Jonathan Furner
Jonathan Furner je informační vědec, norwichský rodák, profesor a vedoucí Katedry informačních studií na University of California v Los Angeles. Zabývá se filozofií textů, kulturní informatikou, bibliometrií, teoretickými základy služeb poskytujících přistup k textům, obrázkům a dalším kulturním artefaktům, dále se zabývá informační etikou nebo metadaty. [1] Vyučuje reprezentaci a organizaci archiválií, knihovních materiálů a muzejních objektů. Vydal více než padesát dokumentů o těchto a souvisejících tématech, často využívá pojmové analýzy k vyhodnocení teoretických rámců, datových modelů a standardů metadat, na které přístupové informace systémů spoléhají.[2]
Jonathan Furner | |
Norwich, Anglie | |
Datum a místo úmrtí |
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Los Angeles | |
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Vzdělání | University of Cambridge; University of Sheffield |
Pracoviště | University of California |
{{{oceneni}}} | |
Známý pro |
Dosažené vzdělání[3]
Ph.D. z Informačních studií
Úspěchy a ocenění[16]
- UCLA Fakulta pro postgraduální studium vzdělávání a informačních studií, cena Harolda a Lois Haytin za mimořádný výzkum ve výuce a učení [17] (Los Angeles, Kalifornie, září 2009).
- Pozvaný hlavní řečník na ISKO 2008: 10. mezinárodní konference Mezinárodní společnosti pro organizaci znalostí[18](Montréal, Kanada, srpen 2008).
- UCLA Office of Residential Life’s Faculty-in-Residence of the Year Award (Los Angeles, Kalifornie, červen 2008).
- UCLA Katedra informačních studií a knihovnictví cena pro význačného učitele.[19] O ceně[20]: Jedno z nejvyšších vyznamenání udělovaných Akademickým senátem. Ocenění se uděluje akademicky a profesionálně kultivovaných jedincům, kteří přinášejí uznaní a dělají čest učitelskému povolání. Komise vybere příjemce z nominací od kolegů a vedoucích napříč kampusem.[21] (Los Angeles, Kalifornie, září 2004).
- UCLA Cena kancléře úřadu fakulty profesního rozvoje[22] (Los Angeles, Kalifornie, červenec 2001).
- Společnost pro výzkum vysokoškolského vzdělávání, cena pro mladého výzkumníka[23] (Londýn, Anglie, říjen 1996).
- University of Sheffield, Dawsonova cena za informační management[24] (Sheffield, Anglie, září 1991).
Význam pro informační vědu
Tvrdí, že informační věda není vědou a ani se primárně nezabývá informacemi.[25] Dle jeho názoru je koncept informace v informačních studiích nepotřebný, protože ve všech oblastech zájmu lze použít jiná, dohodnutá označení.
Jednou z oblastí jeho zájmu je philosophy of cultural stewardship, což lze přeložit jako kulturní správce filosofie či filozofie kulturního správcovství. Stará se o zachování hodnot kulturních děl, objektů a akcí. Zabývá se do hloubky základy vlastnotí kulturních děl a snaží se porozumnět podstatě interakce mezi správcem, kulturními zdroji v jejich péči a kontextu, ve kterém správcovství má své místo. Správce studuje teorie hodnot děl, snaží se rozlišovat mezi informační, důkazní, inspirativní hodnotou a hodnotou zábavy, transformace. Snaží se zjistit, co takový správce může dělat, co má dělat a stejně tak, co vlastně dělá.
Náplň práce kulturního správce je možnost získávání a přijímání kulturních zdrojů, budování a rozvíjení sbírek a jejich uchovávání. Navrhování, vyvíjení a vyhodnocování nástrojů a systémů, které pomáhají lidem dělat si co chtějí s věcimi a zároveň nad tím mít dohled. Může dělat výzkum v oblasti uživatelských zájmů v oblasti kultury a zasahovat do oblasti systémů designu a lidí, kteří mají zájem se dozvědět víc o různých věcech. Mnoho členů LAM (knihovny, archivy, muzea) obce jsou kulturní správci. Často jsou členy dalších odborných komunit.
Členství ve společnostech a organizacích[27]
Mezinárodní/Nadnárodní organizace
- Mezinárodní centrum pro informační etiku[28] (ICIE; od roku 2006 - současnost).
- Mezinárodní rada muzeí(ICOM; 2006-2010) a její mezinárodní komise pro dokumentaci (CIDOC; od roku 2006 - do 2010).
- Mezinárodní federace knihovnických institucí a organizací (IFLA; 2007-2008) a její třídící a indexní sekce (CI; 2007-2008).
- Mezinárodní společnost pro organizaci znalostí (ISKO; 2000 - současnost).
- Americká asociace muzeí (AAM; 2006-2010).
- Asociace amerických knihoven (ALA; 1998-současnost), Asociace pro knihovní sbírky a technické služby(ALCTS; 1998-současnost) a pro vysokoškolské a vědecké knihovny (ACRL; 2003-2006,
2007-2008), a Kulatý stůl knihovní historie (Podporuje výzkum a zveřejňovaní historie knihoven a také informovanost a diskuzi o historických otázkách knihovnictví.[29](LHRT; 2003-současnost) a sociální odpovědnost (SRRT; 2003-současnost). - Americká společnost pro estetiku(ASA; 2003-současnost).
- Americká společnost pro informační vědu & technologie (ASIS&T; dříve ASIS; 1995-současnost), její Los Angeleská kapitola (LACASIS; 1998-současnost), a její speciální zájmové skupiny o klasifikační výzkum (SIG/CR; 1998-současnost) a Základy a historie informační vědy (SIG/HFIS; 1998-současnost).
- Společnost knihoven umění Severní Ameriky (ARLIS/NA; 2006-2011) a její kapitola v Jižní Kalifornii(ARLIS/SC; 2008-2011).
- Sdružení pro výpočetní a humanitní obory[30] (2005-2006, 2010).
- Sdružení pro nahrané zvukové sbírky [31](2013-současnost).
- Sdružení archivářů pohyblivých obrazů [32] (2011-současnost).
- Společnost pro textovou učenost [33] (2010-současnost).
- Společnost pro dějiny autorství, čtení a publikování [34](2005-2006, 2011-současnost).
- Společnost amerických archivářů (SAA; 2008-) a její sekce vizuální materiálů (VM; 2008-současnost).
- Sdružení vizuálních zdrojů(VRA; 2006-2010) a kapitola v Jižní Kalifornii (VRA/SC; 2007-2010).
- Statutární Institut knihovnických a informačních profesionálů (CILIP; 2002-2010), a její Speciální zájmové skupiny o katalogizaci a indexování[35] (CIG; 2002-2010) a historii knihoven a informací [36] (LIHG; 2002-2010).
- Výzkumná skupina klasifikace[37] (CRG; 1997-současnost).
Publikace [38]
Články v odborných časopisech[39]
- Furner, J. (2015). Information science is neither. Library Trends.
- Furner, J. (2012). FRSAD and the ontology of subjects of works. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 50(5-7), 494-516.
- Furner, J. (2009). Forty years of the Journal of Librarianship and Information Science: A quantitative analysis, Part I. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 41(3), 149-172.
- Srinivasan, R., Boast, R., Furner, J., & Becvar, K. M. (2009). Digital museums and diverse cultural knowledges: Moving past the traditional catalog. The Information Society, 25(4), 265-278.
- Srinivasan, R., Boast, R., Becvar, K. M., & Furner, J. (2009). Blobgects: Digital museum catalogs and diverse user communities. Journal of the American Society for Information Science
and Technology, 60(4), 666-678.
- Furner, J. (2009). Interrogating identity: A philosophical approach to an enduring issue in knowledge organization. Knowledge Organization, 36(1), 3-16.* [Keynote speech delivered at the 10th International Conference of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (Montréal, Canada, August 5-8, 2008). Abstracted in C. Arsenault & J. T. Tennis (Eds.),Culture and identity in knowledge organization: Proceedings of the Tenth International ISKO Conference, p. 1. Würzburg, Germany: Ergon.] Furner | Curriculum Vitae | furner-cv130603 | June 3, 2013 | 4
- Furner, J. (2008). User tagging of library resources: Toward a framework for system evaluation. International Cataloguing & Bibliographic Control, 37(3), 47-51. [Paper presented at the 73rd IFLA General Conference and Council (Durban, South Africa, August 19-23, 2007).]
- Furner, J. (2007 [published 2008]). Dewey deracialized: A critical race-theoretic perspective. Knowledge Organization, 34(3), 144-168.
- Zucker, L. G., Darby, M. R., Furner, J., Liu, R. C., & Ma, H. (2007). Minerva unbound: Knowledge stocks, knowledge flows, and new knowledge production. Research Policy, 36(6), 850-863. [Preprint available as National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 12669.]
- Furner, J. (2004 [published 2006]). Conceptual analysis: A method for understanding information as evidence, and evidence as information. Archival Science, 4(3/4), 233-265.
- Furner, J. (2004). “A brilliant mind”: Margaret Egan and social epistemology. Library Trends, 52(4), 792-809.
- Furner, J. (2004). Information studies without information. Library Trends, 52(3), 427-446.*
- Furner, J. (2003). Little book, big book: Before and after Little science, big science: A review article, Part II. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 35(3), 189-201.
- Furner, J. (2003). Little book, big book: Before and after Little science, big science: A review article, Part I. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 35(2), 115-125.
- Furner, J. (2002). On recommending. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(9), 747-763.
- Furner, J. (2002). Shera’s social epistemology recast as psychological bibliology. Social Epistemology, 16(1), 5-22.
- Furner, J., Ellis, D., & Willett, P. (1999). Inter-linker consistency in the manual construction of hypertext documents. ACM Computing Surveys, 31(4es) [On-line supplement], article no. 18. Available:
- Ellis, D., Ford, N. J., & Furner, J. (1998). In search of the unknown user: Indexing, hypertext and the World Wide Web. Journal of Documentation, 54, 28-47.
- Ellis, D., Furner, J., & Willett, P. (1996). On the creation of hypertext links in full-text documents: Measurement of retrieval effectiveness. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 47, 287-300.
- Furner, J., & Willett, P. (1995). A survey of hypertext-based public-access point-of-information systems in United Kingdom libraries. Journal of Information Science, 21, 243-255.
- Ellis, D., Furner-Hines, J., & Willett, P. (1994). On the creation of hypertext links in full-text documents: Measurement of inter-linker consistency. Journal of Documentation, 50, 67-98.
- Ellis, D., Furner-Hines, J., & Willett, P. (1993). Measuring the degree of similarity between objects in text retrieval systems. Perspectives in Information Management, 3, 128-149.
Články ve vydaných pracích [40]
- Furner, J. & Gilliland, A. (in preparation). Archival IR: A review of the application of information retrieval approaches in archival studies research. In A. Gilliland, A. Lau, & S. McKemmish (Eds.), The archival multiverse.
- Furner, J. (in press). The ethics of evaluative bibliometrics. In B. Cronin & C. Sugimoto (Eds.),Bibliometrics and beyond: Metrics-based evaluation of scholarly research. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Furner, J. (2013). Information without information studies. In F. Ibekwe-SanJuan & T. M. Dousa (Eds.), Theories of information, communication and knowledge: A multidisciplinary approach. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
- Furner, J. (2010). Philosophy and information studies. In B. Cronin (Ed.), Annual review of information science and technology: Vol. 44 (pp. 161-200). Medford, NJ: Information Today. Furner | Curriculum Vitae | furner-cv130603 | June 3, 2013 | 5
- Furner, J. (2010). Philosophy and the information sciences. In M. J. Bates (Ed.), Encyclopedia of library and information sciences, 3rd ed. (pp. 4153-4165). New York: Taylor & Francis.
- Furner, J. (2010). Folksonomies. In M. J. Bates (Ed.), Encyclopedia of library and information sciences, 3rd ed. (pp. 1858-1866). New York: Taylor and Francis.
- Furner, J. (2009). Bibliographic classification. In A. Iriye & P.-Y. Saunier (Eds.), The Palgrave dictionary of transnational history: From the mid-19th century to the present day. London: Palgrave Macmillan.*
- Furner, J. (2006). Análisis conceptual: Un método para comprender la información como evidencia, y la evidencia como información. [Translation of #8, above.] In A. Gilliland & S. McKemmish (Eds.), Nuevos métodos de investigación en archivística (pp. 99-132). Cartagena, Spain: Concejalía de Cultura / 3000 Informática.
- Borgman, C. L., & Furner, J. (2002). Scholarly communication and bibliometrics. In B. Cronin (Ed.), Annual review of information science and technology: Vol. 36 (pp. 3-72). Medford, NJ: Information Today.
- Furner, J., Ellis, D., & Willett, P. (1996). The representation and comparison of hypertext structures using graph theory. In M. Agosti & A. F. Smeaton (Eds.), Information retrieval and hypertext (pp. 75-96). Boston: Kluwer.
Příspěvky ve sbornících [41]
- Wickett, K., Renear, A., & Furner, J. (2011). Are collections sets? In ASIS&T 2011: Bridging the gulf: Communication and information in society, technology, and work: Proceedings of the 74th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (New Orleans, LA, October 9-13, 2011). Medford, NJ: Information Today.
- Furner, J. (2007). User tagging of library resources: Toward a framework for system evaluation. In World Library and Information Congress: 73rd IFLA General Conference and Council (Durban, South Africa, August 19-23, 2007). Available: [Original version of #5, above. Also translated into French and German.]
- Furner, J., Smith, M. K., & Winget, M. (2006). Collaborative indexing of cultural resources: Some outstanding issues. In C. Sun, S. Menasri, & J. Ventura (Eds.), Digital Humanities 2006: The First ADHO International Conference (Paris, France, July 5-9, 2006; pp. 69-71). Paris: Université Paris-Sorbonne.
- Furner, J., & Dunbar, A. W. (2004). The treatment of topics relating to people of mixed race in bibliographic classification schemes: A critical race-theoretic approach. In I. C. McIlwaine (Ed.), Knowledge organization and the global information society: Proceedings of the Eighth International ISKO Conference (London, England, July 13-16, 2004; pp. 115-120). Würzburg, Germany: Ergon.
- Furner, J. (2004). Bibliographic relationships, citation relationships, relevance relationships, and bibliographic classification: An integrative view. In J.-E. Mai, C. Beghtol, J. Furner, & B. Kwasnik (Eds.), Advances in classification research, Vol. 13: Proceedings of the 13th ASIST SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop (Philadelphia, PA, November 17, 2002; pp. 42-50). Medford, NJ: Information Today.
- Leazer, G. H., Furner, J., & Napper, R. (2003). Three social distance measures for film rankings. In R. J. Todd (Ed.), ASIS&T 2003: Humanizing information technology: From ideas to bits and back: Proceedings of the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Long Beach, CA, October 19-22, 2003; pp. 21-27). Medford, NJ: Information Today.
- Furner, J. (2002). A unifying model of document relatedness for hybrid search engines. In M. J. López-Huertas (Ed.), Challenges in knowledge representation and organization for the 21st century: Integration of knowledge across boundaries: Proceedings of the Seventh International ISKO Conference (Granada, Spain, July 10-13, 2002; pp. 245-250). Würzburg, Germany: Ergon.
- Leazer, G. H., & Furner, J. (1999). Topological indices of textual identity networks. In L. Woods (Ed.), ASIS ’99: Knowledge: Creation, organization and use: Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science (Washington, DC, October 31 – November 4, 1999; pp. 345-358). Medford, NJ: Information Today.
- Jose, J. M., Furner, J., & Harper, D. J. (1998). Spatial querying for image retrieval: A user-oriented evaluation. In R. Wilkinson, W. B. Croft, & C. J. Van Rijsbergen (Eds.), SIGIR '98: Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual International ACMSIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (Melbourne, Australia, August 24-28, 1998; pp. 232-240). New York: Association for Computing Machinery. Furner | Curriculum Vitae | furner-cv130603 | June 3, 2013 | 6
- Ellis, D., Furner-Hines, J., & Willett, P. (1994). On the measurement of inter-linker consistency and retrieval effectiveness in hypertext databases. In W. B. Croft & C. J. Van Rijsbergen (Eds.), SIGIR '94: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (Dublin, Ireland, July 3-6, 1994; pp. 51-60). London: Springer.
Technické normy [42]
- Zeng, M. L., Žumer, M., Salaba, A., Furner, J., Chan, L. M., O’Neill, E., & Vizine-Goetz, D. (2010). Functional requirements for subject authority data (FRSAD): A conceptual model. The Hague, Netherlands: IFLA Working Group on the Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Records (FRSAR). Available: [Published as Zeng, M. L., Žumer, M., Salaba, A., IFLA Working Group on the Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Records (FRSAR) (Eds.) (2011). Functional requirements for subject authority data (FRSAD): A conceptual model. IFLA Series on Bibliographic Control, no. 43. Berlin: De Gruyter Saur.]
- Chan, L. M., Landry, P., McGarry, D., Zeng, M. L., & Furner, J. (2009). Guidelines for multilingual thesauri. IFLA Professional Reports, no. 115. The Hague, The Netherlands: IFLA Working Group on Guidelines for Multilingual Thesauri.
Příspěvky v odborných časopisech[43]
- Furner, J. (2013). The 23rd Annual SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop: A report. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 39(3), 28-32.
- Oard, D. W., Sebastiani, F., Furner, J., & Marchionini, G. (2011). Publishing survey articles on information retrieval topics.ACM SIGIR Forum, 45(1), 70-72.
- Furner, J. (1998). Digital images in libraries: An overview. VINE, 107, 3-7.
- Belfourd, A., & Furner, J. (1997). Fast learners or time wasters? Intelligent agents on the Web: A user study. Managing Information, 4(9), 32-34.
- Furner, J. (1997). IR on the Web: An overview. VINE, 104, 3-13.
- Furner-Hines, J., & Willett, P. (1995). The use of the World-Wide Web in UK academic libraries. Aslib Proceedings, 47, 23-32.
- Furner, J. (1995). The World-Wide Web in libraries: An overview. VINE, 99, 3-14.
- Furner-Hines, J., & Willett, P. (1994). The use of hypertext in libraries in the United Kingdom. VINE, 97, 45-49.
- Ellis, D., Furner-Hines, J., & Willett, P. (1993). Measuring the consistency of assignment of hypertext links to full-text documents. Information Research News, 4(2), 12-22.
Vydané práce [44]
- Mai, J.-E., Furner, J., & Marty, P. (Eds.) (2012). iConference 2012: Culture, design, society: Proceedings of the 7th Annual iConference. New York, NY: ACM Digital Library.
- Furner, J., & Tennis, J. T. (Eds.) (2006). Advances in classification research, Vol. 17: Proceedings of the 17th ASIS&T SIG/CR Workshop on Classification Research (Austin, TX, November 4, 2006). Tucson, AZ: Digital Library of Information Science and Technology. Available:
- Mai, J.-E., Beghtol, C., Furner, J., & Kwasnik, B. (Eds.) (2004). Advances in classification research, Vol. 13: Proceedings of the 13th ASIST SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop (Philadelphia, PA, November 17, 2002). Medford, NJ: Information Today.
- Furner, J. (Ed.). (1998). Digital images in libraries. London: Library Information Technology Centre. Furner | Curriculum Vitae | furner-cv130603 | June 3, 2013 | 7
- Furner, J., & Harper, D. J. (Eds.). (1997). Information retrieval research: Proceedings of the 19th Annual BCS-IRSG Colloquium on IR Research (Aberdeen, Scotland, April 8-9, 1997). London: Springer.
- Furner, J. (Ed.). (1996). The World-Wide Web in libraries. London: Library Information Technology Centre.
Příspěvky ve sbornících[45]
- Furner, J. (2004). Report on the first panel of presentations and associated discussion. In J.-E. Mai, C. Beghtol, J. Furner, & B. Kwasnik (Eds.), Advances in classification research, Vol. 13: Proceedings of the 13th ASIST SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop (Philadelphia, PA, November 17, 2002; pp. 30-34). Medford, NJ: Information Today.
- Lee, H., Smeaton, A. F., & Furner, J. (1999). User interface issues for browsing digital video. In BCS-IRSG '99: Proceedings of the 21st Annual Colloquium of the British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group (Glasgow, Scotland, April 19-20, 1999). London: Springer.
- Furner, J. (1999). Education for the information professions: New developments at the Robert Gordon University. In K. W. Neubauer & W. R. Müller (Eds.), Bibliotheken und Verlage als Träger der Informationsgesellschaft: Vorträge des 4. Europäischen Bielefeld Kolloquiums (Bielefeld, Germany, February 10-12, 1998; pp. 180-193). Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
- Furner, J. (1997). The evaluation of hypermedia IR systems: A statement of the problems. In M. D. Dunlop (Ed.), Proceedings of the Second Mira Workshop (Monselice, Italy, November 14-15, 1996; pp. 27-36). Glasgow: Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow.
- Furner, J., Harper, D. J., & Hendry, D. G. (1996). Coordinated support for browsing, searching and monitoring: A user interface for networked information retrieval. In C. Johnson & M. D. Dunlop (Eds.), Information retrieval and humancomputer interaction: A one-day workshop in Glasgow (Glasgow, Scotland, September 17, 1996; pp. 67-70). Glasgow: Glasgow Interactive Systems Group, University of Glasgow.
- Ellis, D., Furner, J., & Willett, P. (1995). Is the manual creation of hypertext worth the effort? In M. Hannon & P. Stubley (Eds.), Proceedings of the IATUL Seminar: Libraries and publishers (Sheffield, England, July 4-8, 1994; pp. 122-138). Helsinki: Helsinki University of Technology Library.
- Ellis, D., Furner-Hines, J., & Willett, P. (1994). Measuring the consistency of assignment of hypertext links in full-text documents. In R. Leon (Ed.), Information retrieval: New systems and current research: Proceedings of the 15th Research Colloquium of the British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group (Glasgow, Scotland, March 29-30; pp. 67-80). London: Taylor Graham.
Technické zprávy [46]
- Furner-Hines, J., & Willett, P. (1994). The use of hypertext in libraries in the United Kingdom (BLRDD report, no. 6177). London: British Library Research & Development Department.
- Ellis, D., Furner-Hines, J., & Willett, P. (1994). The creation of hypertext linkages in full-text documents (BLRDD report, no. 6169). London: British Library Research & Development Department.
Knižní recenze[47]
- Furner, J. (2008). [Review of:] What is documentation?: English translation of the classic French text, by Suzanne Briet; translated and edited by Ronald E. Day and Laurent Martinet with Hermina G. B. Anghelescu. Libraries & the Cultural Record 43(1): 107-109.
- Furner, J. (2002). [Review of:] Information, knowledge, text, by Julian Warner. Library Quarterly, 72(4), 507-509.
- Furner, J. (2001). [Review of:] Digital libraries, by William Y. Arms. Library Quarterly, 71, 534-536.
- Furner, J. (1999). [Review of:] Electronic resources: Access and issues, by Mary Beth Fecko. Journal of Documentation, 55, 235-239.
- Furner, J. (1998). [Review of:] From classification to "knowledge organization": Dorking revisited or "past is prelude", ed. Alan Gilchrist. Managing Information, 5, 43. Furner | Curriculum Vitae | furner-cv130603 | June 3, 2013 | 8
- Furner, J. (1996). [Review of:] The Internet library: Case studies of library Internet management and use, ed. Julie Still. Program, 30, 205-208.
Článek v newsletteru [48]
- Furner, J. (2003). The serials crisis and what we can do about it: New roles for the library and for faculty. Voice of the 'Faculty: Newsletter of the UCLA Academic Senate, 11(3). Available:
Úvodníky a předmluvy [49]
- Furner, J. (2012). Foreword. In D. Bawden & L. Robinson, Introduction to information science. London: Facet.
- Furner, J. (2011). Advances in Information Science. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(6), 995.
- Furner, J. (2010). Advances in Information Science. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(9), 1733.
- ↑ UCLA GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION & INFORMATION STUDIES. Jonathan Furner | UCLA GSEIS [online]. 2015 [cit. 2015-05-15]. Dostupné z:
- ↑ Jonathan Furner. Jonathan Furner; Professor;GSE&IS・UCLA [online]. 2015 [cit. 2015-05-18]. Dostupné z:
- ↑ FURNER, Jonathan. Jonathan Furner, Curriculum Vitae. 2013. Dostupné také z:
- ↑ The measurement of inter-linker consistency and retrieval effectiveness in manually-constructed hypertext databases.
- ↑ The design of a hypertext system for the Victoria & Albert Museum.
- ↑ Book illustration processes to 1900
- ↑ FURNER, Jonathan. Jonathan Furner, Curriculum Vitae. 2013. Dostupné také z:
- ↑ Taught doctoral-, master’s-, and undergraduate-level courses in subject cataloging and classification, scholarly communication and bibliometrics, art librarianship, information retrieval, information tructures, information access, database design, and theoretical traditions in information studies.
- ↑ School of Information and Media
- ↑ Taught master’s- and undergraduate-level courses in subject cataloging and classification, information retrieval, information access, search skills and techniques, information sources and services, and database design.
- ↑ Conducted an investigation of the effects of individual differences in the cognitive abilities of users on the performance of information retrieval systems.
- ↑ Conducted a study of the manual creation of hypertext links in full-text databases, and a survey of the practical application of hypertext systems in UK libraries.
- ↑ Wrote user documentation and conducted training courses in the use of Orbit Search Service.
- ↑ Assisted subject librarians in the history and sociology departments.
- ↑ Wrote software in APL providing support for derivatives traders.
- ↑ FURNER, Jonathan. Jonathan Furner, Curriculum Vitae. 2013. Dostupné také z:
- ↑ Graduate School of Education and Information Studies’ Harold and Lois Haytin Award for Outstanding Research in Teaching and Learning
- ↑ Invited keynote speaker at ISKO 2008: 10th International Conference of the International Society for Knowledge Organization
- ↑ Department of Information Studies’ Distinguished Teaching Award
- ↑ Six faculty selected for UCLA Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award | UCLA. Newsroom | UCLA [online]. [13 March 2015] [cit. 2015-05-17]. Dostupné z:
- ↑ One of the highest honors given by the Academic Senate, the award recognizes academically and professionally accomplished individuals who bring respect and admiration to the scholarship of teaching. The committtee selects recipients from nominations received from colleagues and leaders across the campus.
- ↑ Office of the Chancellor’s Faculty Career Development Award
- ↑ Society for Research into Higher Education’s Younger Researcher Award
- ↑ University of Sheffield’s Dawson Prize for Information Management
- ↑
- ↑ FURNER, Jonathan. 2002. On recommending. In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. roč. 53, s. 747-763. DOI: 10.1002/asi.10080. ISSN 1532-2882. Dostupné také z:
- ↑
- ↑ International Center for Information Ethics
- ↑ Library History Round Table (LHRT). American Library Association [online]. 2015 [cit. 2015-05-18]. Dostupné z:
- ↑ Association for Computing and the Humanities
- ↑ ARSC
- ↑ AMIA
- ↑ Society for Textual Scholarship
- ↑ Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing
- ↑ Special Interest Groups on Cataloguing and Indexing
- ↑ Library and Information History
- ↑ Classification Research Group
- ↑ FURNER, Jonathan. Jonathan Furner, Curriculum Vitae. 2013. Dostupné také z:
- ↑ FURNER, Jonathan. Jonathan Furner, Curriculum Vitae. 2013. Dostupné také z:
- ↑ FURNER, Jonathan. Jonathan Furner, Curriculum Vitae. 2013. Dostupné také z:
- ↑ FURNER, Jonathan. Jonathan Furner, Curriculum Vitae. 2013. Dostupné také z:
- ↑ FURNER, Jonathan. Jonathan Furner, Curriculum Vitae. 2013. Dostupné také z:
- ↑ FURNER, Jonathan. Jonathan Furner, Curriculum Vitae. 2013. Dostupné také z:
- ↑ FURNER, Jonathan. Jonathan Furner, Curriculum Vitae. 2013. Dostupné také z:
- ↑ FURNER, Jonathan. Jonathan Furner, Curriculum Vitae. 2013. Dostupné také z:
- ↑ FURNER, Jonathan. Jonathan Furner, Curriculum Vitae. 2013. Dostupné také z:
- ↑ FURNER, Jonathan. Jonathan Furner, Curriculum Vitae. 2013. Dostupné také z:
- ↑ FURNER, Jonathan. Jonathan Furner, Curriculum Vitae. 2013. Dostupné také z:
- ↑ FURNER, Jonathan. Jonathan Furner, Curriculum Vitae. 2013. Dostupné také z: