Dostupné z: http://www.cdlib.org/services/d2d/melvyl/
Ray Larson. Berkley: School of Information [online]. [cit. 2016-04-17]. Dostupné z: http://www.ischool.berkeley.edu/people/faculty/raylarson
Research Project. Ray R. Larson [online]. [cit. 2016-04-17]. Dostupné z: http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~ray/projects.html
Publications. Ray R. Larson [online]. [cit. 2016-04-17]. Dostupné z: http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~ray/papers.html
Ray Larson. Berkley: School of Information [online]. [cit. 2016-05-11]. Dostupné z: http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~ray/rrl_newer.jpg
LARSON, Ray R. Design Development of a Network-Based Electronic Library [online].[cit. 2016-05-17]. Dostupné z: https://sherlock.ischool.berkeley.edu/diglib/asis.html