Lisa M. Given

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Lisa M. Given absolvovala knihovnictví a informační studia na University of Western Ontario v Londýně, kde získala titul Ph.D. (2001). V současné době působí na Charles Sturt University v Novém Jižním Welsu v Austrálii. Pracovní nabídku obdržela dokonce ještě před tím, než obhájila své teze. Lisa Given získala definitivu a titul Ph.D. v rekordním čase. Vše se jí podařilo před dosažením čtyřicátého roku života.

Lisa M. Given


  • 2001 Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy), Library and Information Science

Fakulta informačních a mediálních studií University of Western Ontario, London ON, Canada. Dizertační práce na téma: The Social Construction of the ‘Mature Student’ Identity: Effects and Implications for Academic Information Behaviours (December 2000). Vedoucí práce: Dr. Gloria J. Leckie.

  • 1996 M.L.I.S. (Master of Library and Information Science)

Absolvent Informačních studií a knihovnictví University of Western Ontario, London ON, Canada.

  • 1994 B.Ed. (Bachelor of Education)

Obdržení certifikátu: Ontario Teacher’s Certificate, Junior-Intermediate (English) Pedagogická fakulta University of Western Ontario, London ON, Canada.

  • 1993 B.A. Hons. (Honours Bachelor of Arts), English Language & Literature

Filozofická fakulta, Oddělení anglického jazyka University of Western Ontario, London ON, Canada.

Pracovní pozice

Lisa M. Given je Professor oboru informačních vědy a členem výzkumného ústavu pro odbornou praxi, vzdělávání a výchovu (Research Institute for Professional Practice, Learning and Education) na Charles Sturt University (Pedagogická fakulta, Wagga Wagga). Je také Adjunct Professor Humanities Computing (Filozofická fakulta, University of Alberta, Canada) a Educational Policy Studies (Pedagogická fakulta, University of Alberta, Canada). Lisa M. Given je dále bývalou ředitelkou (a nyní významným členem) Mezinárodního institutu pro kvalitativní metodologii (International Institute for Qualitative Methodology), má granty od Výzkumné rady společenských a humanitních věd v Kanadě (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada - SSHRC), Kanadského ústavu pro výzkum zdraví (The Canadian Institutes for Health Research - CIHR) a od dalších institucí. Získala řadu ocenění v oblasti výzkumu a je autorkou mnoha publikací na témata, která souvisejí s informačním chováním jednotlivců a kvalitativním šetřením. Je také členem představensta Kanadského institutu pro výzkum v oblasti výpočetní techniky a umění (The Canadian Institute for Research in Computing and the Arts - CIRCA).

Akademické pozice

  • 2012-2014 Výzkum vyššího stupně a koordinátor

School of Information Studies Faculty of Education, Charles Sturt University Wagga Wagga NSW, Australia

School of Library and Information Studies

  • 2010 Výkonný ředitel

School of Library and Information Studies (červen-srpen)

School of Library and Information Studies

  • 2000-2004 Absolvent

School of Library and Information Studies

  • Odborný asistent

School of Library and Information Studies University of Alberta – Faculty of Education, Edmonton AB, Canada

  • 2011 Výkonný ředitel

Humanities Computing Program

Humanities Computing Program University of Alberta – Faculty of Arts, Edmonton AB, Canada

  • 2007-2009 Ředitel

International Institute for Qualitative Methodology

  • 2003-2007 Vědec

International Institute for Qualitative Methodology University of Alberta – Faculty of Nursing, Edmonton AB, Canada


  • 2010 Martha Cook Piper Research Prize

Ocenění University of Alberta za vědecké úspěchy. Seznam oceněných vědců od roku 1998.

  • 2010 Young Alumni Award of Merit

Ocenění pro absolventy, kteří významným způsobem přispěli rozvoji svého oboru nebo komunity. Seznam oceněných vědců.

  • 2010 Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) – Methodology Paper Award

Ocenění za mapování uživatelských aktivit v knihovnách (spoluautorka Heather Archibald).

  • 2004 Coutts-Clarke Research Fellowship

Ocenění University of Alberta za pojmový model pro efektivní data management.

  • 2002 Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) – Methodology Paper Award

Ocenění za práci - Data preparation using the principles of knowledge organization: A guiding model for quantitative, qualitative and textual research methodologies (spoluautor Hope_A._Olson).

Členství v organizacích

  • Pedagogy, Education and Praxis (PEP)

Výzkumná skupina spadající pod projekt RIPPLE (Research Institute for Professional Practice, Learning and Education). Skupina PEP je součástí mezinárodní spolupráce mezi vědci z Nizozemí, Švédska, Norska, Finska a Velké Británie.



  • GIVEN, Lisa M, Gloria J LECKIE a John BUSCHMAN. Critical theory for library and information science: exploring the social from across the disciplines. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Libraries Unlimited, c2010, xxii, 326 p. ISBN 978-159-1589-402.(Google books)
  • GIVEN, Lisa M., Lisa M GIVEN a John BUSCHMAN. Constructing a 'mature student' identity: implications for academic information behaviours in the university context. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2009, xxii, 326 p. ISBN 978-363-9155-150.(Google books)
  • GIVEN, Lisa M, Lisa M GIVEN a John BUSCHMAN. The Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods: implications for academic information behaviours in the university context. Los Angeles, Calif.: Sage Publications, c2008, 2 v. ISBN 978-141-2941-631.(Google books)
  • GIVEN, Lisa M. Constructing a 'mature student' identity: implications for academic information behaviours in the university context. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2009. ISBN 978-363-9155-150.(Google books)

Články v odborných časopisech

  • Forcier, Eric, Dinesh Rathi, and Lisa M. Given. 2013. “Knowledge management and social media: A case study of two public libraries in Canada.” Journal of Information and Knowledge Management 12(4).(Full text)
  • Julien, Heidi, Lisa M. Given, and Anna Opryshko. 2013. “Photovoice: A promising method for studies of individuals’ information practices.” Library and Information Science Research 35(4):257-263.
  • Danby, Susan, Christina Davidson, Maryanne Theobald, Brooke Scriven, Charlotte Cobb-Moore, Sandy Houen, Sandra Grant, Lisa M. Given, and Karen Thorpe. 2013. “Talk in activity during young children’s use of digital technologies at home.” Australian Journal of Communication 40(2):83-100.
  • Schindel, Theresa J., and Lisa M. Given. 2013. “The pharmacist as prescriber: A discourse analysis of Canadian newspaper media.” Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 9(4):384-395. (Full text)
  • Hamm, Michele P., Annabritt Chisholm, Jocelyn Shulhan, Andrea Milne, Shannon D. Scott, Lisa M. Given, and Lisa Hartling. 2013. “Social media use among patients and caregivers: a scoping review.” BMJ Open 3:e002819. (Full text)
  • Hicks, Deborah, and Lisa M. Given. 2013. “‘Principled, transformational leadership:’ Analysing the discourse of leadership in the development of core competences of librarianship.” Library Quarterly 83 (1): 7-25.
  • Smith, Jorden K., Lisa M. Given, Heidi Julien, Dana Ouellette, and Kathleen DeLong. 2013. “Information literacy proficiency: Assessing the gap in high school students’ readiness for undergraduate academic work.” Library and Information Science Research 35 (2): 88-96.
  • Willson, Rebekah, and Lisa M. Given. 2010. “The effect of spelling and information retrieval system familiarity on search behavior in Online Public Access Catalogs: A mixed methodology study.” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 61(12):2461-2476. (Full text)
  • Given, Lisa M., and Lianne McTavish. 2010. “What’s old is new again: The reconvergence of libraries, museums and archives in the digital age.”Library Quarterly [special issue on digital convergence] 80, no. 1:7-32.(Full text)
  • Meert, Deborah, and Lisa M. Given. 2009. “Measuring quality in chat reference consortia: A comparative analysis of responses to users’ queries.” College & Research Libraries 70, no.1: 71-84. [Selected for inclusion in the 2009 Reference Research Review, published by the American Library Association’s Reference and User Services Association. (Full text)
  • Given, Lisa M., Stan Ruecker, Heather Simpson, Elizabeth (Bess) Sadler, and Andrea Ruskin. 2007. "Inclusive interface design for seniors: Image-browsing for a health information context." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 58, no. 11:1610-1617. (Full text)
  • Ruecker, Stan, Lisa M. Given, Heather Simpson, Elizabeth (Bess) Sadler, and Andrea Ruskin. 2007. "Design of a rich-prospect browsing interface for seniors: A qualitative study of image similarity clustering." Visible Language41, no. 1:4-22. (Full text)
  • Given, Lisa M. 2007. "Evidence-based practice and qualitative research: A primer for library and information professionals." Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 2, no.1:15-22. (Full text)
  • Sadler, Elizabeth (Bess), and Lisa M. Given. 2007. "Affordance theory: A framework for graduate students’ information behaviors." Journal of Documentation 63, no.1:115-141. (Full text)
  • Morrissey, Reneé, and Lisa M. Given. 2006. "International students and the academic library: A case study." Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 30, no.3/4:221-239. (Full text)
  • Given, Lisa M. 2006. "Qualitative research in evidence-based practice: A valuable partnership." Library Hi-Tech: Evidence-based Librarianship 24, no. 3: 376-386. (Full text)
  • Given, Lisa M., and Heidi Julien. 2005. "Finding common ground: An analysis of librarians’ expressed attitudes towards faculty." The Reference Librarian 43, no. 89/90:25-38. [Published simultaneously as a book chapter]. (Full text)
  • Saumure, Kristie, and Lisa M. Given. 2004. “Digitally enhanced? An examination of the information behaviours of visually impaired postsecondary students.” Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 28, no. 2:25-42. (Full text)
  • Given, Lisa M., and Gloria J. Leckie. 2003. “‘Sweeping’ the library: Mapping the social activity space of the public library.” Library & Information Science Research 25, no. 4:365-385. (Full text)
  • Julien, Heidi, and Lisa M. Given. 2003. “Faculty-librarian relationships in the information literacy context: A content analysis of librarians’ expressed attitudes and opinions.” Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 27, no. 3: 65-87. (Full text)
  • Given, Lisa M., and Hope A. Olson. 2003. “Knowledge organization in research: A conceptual model for organizing data.” Library & Information Science Research 25, no. 2:157-176. (Full text)
  • Olson, Hope A., and Lisa M. Given. 2003. “Indexing and the ‘organized’ researcher.” The Indexer 23, no.3:129-133. (Full text)
  • Given, Lisa M. 2002. “Discursive constructions in the university context: Social positioning theory & mature undergraduates’ information behaviours.” The New Review of Information Behaviour Research: Studies of Information Seeking in Context 3:127-141. (Full text)
  • Given, Lisa M. 2002. “The academic and the everyday: Investigating the overlap in mature undergraduates’ information-seeking behaviors.” Library & Information Science Research 24, no. 1:17-29. (Full text)
  • Given, Lisa M. 2000. “Envisioning the mature, re-entry student: Constructing new identities in the traditional university setting.” The Reference Librarian 33, no. 69/70:79-93. [Published simultaneously as a book chapter]. (Full text)

Další publikace

Encyklopedická hesla

  • Given, Lisa M. 2008. “Qualitative research methods.” In The Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology, edited by Neil J. Salkind, 827-831. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Saumure, Kristie, and Lisa M. Given. 2008. “Convenience sample.” In The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods, edited by Lisa M. Given, 124-125. Thousand Oaks,CA: Sage Publications.
  • Saumure, Kristie, and Lisa M. Given. 2008. “Data saturation.” In The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods, edited by Lisa M. Given, 195-196. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Saumure, Kristie, and Lisa M. Given. 2008. “Forum: Qualitative Social Research (Journal).” In The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods, edited by Lisa M. Given, 354-355. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Saumure, Kristie, and Lisa M. Given. 2008. “Non-probability sampling.” In The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods, edited by Lisa M. Given, 562-563. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Saumure, Kristie, and Lisa M. Given. 2008. “Population.” In The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods, edited by Lisa M. Given, 643-644. Thousand Oaks,CA: Sage Publications.
  • Saumure, Kristie, and Lisa M. Given. 2008. “Virtual Research.” In The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods, edited by Lisa M. Given, 926-929. Thousand Oaks,CA: Sage Publications.
  • Given, Lisa M. 2006. “American Statistical Association.” In Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics, edited by Neil J. Salkind, 26-27. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Given, Lisa M. 2006. “Descriptive research.” In Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics, edited by Neil J. Salkind, 250-253. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Given, Lisa M. 2006. “National Science Foundation.” In Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics, edited by Neil J. Salkind, 678-679. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Knižní recenze

  • Given, Lisa M. 2005. Review of Learning, culture and community in online education: Research and practice, edited by Caroline Haythornthwaite and Michelle M. Kazmer. Journal of Distance Education 20, no. 2: 88-90.
  • Given, Lisa M. 2003. Review of Sorting out the web: Approaches to subject access, by Candy Schwartz. Knowledge Organization 30, no.1:45-46.
  • Given, Lisa M. 2002. Review of Libraries without walls 4: The delivery of library services to distant users, edited by Peter Brophy, Shelagh Fisher and Zoe Clarke. Journal of Distance Education 17, no.2:112-115.
  • Given, Lisa M. 2000. Review of Exploring the contexts of information behaviour: Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on research in information needs, seeking and use in different contexts, Sheffield, 1998, edited by Thomas D. Wilson and David K. Allen. Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 25, 2/3: 61-62.


  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Ethics Special Working Committee. 2008. Investigating student learning related to racism [A web-based tutorial for the Tri-Council Policy Statement, Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans]. Includes translation: Étude sur l’apprentissage des élèves concernant la lutte contre le racisme. Ottawa: Interagency Advisory Panel and Secretariat on Research Ethics.
  • Given, Lisa M. 2007. Walking the tightrope: Work/life balance in academe.Academic Women’s Association Newsletter – Spring. University of Alberta.
  • Given, Lisa M. 2000. The social construction of the ‘mature student’ identity: Effects and implications for academic information behaviours. London ON:University of Western Ontario. Unpublished dissertation.
