Charles Oppenheim
Charles Oppenheim | |
Londýn, Velká Británie | |
Datum a místo úmrtí |
dosud žije - |
- | |
ženatý | |
Aberdeen, Skotsko | |
britské | |
Vzdělání | Orange Hill Grammar school; Institut vědy a techniky Manchesterské univerzity; City, University of London; Univerzitě v Loughborough; |
Pracoviště | Nyní v důchodu |
Čestný člen CILIP | |
Známý pro | informační vědec, konzultant, editor, autor |
Charles Oppenheim (*1946) je britský informační vědec a autor mnoha článků. Jeho oblastí je kromě informační vědy také chemie. Za svůj život sepsal přes 500 článků, spisů, knih a nebo kapitol v knihách. Nyní se věnuje konzulataci v oblasti copyrightu, bibliometrie, patentů a informační vědy. Je považován za experta v oblasti svobody informací, ochrany dat a dataminingu.
Život a vzdělání
Charles Oppenheim se narodil v Londýně 25. dubna 1946. Vyrůstal v rodině střední třídy s dalšími dvěma sourozenci, starší sestrou a mladším bratrem. V mladém věku se chtěl stát vědcem a studovat chemii. V roce 1957 nastoupil na základní školu Orange Hill. Dnes již tato škola bohužel neexistuje, protože se spojila se školou Moat Mount Comprehensive a vznikla tak Mill Hill County High School. Školu úspěšně ukončil v roce 1964 v oboru chemie. V dětství a mladém věku měl velice rád knihovny a velmi často je také navštěvoval. V roce 1964 nastoupil na bakalářské studium Institutu vědy a techniky Manchesterské univerzity v oboru chemie. Toto studium poté v roce 1967 ukončil s vyznamenáním a získal tak červený diplom. V téže roce nastoupil i na studium PhD, které dokončil v roce 1970. V této době se jeho ambice začaly orientovat spíše na informační vědu a knihovnictví a proto v roce 1971 nastoupil na postgraduální studium informačních věd na City, University of London. Toto studium úspěšně dokončil v roce 1973. V roce 1976 získal Certificate in education. Tento certifikát je v Anglii nezbytný pro výuku na školách vyšších než jsou střední. V roce 2006 získal diplom DSc v oboru informačních věd. Nyní má dvě děti a může se těšit ze čtyř vnoučat.
Od roku 1993 profesor pôsobí a patrí do poradného panelu pre knihovníkov Harrod Slovník pojmů. Poradenství komerčním organizacím, databáze výrobci, akademické instituce, knihovny, informace makléři, vládní oddělení, zdravotnictví poskytovatelů financí a národních knihoven poskytování informačních služeb, informační politiky, \ t obchodní rozvoj, autorská práva, licence, data ochrana, svoboda informací a návrh databází, 1998 doteraz. Charles je aktuálne členom Knihovny a archivu Copyright Alliance kde pôsobí od roku 2000 a čiastočne reprezentuje NHS Skotsko. Profesor pôsobí ako Senior Consultant od roku 2016, Naomi Korn Poradenství v oblasti autorských práv, (aka Naomi Korn Associates). Od roku 2014 je Charles členom poradného výboru, ContentMine a v roku 2015 sa stal jej predsedom kde pôsobí doteraz. Ve volném čase profesor hraje šachy a venuje sa filatelii čo je zbieranie známok čemuž přispívá k duševní a metálnej rovnováze při pronášení a publikování prací.
Spojené s PhD
1. R.E. Banks, C. Oppenheim, K. Mullen, W.J. Nicholson and A. Prakash, Photochemical and fluoride-initiated reactions between perfluoropiperidine and perfluoropropene, J. Chem. Soc. Perkin I, 1972, 1098-1103.
2. R.E. Banks, C. Oppenheim et al, Displacement of fluorine from perfluoroimines by bis [trifluoromethylaminooxy] mercury, J. Organometallic Chemistry, 1972, 43, C20-22.
3. V.J. Davis, C. Oppenheim et al, J. Chem. Soc. Perkin I, 1975, 1263-6.
4. R.E. Banks and C. Oppenheim, Some reactions of perfluoro-1-azahexene, J. Fluorine Chem., 1978, 12, 27-34.
5. R.E. Banks, C. Oppenheim et al, J. Fluorine Chem., 1979, 14, 383-401.
6. M. Abel-Rabboh, R.E. Banks and C. Oppenheim, Fluorocarbon derivatives of nitrogen, Part IX [1]: synthesis of some new 3,3,4,4,5,5-hexafluoro-2, 6-bis (trifluoromethyl)-1-aza-cyclohexanes, J. Fluorine Chem. 1983, 23(3), 283-292.
Spojené s informační vědou a knihovnictvím
1. C. Oppenheim, The patents coverage of Chemical Abstracts, Information Scientist, 1974, 8, 133-8; reprinted in WON Nieuwsbrief, 1979, No. 9, 456-463.
2. C. Oppenheim, The performance of Chemical Abstracts subject and formula indexes in retrieving information from chemical patents, Information Scientist, 1975, 9, 107-111; reprinted in WON Nieuwsbrief, 1979, No. 9, 464-467.
3 C. Oppenheim, Databanks and democracy, Information Scientist, 1976, 10, 166-168.
4. P. Ellis, G. Hepburn and C. Oppenheim, Studies on patent citation networks, J. Documentation, 1978, 34 (1), 12-20; reprinted in WON Nieuwsbrief, 1979, No. 8, 357-365.
5. C. Oppenheim, Patent systems evolve,IMS Monitor Report Europe, 1978, 2, 34-8.
6. A.M. Carpenter et al, Consistency of use of the International Patent Classification, International Classification, 1978, 5, 30-2; reprinted inWON Nieuwsbrief, 1978, No. 7, 262-4.
7. C. Oppenheim and E.A. Sutherland, The coverage of patents by abstracts journals in metallurgy,J. Chem. Inf. Computer Sciences, 1978, 18, 122-6; reprinted in WON Nieuwsbrief, 1980, No. 11, 642-6.
8. C. Oppenheim and E.A. Sutherland, Case study on GALVALUME, J. Chem. Inf. Computer Sciences, 1978, 18, 126-9; reprinted in WON Nieuwsbrief, 1980, No. 11, 646-9.
9 J.D. Cottingham and C. Oppenheim, Does British industry need European and Community Patents? J. Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, 1978, 7, 302-313; reprinted in Planned Innovation, 1978,1, 257-9.
10. S.V. Ashton and C. Oppenheim, A method of predicting Nobel prizewinners in chemistry, Social Studies in Science, 1978, 8, 341-8.
11. C. Oppenheim and S.P. Renn, Highly cited old papers and the reasons why they continue to be cited, Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 1978, 29 (2), 225-231.
12. J.E. Freeman and C. Oppenheim, The patents coverage of abstracting services III: some chemical abstracting services, Information Scientist, 1978, 12, 83-96.
13. C. Oppenheim, Recent changes in patent law and their implications for information services and information scientists, Journal of Documentation, 1978, 34, 217-229; reprinted in WON Nieuwsbrief, 1978, No. 7, 249-261.
14. A.M. Carpenter et al, Retrieval tests on five patent classification systems, International Classification, 1978, 5, 73-80; reprinted in WON Nieuwsbrief, 1979, No. 8, 349-56.
15. C. Oppenheim, US patent law developments, IMS Monitor Report Americas, 1979, 2, 96-101.
16. C. Oppenheim, Third World law for patents,IMS Monitor Report Asia, 1979, 2, 108-9.
17. T.S. Eisenschitz and C. Oppenheim, Reasons for inconsistencies in the use of International Patent Classification, International Classification, 1979, 6, 26-8.
18. J. Hicklin and C. Oppenheim, Results of a survey on the use of WLN, CNA UK Newsletter, 1979, No. 11, 3-7.
19. T.S. Eisenschitz, C. Oppenheim et al, Poster sessions as a medium of scientific communication, J. Research Communication Studies, 1978,1, 235-242.
20. D. Bannister and C. Oppenheim, Information about microorganisms contained in patent specifications,J. Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 1979, 19, 123-5.
21. B.J. Kostrewski and C. Oppenheim, Ethics in information science, J. Inf. Science, 1980, 1, 277-283; ibid., 1980, 3, 46-7. Reproduced in: R. Capurro et al (Eds.), Informationsethik, Hochschulverband für Informationswissenschaft e.V., Universitäts Verlag Konstanz, 1995, p. 259-271.
22. C. Oppenheim, Could the 1978 Nobel Prizewinner in chemistry have been predicted? Social Studies in Science, 1979, 9, 507-8.
23. J. Myers, C. Oppenheim and S. Rogers, A study in the characteristics of brand names used in the marketing of information products and services, Aslib Proceedings, 1979, 31 (12), 551-560.
24. C. Oppenheim and S.M. Price, Pricing, delay times and prestige of synoptic journals, Journal of Research Communication Studies, 1979, 1, 305-313.
25. J. Allen and C. Oppenheim, The overlap of US and Canadian patent literature with journal literature, World Patent Information, 1979, 1 (2), 77-80.
26. J. Lawson, C. Oppenheim et al, A bibliometric study on a new subject field: energy analysis, Scientometrics, 1980, 2, 227-237.
27. C. Oppenheim, Methods of chemical substance searching online: the basics, Online Review, 1979, 3, 381-7.
28. C. Oppenheim, The information function of patents, European Intellectual Property Review, 1979, 2, 344-9.
29. C. Oppenheim, The significance of industrial property to the pharmaceutical industry. WON Nieuwsbrief, 1979 (10), 548-551.
30. C. Oppenheim, The golden age of online searching. Information Management, 1979, 1, 3.
36. H.M. Nunn and C. Oppenheim, A patent-journal citation network on prostaglandins, World Patent Information, 1980, 2, 57-60.
37. C. Oppenheim, The Patent Office classification scheme, The Inventor, 1980, 20(1), 15-17; 1980, 20(3), 8-9.
38. H. Minter and C. Oppenheim, Use made of the British national patent route, the EPC and CPC, J. Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, 1980,9, 328-338; reprinted in WON Nieuwsbrief, 1981, No. 15, 1019-1023.
39. M.P. Nolan, C. Oppenheim & K. Withers, Patenting and profitability in the pharmaceutical industry,World Patent Information, 1980, 2, 169-176.
40. L. Dunlop and C. Oppenheim, Effect of recycling on a patent citation network, World Patent Information, 1980, 2, 100-102.
41. C. Oppenheim, Can a microorganism be patented? IMS Monitor Report Europe, 1980, 4, 1-2.
42. C. Oppenheim, The Patent Office classification scheme, J. Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, 1980, 9, 216-226; reprinted in WON Nieuwsbrief, 1980, No. 12, 750-5.
43. C. Oppenheim, The implications of the PCT, EPC and British Patents Act for patent information, bid, 1980, No. 11, pp.?.
44. J. Allen and C. Oppenheim, Retrieval of product information from patent specifications, J. Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, 1980, 10, 60-67.
45. C. Oppenheim and S. Perryman, GEOREF/GEOARCHIVE, Database, 1980, 3(4), 41-6.
46. C.D. Hamilton and C. Oppenheim, Studies on Economics Abstracts International, a new online database, Social Sciences Information Studies, 1981, 1, 158-163.
47. C. Oppenheim, Report of the Online Conference, Online Review, 1981, 5, 55-60.
48. L. Blakeborough and C. Oppenheim, The readability and information content of new law abstracts and old law abridgements,J. Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, 1980, 10, 86-92.
49. C.D. Hamilton and C. Oppenheim, Comparison of Economics Abstracts International with some PTS databases, J. Information Processing and Management of Japan, 1981, 24, 133-8.
50. B.K. Demidovicz and C. Oppenheim, The overlap of patent and journal literature in the field of animal feedstuffs, and the coverage of animal feedstuffs patents by abstracting services, World Patent Information, 1981, 3, 82-3.
51. J. van den Ende and C. Oppenheim, Coverage of microbiological patents by abstracting services, J. Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 1981, 21, 124-7.
52. M.P. Nolan and C. Oppenheim, Patenting in the pharmaceutical industry, World Patent Information, 1981, 3, 90-1.
53. C. Oppenheim, Computerised information retrieval, Draughting and Design, 14.7.81, 10-11.
54. C. Oppenheim, Technology and the information professional: will it make a difference?, Information Services and Use, 1981, 1, 161-7.
55. C. Oppenheim, The past, present and future of the patents services of Derwent Publications Ltd., Science and Technology Libraries, 1982, 2(2), 23-32.
56. M.D. Dixon and C. Oppenheim, Recent developments in Derwent Publications' patent information services: a review with some predictions for the future, World Patent Information, 1982, 4, 60-65.
57. C. Oppenheim, Patents as a source of metallurgical information for the research manager, The Metallurgist and Materials Technologist, 1982, 4, 156-8.
58. C. Oppenheim, The Institute's new Criteria in information science, J. Information Science, 1982, 4, 229-234.
59. C. Oppenheim, The impact of new technology on the education of information scientists, Education for Information, 1983, 1, 125-137.
60. C. Oppenheim, New technology: tends, limits and social effects, International Forum for Information and Documentation, 1982, 7(4), 20-25.
61. C. Oppenheim, Databases and the Third World, J. Information Science, 1983, 6, 96-7.
62. C. Oppenheim, A microcomputer program for the statistical analysis of patents databases, World Patent Information, 1983, 5, 209-212.
63. C. Oppenheim, British online databases, British Book News, Nov. 1984, 646-9.
64. C. Oppenheim, Computer control, Resurgence, No. 109, Mar/Apr. 1985, 11-12.
65. C. Oppenheim, What next in patent information? The Inventor, 1985, 25(1), 2-5.
66. C. Oppenheim, How do brand names work? MIMS Magazine, June 1985, 77-78.
67. C. Oppenheim, Patent novelty: proposals for changes and their possible impact on information scientists, J. Information Science, 1985, 10, 181-6.
68. C. Oppenheim, New technology and the future of host computer services, AIOPI Newsletter, June 1985, 1-4.
69. C. Oppenheim, Information - a key to power: current trends in online databases, Information and Library Manager, 1985, 4, 100-105.
70. C. Oppenheim, Online information services: present plans and future prospects, International Journal of Micrographics and Video Technology, 1985, 4, 85-90.
71. C. Oppenheim, Hardware and software relevant to information retrieval: Pergamon Infoline viewpoint, Newsidic, Jan. 1986, 12-13.
72. C. Oppenheim, CD ROM: panacea or hype?, Aslib Information, 1986, 14(3), 50.
73. C. Oppenheim, The Data Protection Act, J. Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, 1986, 15, 364-5.
74. C. Oppenheim, Patents information, J. Documentation, 1986, 42, 129.
75. C. Oppenheim, Use of the GET Command for bibliometric analysis of patent information, World Patent Information, 1986, 8, 98-103.
76. C. Oppenheim, The Patent Office databases on Pergamon Infoline,ibid., 1986, 8, 185-192.
77. C. Oppenheim, UK Service Marks: who are the users?, Trademark World, 1987, No. 5., 39-41.
78. C. Oppenheim, Online patent information: trends and hopes, Information World Review, May 1987, i-ii.
79. C. Oppenheim, Making the most of your delegate fee, Inform, 1985, No. 80, 57.
80. C. Oppenheim, The new UK Service Marks: who makes use of Class 42? Trademark World, 1987, No. 7., 14-15.
81. C. Oppenheim, Monitoring and Evaluation: a naive outsider's views, Wales LA Information Service Group Newsletter, October 1987, 1-3.
82. C. Oppenheim, The unimportance of online bibliographic information, International Journal of Information Management, 1987, 7, 195-202.
83. C. Oppenheim, The 6th Annual UKOLUG Lecture, UKOLUG Newsletter, 1988, No. 53, 4-6.
84. C. Oppenheim, Online information - profit and loss. City Screen Bulletin, 1988, 5th January, 4-5.
85. C. Oppenheim, Nowoczesna technika informacynjna a ksztalcenie w
dziedziniie informacji naukowej w Wielkiej Brytanii, Aktual. probl. inf.i.dok. 1984, 29 (4), 8-12.
86. M.H. Hasso and C. Oppenheim, Secondary services in Archaeology: an evaluation, J. Librarianship and Information Science, 1987, 12, 1-18.
87. C. Oppenheim, Lockheed sells DIALOG to Knight Ridder - comments, Advanced Information Report, 1988, 10(5), 2-4.
88. C. Oppenheim, The new UK Copyright Act and the EEC Copyright Green Paper,Advanced Information Report, 1989, 10(12), 5-20.
89. C. Oppenheim, Financial Information Services - the current position and trends, Advanced Information Report, 1989, 11(1), 5-8; 11(2), 8-9; 11(3), 7-8; 11(4), 7-8.
90. C. Oppenheim, Reuters Historical Information Products come on the online business information scene, Computer Bulletin, 1989, (December), 7-9. (A similar article also appeared in Advanced Information Report, 1989, 11(4), 8-10.)
91. C. Oppenheim, The role of the European Commission in the information
industry and the IMPACT programme, Advanced Information Report, 1989, 11(8), 5-7.
92. C. Oppenheim, Verity's TOPIC, Advanced Information Report, 1990 (3), 7-9.
93. C. Oppenheim, Working with the private sector, State Librarian, 1990, 38(1), 7-10.
94. C. Oppenheim, Databases Copyright and the EEC, Advanced Information Report, 1990, (6), 1-5.
95. C. Oppenheim, Marketing of information services, CABLIS, 1990 (21), 1-3.
96. C. Oppenheim, Data protection: stricter controls to come? Advanced Information Report, 1990 (12) 1-4.
97. C. Oppenheim, Sources of environmental information,Business Information Review, 1990, 7, 51-52.
98. C. Oppenheim, Should information providers be liable for the information they provide? Advanced Information Report, 1991, (1), 1-4.
99. C. Oppenheim, The European Commission's IMPACT Programme, Information Management Report, 1991 (8), 10-13.
100. C. Oppenheim, Database licensing: licensing agreements for the exploitation of copyright material, Managing Intellectual Property, 1991 (6), 27-31.
101. C. Oppenheim, Report of the First European Business Information Conference, Information Management Report, 1991 (6), 19-20.
102. C. Oppenheim, The European Commission's Draft Directive on Data Protection, Aslib Information, 1991, 19, 111: ibid., 1991, 19, 161.
103. C. Oppenheim, EISPY: Putting external intelligence into Executive Information Systems, The Intelligent Enterprise, 1991, 1(2), 23-27.
104. C. Oppenheim, Your rivals and sales pressures,City Screen Bulletin, 1991, 8(11), 15-18.
105. C. Oppenheim, The European Commission's Draft Directive on Data Protection may make much publishing and librarianship impossible, Information World Review, 1991, (58), 8-10.
106. C. Oppenheim, Legal issues for information professionals: some recent developments, Information Services and Use, 1991, 11, 73-85.
107. C. Oppenheim, The Library in the year 2010, Bulletin of the Israel Society of Special Libraries and Information Centers, 1991, 18, 17-24.
108. C. Oppenheim, Copyright, controversy and compulsory licences, Information World Review, 1992, (68), 6.
109. C. Oppenheim, Why do barbers always have the most untidy hairstyles?, Advanced Searcher, 1992, 2(1), 16-17.
110. C. Oppenheim, The new European Draft Directive on Database Copyright, Information Services and Use, 1992, 12, 275-282.
111. C. Oppenheim, Guest Editorial, Journal of Information Science, 1992, 18, 321-2.
112. C. Oppenheim, LISLEX, Journal of Information Science, 1993, 19, 67-69.
113. C. Oppenheim, Mid-life crisis: a sociological and psychological study of an academic life in information science in 1992 compared with the world of commercial information, and with academia in the early 80s, UKOLUG Newsletter, 1992, 3(5), 2-4
114. C. Oppenheim, Electronic Copyright, Information Management Report, 1993, January, 9-14.
115. S. Ellis and C. Oppenheim, Legal issues for information professionals III: Data Protection and the media: background to the Data Protection Act and the EC Draft Directive on Data Protection, Journal of Information Science, 1993, 19, 85-97.
116. C. Oppenheim, Recent EC Initiatives on copyright, Information Management Report, 1993, February, 9-13.
117. S. Ellis and C. Oppenheim, Attitudes to data protection amongst UK media librarians, Journal of Information Science, 1993, 19, 99-117.
118. C. Oppenheim, Database copyright and the Information Broker, Advanced Searcher, 1992, 2(5/6), 3-14.
119. A. Muir and C. Oppenheim, Electrocopying, the Publishers Association and academic libraries, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 1993, 25, 175-186.
120. C. Oppenheim, LISLEX II, Journal of Information Science, 1993, 19, 143-7.
121. C. Oppenheim, LISLEX III, Journal of Information Science, 1993, 19, 233-4.
122. C. Oppenheim, El copyright electrónico, Information World en Español, 13 (1993), 9.
123. V. Harry and C. Oppenheim, Evaluation of electronic databases, Part I: criteria for testing CDROM products, Online and CD ROM Review, 1993, 17, 211-222.
124. V. Harry and C. Oppenheim, CD ROM evaluation Part II, Testing CDROM Products Online and CD ROM Review, 1993, 17, 339-368.
125. F. Boyd, C. King, R. MacDonald, C. Oppenheim, V. Rodgers and R. Walker, Searching Textline on different hosts, Business Information Review, 1993, 10, 45-61.
126. C. Oppenheim, Network publishing - the future, The Bookseller, 20th August 1993, no. 4574, p. 22-28.
127. C. Oppenheim, LISLEX IV, Journal of Information Science, 1993, 19, 317-319.
128. C. Oppenheim, Has free text searching rendered the thesaurus redundant?, Journal of Text and Document Management, 1993, 1, 115-124.
129. K. Barclay and C. Oppenheim, An Evaluation of InfoMapper™ software at Trainload Coal, Aslib Proceedings, 1994, 46(2), 31-42.
130. C. Oppenheim, China's intellectual property rights and scientific and technical information services, Aslib Proceedings, 1993, 45, 261-266.
131. C. Oppenheim, Some recent developments in the online business information industry, Advanced Searcher, 1993, 3(4), 4-11.
132. C. Oppenheim, The applications of Virtual Reality, Information Management Report, 1993 (Nov.), p. 1-4; 1993 (Dec.), p. 10-14.
133. C. Oppenheim, Virtual reality and the virtual library, Information Services and Use, 1993, 13, 215-227.
134. C. Oppenheim, Computers in investment banks, The Computer Bulletin, 1993, 5(6), 15-17.
135. C. Oppenheim, The virtual library: a plea for common sense, Managing Information, 1994, 1(1),
136. C. King and C. Oppenheim, Marketing of online and CDROM databases, Online and CD-ROM Review, 1994, 18, 1-12.
137. C. Oppenheim, Are National Information Plans useful?, Alexandria, 1994, 6, 133-143.
138. B. Mooney and C. Oppenheim, What does British industry spend for patents and patent information?, World Patent Information, 1994, 16, 140-149.
139. B. Mooney and C. Oppenheim, How much does British industry spend on patents? Journal of the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, 1994, 23, 144-160.
140. L.M. Baird and C. Oppenheim, Do citations matter?, Journal of Information Science, 1994, 20 (1), 2-14.
141. C. Oppenheim, LISLEX V, ibid., 1994, 20, 71-74.
142. C. Oppenheim and W.A. Warr, The 3D chemical structure database as intellectual property, ChemicalDesign Automation News, 1994, 9 (4), 10-17.
143. C. Oppenheim, The Internet, Online and CD Notes, 1994, April, 3-5.
144. C. Oppenheim, LISLEX VI, Journal of Information Science, 1994, 20, 137-138.
145. C. Oppenheim and Y.P. Shao, Online strategy analysis in the Chinese banking sector, International Journal of Information Management, 1994, 14(3), 176-187.
146. C. Oppenheim, LISLEX VII, Journal of Information Science, 1994, 20(3), 209-210.
147. P. Burton and C. Oppenheim, The University of Strathclyde MSc/PG Diploma in Information and Library Studies, Scottish Libraries, 1994 (45), 11.
148. N. Grainger-Smith and C. Oppenheim, The role of information systems and technology in investment banks, Journal of Information Science, 1994, 20, 323-333.
149. C. Oppenheim, LISLEX VIII, ibid., 1994, 20, 363-367.
150. C. Oppenheim, Technology, access to information and the librarian of the future, Hatrics Bulletin, 1994, 29 (2), Supplement, 1 - 13.
151. C. Oppenheim, Electronic copyright and the law librarian, The Law Librarian, 1994, 25, 106-111.
152. C. Oppenheim, Historical on-line database services: the MMC report, Business Information Review, 1994, 11 (2), 17-23.
153. C. Oppenheim, LISLEX IX, Journal of Information Science, 1995, 21, 89-91.
154. T. Eisenschitz, C. Andrews, C. Oppenheim and M. Walker, Use and importance of Lexis in England and Scotland, The Law Librarian, 1994, 25, 219-226.
155. C. Oppenheim, Document delivery and electronic copyright, Information Management Report, March 1995, 1-6.
156. C. Oppenheim, The correlation between citation counts and the 1992 Research Assessment Exercise Ratings for British library and information science university departments, J. Doc., 1995, 51 (1), 18-27.
157. C. Oppenheim, LISLEX X, Journal of Information Science, 1995, 21, 58-60.
158. C. Oppenheim, The implications of copyright legislation for electronic access to journal collections, Journal of Text and Document Management, 1994, 2, 10-22.
159. C. Oppenheim, Will patentees suffer if the USA moves to a different lifetime for its patents? World Patent Information, 1995, 17, 97-99.
160. C. Oppenheim and V.A. Rodgers, An evaluation of the PatentView CD-ROM database, ibid., 1995, 17, 9-20.
161. C. Oppenheim, Proposal for a UK Coalition for Public Information, ITs News, 1995, No. 31, 4-5.
162. C. Oppenheim, The politics of multimedia, Managing Information, 1995, 2 (6), 24-25.
163. C. Oppenheim, LISLEX XI, Journal of Information Science, 1995, 21, 300-304.
164. A. Muir and C. Oppenheim, The legal responsibilities of the health-care librarian, Health Libraries Review, 1995, 12, 91-99.
165. C. Oppenheim, A trip back in time, Friends of Glasgow University Library Newsletter, 1995, (42), 4.
166. C. Oppenheim, How publishers, librarians and booksellers could collaborate to achieve the virtual library, Logos, 1995, 6, 153-157.
167. C. Oppenheim, Tangling with intangibles, Information World Review, December 1995, 54.
168. D. Lonsdale and C. Oppenheim, Attitudes towards ethical issues, Journal of Information Ethics, 1995, 4 (2), 69-78.
169. C. Oppenheim, LISLEX XII, Journal of Information Science, 1996, 22, 55-62.
170. C. Oppenheim, National Information Policies and the need for a Coalition for Public Information, Information Management Report, 1996 (March), 7-13.
171. C. Oppenheim and V. Walker, Evaluation of BBC Scotland Library Services, Aslib Proceedings, 1996, 48, 53-84.
172. C. Eager and C. Oppenheim, An observational method for undertaking user needs studies, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 1996, 28, 15-24.
173. C. Oppenheim, The legal issues associated with Electronic Copyright Management Systems, (March 1996).
174. C. Oppenheim, Some legal issues for electronic information, International Forum on Information and Documentation, 1996, 21(1), 10-18.
175. C. Oppenheim, The Newspaper Licensing Agency's new licence, Inform, 1996, (183) (April), 3-4.
176. C. Oppenheim, The legal problems associated with Electronic Copyright Management Systems, Information Management Report, May 1996, 11-16.
177. C. Oppenheim, HMSO and Crown Copyright, Journal of Information Technology Law ( (May 1996)
178. C. Oppenheim, Getting the best value out of hidden assets, Computer Weekly, 9 May 1996, p.24
179. C. Oppenheim, Copyright issues for eLib Programme co-ordinators, (May 1996)
180. C. Beasley and C. Oppenheim, Do we need a National Information Policy?, IT Link, November 1995, 6-8.
181. C. Oppenheim, A UK Coalition for Public Information, Inform, 1996 (186), 3-4.
182. C. Oppenheim, Moral Rights and the Electronic Library, (July 1996)
183. S. Harris and C. Oppenheim, Does machine-readable documentation on online hosts and CD-ROMs have a role or a future?, Journal of Information Science, 1996, 22, 247-258.
184. C. Oppenheim, Revolution or evolution? The impact of the Internet, end user interfaces and new software on chemical and patent information, Revue de l'Institut Francais du Petrole, 1996, 51, 431-444.
185. C. Oppenheim, paying for scholarly communication - the future as a guide to the past, Interlending and Document Supply, 1996, 24, 30.
186. C. Oppenheim, Do citations count? Citation indexing and the Research Assessment Exercise, Serials, 1996, 9, 155-161.
187. C. Oppenheim, Some copyright sites and Bulletin Boards on the Internet, (September 1996). Now at
188. C. Oppenheim, The Internet copyright case and its implications for users of the World Wide Web, (6 December 1996)
189. C. Oppenheim, An agenda for action to achieve the information society in the UK, Journal of Information Science, 1996, 22(6), 407-421.
190. C. Oppenheim, Copyright, wrongs and bits between, Times Higher Education Supplement, 1997 (1262), 33.
191. R. German and C. Oppenheim, Should academic libraries lend LIS journals?, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 1996, 28 (4), 191-202.
192. C. Oppenheim, Copyright issues in projects funded by the eLib programme, (February 1997); translated in: C. Oppenheim, ∏pospemn abtopcbkoro πpaba y πpoektax Øihahcobahnx ea πporpamoio eπektpohhnx sisπiotek, in: British Council Ukraine, Eπektpohhi xyphaπ, 1999, 82-90.
193. C. Oppenheim, LISLEX 13, Journal of Information Science, 1997, 23, 73-80.
194. C. Oppenheim, Intellectual Property: Legal and other issues, Information Studies, 1997, 3 (1), 5-22.
195. C. Oppenheim, Cause for concern? Copyright battles in the Shetlands, Learned Publishing, 1997, 10, 161-164.
196. C. Oppenheim, Patent citation analysis, Scientometrics, 1997, 39, 141.
197. C. Oppenheim, Managers’ use and handling of information, International Journal of Information Management, 1997, 17 (4), 239-248.
198. C. Oppenheim, Editors’ introduction, Newsidic, 1997 (134), 1-2. (I was Editor of a special issue of the journal devoted to copyright).
199. C. Oppenheim, Tasini versus New York Times: the implications, ibid., 2-4.
200. C. Oppenheim, Implementation of the EU Database Directive, ibid., 8-10.
201. C. Oppenheim, Some Web sites of interest to copyright watchers, ibid., 10-11.
202. C. Oppenheim, Charles’ copyright corner I, (September, 1997).
203. C. Oppenheim, Copyright, life, the universe and so on, Inform 1997 (199), 4-5.
204. C. Oppenheim, The legal deposit of non-print publications, Journal of Information Law and Technology, (November 1997).
205. C. Oppenheim, Charles’ Copyright Corner II, (November, 1997)
206. C. Oppenheim, The correlation between citation counts and the 1992 Research Assessment Exercise ratings for British research in genetics, anatomy and archaeology, Journal of Documentation, 1997, 53 (5), 477-487.
207. M. Bide, C. Oppenheim and A. Ramsden, Some proposals regarding copyright clearance and digitisation in higher education, Journal of Information Science, 1997, 23 (6), 393-406.
208. C. Oppenheim, Charles’ Copyright Corner III, (January 1998)
209. C. Oppenheim, Lislex 14, Journal of Information Science, 1998, 24, 39-55.
210. E. Giaverra and C. Oppenheim, EU Database directive: some clarifications, SCONUL Newsletter, 1997 (12), 6-7.
211. M. Bide, C. Oppenheim and A. Ramsden, Charging mechanism for digitised texts, Learned Publishing, 1998, 11 (2), 109-118.
212. C. Oppenheim, A balance in electronic copyright law, The Times Higher, 1998, 13th March, p. 13.
213. C. Oppenheim, Charles’ Copyright Corner IV, (April 1998)
214. C. Oppenheim, Electronic copyright, Infonews, Spring 1998, (29), p.4.
215. C. Oppenheim, Fractional counting of multiauthored publications, JASIS, 1998, 49 (5), 482.
216. C. Oppenheim, Cause for concern? Learned Publishing, 1997, 10 (2), 161-164.
217. C. Oppenheim, Copyright issues, ibid., 1998, 11 (2), 133-4.
218. C. Oppenheim, How SMEs use the patent literature, Intellectual Property Initiative, 1998, No. 51-3.
219. C. Oppenheim, Lislex 15, Journal of Information Science, 1998, 24, 267-270.
220. C. Oppenheim, Copyright, Biomediates, 1998, 21-23.
221. C. Oppenheim, Robert Andrew MacFie, patents, copyright and legal deposit, Intellectual Property Quarterly, 1998 (4), 383-399.
222. C. Oppenheim, Beyond eLib: How does eLib fit into the wider context of electronic information research? Library and Information Research News, 1998, 21 (69), 19-23.
223. C. Oppenheim, Lislex 16, Journal of Information Science, 1998, 24. 437-443.
224. C. Oppenheim, Valuing information assets in British companies, Business Information Review, 1998, 15 (4), 209-214.
225. C. Oppenheim, Internet, copyright and linking, Freepint, No. 28, January 1999, Reproduced in: PC Update, 1999, 16 (2), 18-19.
226. Y.P. Shao, A. Wilson and C. Oppenheim, Knowledge-based systems in retail banking: a survey of current practice, International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, 1997, 6 (1), 73-81.
227. A. Priftis and C. Oppenheim, Development of a National Information Policy in Greece, Information Development, 1999, 15 (1), 32-43.
228. C. Oppenheim and D. Smithson, What is the hybrid library?, Journal of Information Science, 1999, 25 (2), 97-112. (Appendices to the paper are at: http://www/
229. M.A. Blackstock and C. Oppenheim, Legal issues for information professionals V: Freedom of Information, Journal of Information Science, 1999, 25 (4), 249-264.
230. C. Oppenheim, Lislex 17, Journal of Information Science, 1999, 25 (4), 319-326.
231. C. Oppenheim, Crown Copyright, Inform, 1999 (215), 1-3.
232. M. Hall, C. Oppenheim and M. Sheen, Barriers to the use of patent information in UK SMEs: Questionnaire Survey, Journal of Information Science, 1999, 25 (5), 335-350.
233. C. Oppenheim, Recent developments on the copyright scene, Serials, 1999, 17 (2), 107-110.
234. R. Summers, C. Oppenheim, J. Meadows, C. McKnight and M. Kinnell, Information Science in 2010: a Loughborough University view,Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 1999, 50 (12), 1153 – 1162.
235. C. Oppenheim, Who needs a National Information Policy? Information Services and Use, 1999, 19 (2), 143-146.
236. C. Oppenheim and M. Turner, Copyright and Internet fanzines, Aslib Proceedings, 1999, 51 (9), 290-301.
237. C. Oppenheim and K. Selby, Access to information on the World Wide Web for blind and visually impaired people, Aslib Proceedings, 1999, 51 (10), 335-345.
238. C. Oppenheim, A. Morris, C. McKnight and S. Lowley, The evaluation of WWW search engines, Journal of Documentation, 2000, 56 (2), 190-211.
239. C. Oppenheim, J. Stenson and R.M.S. Wilson, Valuing information assets in UK companies, Library and Information Commission Research Bulletin, 2000 (Spring), 10-11.
240. C. Oppenheim, Does copyright have a future on the Internet?, Journal of Documentation, 2000, 56 (3), 279-298.
241. C. Oppenheim, Lislex 18, Journal of Information Science, 2000, 26 (1), 61 – 65.
242.C. Oppenheim, Libraries in the new millennium, Focus, The Career Development Group (Scotland) Newsletter, 2000, No. 3, no pagination. Reprinted in: Impact, 2000, 3 (6), 84-86, and in
243.C. Oppenheim, Information Politics, Information Management Report, 2000 (March), 1-4.
244.C. Oppenheim, The use of patent information by British SMEs, IP Matters, 2000, 9 (1), 1-2. A longer version of the same article is at:
245.C. Oppenheim, Cutting Edge, Times Higher Educational Supplement, 24/3/00 (No. 1428), 34.
246.C. Oppenheim, J. Stenson and R.M.S. Wilson, Valuation of information assets in companies, Managing Information, 2000, 7 (3), 56-61.
247. C. Oppenheim, C. Greenhalgh and F. Rowland, The future of scholarly journal publishing, Journal of Documentation, 2000, 56 (4), 361-398.
248. M. Hall, C. Oppenheim and M. Sheen, Barriers to the use of patent information in UK Small and Medium Enterprises II: Results of in-depth interviews, Journal of Information Science, 2000, 26 (2), 87-100.
249. C. Oppenheim, The new Data Protection Act, Deadline, 2000 15 (2), 2-5. Also appeared at:
250. C. Oppenheim, Lislex 19, Journal of Information Science, 2000, 26 (4), 263-266.
251. B. Boguscz, J.E. Davies and C. Oppenheim, Personal information in UK public registers: its availability and use, Business Information Review, 2000, 17 (2), 82-96.
252. L. Halliday and C. Oppenheim, Economic models of digital only journals, Serials, 2000, 13 (2), 59-65.
253. C. Oppenheim, Lislex 20, Journal of Information Science, 2000, 26 (5), 357 – 361.
254. L. Halliday and C. Oppenheim, Comparison and evaluation of some economic models of digital-only journals, Journal of Documentation, 2000, 56(6), 660-673.
255. G. Shama, K. Hellgardt and C. Oppenheim, Citation footprint analysis I: UK and US chemical engineering academics, Scientometrics, 2000, 49 (2), 289-305.
256. A. Holmes and C. Oppenheim, Use of citation analysis to predict the outcome of the 2001 RAE for Unit of Assessment 61: Library and Information Management, Information Research, 2001, 6 (2),
257. C. Oppenheim, the genie is out of the bottle, Information World Review, 2001 (165), 13.
258. C. Oppenheim and N. Pollecutt, Professional associations and ethical issues in LIS, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 2000, 32 (4), 187-203.
259. C. Oppenheim, Lislex 21, Journal of Information Science, 2001, 27 (2), 111-115.
260. L. Halliday and C. Oppenheim, Developments in digital journals, Journal of Documentation, 2001, 57 (2), 260-283. Translated into Korean in: Kungnip Chungang Tosogwan, 2001, 56 (4), 109- 144.
261. L. Halliday and C. Oppenheim, Economic aspects of a Resource Discovery Network, Journal of Documentation, 2001, 57 (2), 296-302.
262. R. Hardy, C. Oppenheim and I. Rubbert, If the price is right, Library Association Record, 2001, 103 (2), 106-107.
263. R. Hardy, C. Oppenheim and I. Rubbert, PELICAN: working towards the development of a suitable pricing mechanism for the electronic distribution of materials in the Higher Education community, SCONUL Newsletter, 2001 (21), 31-33.
264. C. Oppenheim, Lislex 22, Journal of Information Science, 2001, 27 (3), 171-176.
265. R. Hardy, C. Oppenheim and I. Rubbert, PELICAN: a pricing mechanism for the electronic distribution of materials in the Higher Education community, Learned Publishing, 2001, 14 (2), 93-96.
266. L. Halliday and C. Oppenheim, Economic aspects of a National Electronic Reserve Service, Journal of Documentation, 2001, 57 (3), 434-443.
267. C. Oppenheim, Judged to be lacking, Information World Review, 2001 (May), (169), 10.
268. K. Dodd and C. Oppenheim, World Jazz Archives, BRIO: Journal of the United Kingdom Branch of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres, 2001 38 (1), 18-31.
269. C.E. Bywell and C. Oppenheim, Fraud on Internet auctions, Aslib Proceedings, 2001, 53 (7), 265-272.
270. A. Warren, J. Dearnley and C. Oppenheim, Sources of literature on data protection and human rights, JILT, 2001,
271. C. Oppenheim, The new Directive on copyright and related rights, Learned Publishing, 2001, 14 (3), 205-212.
272. C. Oppenheim, Legal issues for information professionals VI: copyright issues in digitisation and the hybrid library, Information Services and Use, 2000, 20 (4), 203-210.
273. L. Bebbington and C. Oppenheim, LISLEX 23, Journal of Information Science, 2001, 27 (4), 277-286.
274. C. Oppenheim and J. Wills, Should advertising be allowed on JANET?, Aslib Proceedings, 2001, 53 (8), 284-295.
275. C. Oppenheim, Is copyright strangling higher education?, UKOLUG Newsletter, 2001 12 (5), 26-29.
277. A.S. Sabatier and C. Oppenheim, The ILS professional in the City of London: personality and glass ceiling issues, JOLIS, 2001, 33 (3), 145-156.
278. R.L. Hardy, C. Oppenheim and I. Rubbert, PELICAN: working on a solution to the pricing problem, Assignation, 2001, 19 (1), 27-30.
279. C. Oppenheim, J. Stenson and R.M.S. Wilson, the attributes of information as an asset, New Library World, 2001, 102 (1170), 458 – 463.
280. V. Bence and C. Oppenheim, Journals, scholarly communication and the RAE: a case study of the business and management sector, Serials, 2001, 14 (3), 265-274.
281. K. Hellgardt, G. Shama and C. Oppenheim, Use of numerical taxonomy and journal impact factors in the evaluation of chemical engineering academics’ publications, Journal of Information Science, 2001, 27 (6), 371-376.
282. R. Hardy and C. Oppenheim, Pricing digital progress, Library Association Record, 2002, 104 (2), 100 – 101.
283. R.L. Hardy, C. Oppenheim and I. Rubbert, PELICAN: one step closer to the solution of the pricing problem, Information Services and Use, 2001, 21 (3/4), 157-164.
284. R.Hardy, C. Oppenheim and I. Rubbert, Pricing strategies and models for the provision of digitized texts in higher education, Journal of Information Science, 2002, 28 (2), 97-110.
285. C. Oppenheim, Do we need fresh thinking on National Information Policy?, Alexandria, 2002, 14 (1), 1-2.
286. R. Mallon and C. Oppenheim, Style used in electronic mail, Aslib Proceedings, 2002, 54 (1) 8-22.
287. A. Muir and C. Oppenheim, National Information Policy developments worldwide I: electronic government, Journal of Information Science, 2002, 28(3), 173-186.
288. C. Oppenheim, Practical difficulties of the EU Directive for LIS Professionals, Managing Information, 2002,
289 E. Clement and C. Oppenheim, Anarchism, alternative publishers and copyright, Anarchist Studies, 2002, 10 (1), 41-69.
290. C. Oppenheim, Directive on copyright, Library and Information Update, 2002, 1 (5), 26-27.
291. E. Jones and C. Oppenheim, Glass ceiling issues and the UK library profession, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 2002, 34 (2), 103-116. Also appeared in IEEE 'Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Newsletter, 06/2002; 34(2).
292. A. Muir and C. Oppenheim, National Information Policy developments worldwide II: universal access – addressing the digital divide, Journal of Information Science, 2002, 28(4), 263-274.
293. C. Oppenheim and T. Randall, the UK market for travel e-books, Publishing Research Quarterly, 2002, 18 (1), 14-37.
294. C. Oppenheim, Will PELICAN fly?, Serials, 2002, 15 (2), 105-110.
295. A. Muir and C. Oppenheim, National Information Policy developments worldwide III: e-commerce, Journal of Information Science, 2002, 28 (5), 357-374.
296. C. Oppenheim, Lislex 24, Journal of Information Science, 2002, 28 (5), 423-428.
297. A. Muir and C. Oppenheim, National Information Policy developments worldwide IV: copyright, Freedom of Information and data protection, Journal of Information Science, 2002, 28 (6), 467-482.
298. C. Oppenheim, Guest editorial, World Patent Information, 2002, 24 (4), 261-262.
299. P. Sturges, E. Davies, J. Dearnley, U. Iliffe, C. Oppenheim and R. Hardy, User Privacy in the digital library environment: an investigation of policies and preparedness, Library Management, 2003, 24 (1/2), 44-50.
300. C. Oppenheim, Lislex 25, Journal of Information Science, 2003, 25 (1), 57-59.
301. E.A. Gadd, C. Oppenheim and S.G. Probets, Self archiving – the ‘right’ thing? An introduction to the ROMEO Project, SCONUL Newsletter, 2002, (27), 34-37.
302. C. Oppenheim, V.V. Nalimov memorial issue of Scientometrics, Journal of Information Science, 2003, 29 (3), 141-142.
303. S. Harnad, L. Carr, T. Brody and C. Oppenheim, Mandated online RAE CVs linked to University eprint archives: enhancing UK research impact and assessment, Ariadne, 2003,
304. E. Gadd, C. Oppenheim and S. Probets, ROMEO Studies I: the impact of copyright ownership on academic author self-archiving, Journal of Documentation, 2003, 59 (3), 243-277.
305. E. Gadd, C. Oppenheim and S. Probets, The RoMEO Project: Protecting metadata in an open access environment, Ariadne, 2003 (July), at:
306. C. Oppenheim, Comments on action against Copyright Directive non-implementation, Managing Information Newsletter, 2003, at:
307. C. Oppenheim, J. Stenson and R.M.S. Wilson, Studies on information as an asset I: definition, Journal of Information Science, 2003, 29 (3), 159-166.
308. C. Oppenheim, J. Stenson and R.M.S. Wilson, Studies on information as an asset II: repertory grid, Journal of Information Science, 2003, 29 (5), 419-432.
309. E. Gadd, C. Oppenheim and S. Probets, The Intellectual Property Rights issues facing self-archiving, D-Lib Magazine, September 2003, at:
310. C. Oppenheim, The new copyright legislation, Managing Information, 2003, 10 (7), (September) 38-40.
311. E. Gadd, C. Oppenheim and S. Probets, ROMEO Studies 4: an analysis of journal publishers’ copyright agreements, Learned Publishing, 2003, 16 (4), 293-308.
312. E. Gadd, C. Oppenheim and S. Probets, ROMEO 3: how academics expect to use open-access papers, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 2003, 35 (3), 171-188.
313. C. Harris and C. Oppenheim, The provision of library services for visually impaired students in UK FE libraries in response to the SENDA, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 2003, 35 (4), 243-257.
314. E. Gadd, C. Oppenheim and S. Probets, RoMEO Studies 2: how academics want to protect their open-access research papers, Journal of Information Science, 2003, 29 (5), 333-356.
315. C. Oppenheim, Lislex 26, Journal of Information Science, 2003, 29 (3), 211-218.
316. V. Bence and C. Oppenheim, The role of academic journal publications in the UK Research Assessment Exercise, Learned Publishing, 2004, 17 (1), 53-68.
317. M. Norris and C. Oppenheim, Citation counts and the Research Assessment Exercise V: Archaeology and the 2001 RAE, Journal of Documentation, 2003, 59 (6), 709 – 730.
318. C. Oppenheim and M. Robinson, Loughborough University students’ attitudes to P2P music file sharing, Journal of Information Law and Technology, 2003, 8 (2),
319. C. Oppenheim, Newspaper copyright developments: a European Union and UK perspective, IFLA Journal, 2003, 29 (4), 317-320.
320. A. Warren and C. Oppenheim, Integration of roles? Implementing new information laws in UK public organizations, Journal of Information Science, 2004, 30 (1), 48-59.
321. C. Oppenheim, A return to Volume One of World Patent Information, World Patent Information, 2004, 26 (1), 25-27.
322. C. Oppenheim, Legal issues for information professionals VII: How UK Copyright Law has changed with the EU Directive, Freepint, 2004,
323. E. Angus and C. Oppenheim, Studies on the characteristics of brand names used in the marketing of information products and services II: Internet related services, Aslib Proceedings, 2004, 56 (1), 12-23.
324. E. Gadd, C. Oppenheim and S. Probets, RoMEO Studies 6: rights metadata in open archiving, Program, 2004, 38 (1), 5-14.
325. C. Oppenheim, J. Stenson and R.M.S. Wilson, Studies on information as an asset III: views of information professionals, Journal of Information Science, 2004, 30 (2), 181-190.
326. E. Gadd, C. Oppenheim and S. Probets, RoMEO studies 5: IPR issues facing OAI data and service providers, The Electronic Library, 2004, 22 (2), 121-138
327. S. Harnad, T. Brody, F. Vallieres, L. Carr, S. Hitchcock, Y. Gringras, C. Oppenheim, H. Stamerjohanns and E.R. Hill, The green and gold roads to open access, Nature, 2004,
328. C. Oppenheim and D. Stuart, Is there a correlation between investment in an academic library and a higher education institution’s ratings in the Research Assessment Exercise?, Aslib Proceedings, 2004, 56 (3), 156 – 165.
329. T. Ahmed, B. Johnson, C. Oppenheim and C. Peck, Highly cited old papers and the reasons why they continue to be cited II: the 1953 Watson and Crick article on the structure of DNA, Scientometrics, 2004, 61(2), 147-156.
330. C. Oppenheim and I. Woodward, A survey of copyright advice and guidance in UK higher education libraries, Library and Information Research, 2004, 28 (89), 50-53.
331. V. Bence and C. Oppenheim, The influence of peer review on the Research Assessment Exercise, Journal of Information Science, 2004, 30 (4), 347-368.
332. S.M.Z. Ahmed, C. McKnight and C. Oppenheim, A study of users’ performance and satisfaction with Web of Science IR interface, Journal of Information Science, 2004, 30 (5), 459-468.
333. V. Bence and C. Oppenheim, A comparison of journal submissions to the UK’s RAE 1996 and 2001 for UoA 43 (Business and Management Studies), European Management Journal, 2004, 22 (4), 402-417.
334. V. Bence and C. Oppenheim, Does Bradford-Zipf apply to business and management journals in the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise? Journal of Information Science, 2004, 30 (5), 469-474.
335. R. Hardy and C. Oppenheim, Research on University Presses: an overview of UK University Presses, Publishing Research Quarterly, 2004, 20(2), 18-31.
336. J.F. Rowland, A. Swan, P. Needham, S. Probets, A. Muir, C. Oppenheim, A. O'Brien and R. Hardy, Delivery, Management and Access Model for E-Prints and Open Access Journals, Serials Review, 2004, 30(4), 298-303
337. S. Harnad, T. Brody, F. Vallieres, L. Carr, Y. Gringras, C. Oppenheim et al, The access/impact problem and green and gold roads to Open Access, Serials Review, 2004, 30(4), 310-314.
338. A. Swan, P. Needham, S. Probets, A. Muir, C. Oppenheim, A. O’Brien, R. Hardy and F. Rowland, Developing a model for e-prints and open access journal content in UK further and higher education, Learned Publishing, 2005, 18 (1), 25-40. Also at
339. C. Oppenheim, Open access and the UK Science and Technology Select Committee Report “Free for All?”, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 2005, 37 (1), 3 – 6.
340. E.A. Gadd, C. Oppenheim and S.G. Probets, Projekt RoMEO : ochrona metadanych w środowisku Open Access,
341. C. Oppenheim, Why I believe students who buy essays via the web get poor value for money, Times Higher Educational Supplement, 8th April 2005, 14
342. S.M.Z. Ahmed, C. McKnight and C. Oppenheim, A study of learning and retention with a Web-based IR interface, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 2005, 37 (1), 7-16.
343. C. Oppenheim, Open access and the UK Science and Technology Select Committee Report “Free for All?”, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 2005, 37 (1), 3 – 6.
344. J. Back and C. Oppenheim, Charles, A model of cognitive load for IR: implications for user relevance feedback interaction, Information Research, 2001, 6(2) Available at:
345. C. Oppenheim and V. Smith, Censorship in libraries, Information Services and Use, 2004, 24 (4), 159-170.
346. V. Bence and C. Oppenheim, The evolution of the UK’s Research Assessment Exercise: publications, performance and perceptions, Journal of Educational Administration and History, 2005, 37 (2), 137-155.
347. K. Ball and C. Oppenheim, Attitudes of UK librarians and librarianship students to ethical issues, International Review of Information Ethics, 2005, 3 (6), available at:
348. C. Oppenheim, Legal issues for information professionals VIII: understanding the recent changes to the law, Serials, 2005, 18 (3), 186-191.
349. C. Oppenheim and R. Smith, Student citation practices in an Information Science Department, Education for Information, 2001, 19 (4), 299-323.
350 C. Jenkins, S. Probets and C. Oppenheim, The JISC/SURF 'Partnering on Copyright' Project, ALISS Quarterly, 2005, 1 (1), 28-31
351. Chunmao Liu and Charles Oppenheim, Competitive Intelligence and the Development Strategy of Higher Education in Tianjin, China, Information Development, 2006, 22 (1), 58-64.
352. C. Gillam and C. Oppenheim, Review Article: Reviewing the impact of virtual teams in the information age, Journal of Information Science, 2006, 32 (2), 160-175
353. M. Bates, L. Gadd, S. Loddington, S. Manuel and C. Oppenheim, Rights and rewards in blended Institutional Repositories Project, ALISS Quarterly, 2006, 1 (3), 47-51.
354. H.C.M. Kane, G. Ragsdell and C. Oppenheim, Knowledge management methodologies, E-Journal of Knowledge Management, 2006, 4 (2), http://www.ejkm/volume-4/v4-u2/kane-et-al.pdf
355. T. Ahmed and C. Oppenheim, Experiments to identify the causes of spam, Aslib Proceedings, 2006, 58 (3), 156-178
356. C. Oppenheim and L. Ward, Evaluation of web sites for B2C e-commerce, Aslib Proceedings, 2006, 58 (3), 237-260.
357. C. Oppenheim, The impact of Information Technology on information science: implications for courses in the UK, Education for Information, 1983, 1 (2), 125-137.
358. C. Cross and C. Oppenheim, A genre analysis of scientific abstracts, Journal of Documentation, 2006, 62 (4), 428-446.
359. S.M.Z. Ahmed, C. McKnight and C. Oppenheim, A user-centred design and evaluation of IR interfaces, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 2006, 38 (3), 157-172.
360. J. Li, C. Oppenheim, J. McShea and D. Powell, An evaluation of UK credit ratings services, Business Information Review, 2006, 23 (3), 162-174.
361. M.E. Clarke and C. Oppenheim, Citation behaviour of information science students II: postgraduate students, Education for Information, 2006, 24 (1), 1-30.
362. S.M.Z. Ahmed, C. McKnight and C. Oppenheim, The use of a heuristic process to evaluate an online information retrieval interface, Library and Information Research, 2006, 30 (95), 3-9.
363. N. Bessis and C. Oppenheim, Making the DREAM reality: a SSM based model for the communication of design research, Information Services and Use, 2006, 26 (3), 223-240.
364. M. Bates, S. Loddington, S. Manuel and C. Oppenheim, Attitudes to the rights and rewards for author contributions to repositories for teaching and learning, ALT-J Research in Learning Technology, 2007, 15 (1), 67-82.
365. N. Korn and C. Oppenheim, Creative Commons licences in higher and further education: do we care? Ariadne, 2006 (49), available at:
366. C. Oppenheim, Who needs copyright?, Learned Publishing, 2006, 19 (4), 243-244.
367. C. Oppenheim, Using the h-index to rank influential British researchers in information science and librarianship, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2007, 58 (2), 297-301.
368. M. Bates, S. Manuel and C. Oppenheim, Models of Early Adoption of ICT Innovations in Higher Education, Ariadne, 2007 (50),; reprinted in D. Mukherjee, Ed., “Information and Communication Technology Changing Education”, ICFAI University Press, 2009, p. 51-71
369. C. Jenkins, , S. Probets, C. Oppenheim and B. Hubbard, RoMEO Studies 8: Self-archiving : The logic behind the colour-coding used in the Copyright Knowledge Bank. Program, 2007, 41 (2), 124-133.
370. C. Oppenheim,Valuing information assets in British companies , Records Management Bulletin, 1999, (91) 3-7
371. M. Norris and C. Oppenheim, Comparing alternatives to the Web of Science for coverage of the social sciences literature, Journal of Informetrics, 2007, 1, 161-169.
372. C. Oppenheim and L. Duffus, What is happening to LISA? CILIP Update, 2007, 6 (7/8), 21.
373. Zuccala, A., Thelwall, M., Oppenheim, C. & Dhiensa, R., Web intelligence analyses of digital libraries: a case study of the National electronic Library for Health (NeLH). Journal of Documentation, 2007, 63(4), 558-589.
374. C. Oppenheim and S. Manuel, Repository thrills and spills, Ariadne, 2007,
375.B. Johnson and C. Oppenheim, How socially connected are citers to those they cite?, Journal of Documentation, 2007, 63 (5), 609 – 637.
376. S. Manuel and C. Oppenheim, Googlepository and the University Library, Ariadne, 2007,
377. E. Gadd, S. Loddington and C. Oppenheim, A comparison of academics' attitudes towards the rights protection of their research and teaching materials, Journal of Information Science, 2007, 33 (6), 686-701
378. A. Zuccala, C. Oppenheim, and R. Dhiensa, Managing and evaluating digital repositories, Information Research, 2008, 13 (1),
Also available at:
379. C. Jenkins, C. Oppenheim, S. Probets and B. Hubbard, Romeo Studies 7: creation of a controlled vocabulary to analyse copyright transfer agreements, Journal of Information Science, 2008, 34 (3), 290-307.
380. S. Harnad, C. Oppenheim et al, The access/impact problem and the green and gold roads to Open Access: an update, Serials Review, 2008, 34 (1), 36-40.
381. A. Warren, R. Bayley, C. Bennett, A. Charlesworth, R. Clarke and C. Oppenheim, Privacy Impact Assessments: International experience as a basis for UK guidance, Computer Law and Security Report, 2008, 24 (3), 233-242. Reprinted in: .
382. M. Norris, C. Oppenheim and F. Rowland, The citation advantage of open-access articles, JASIST, 2008, 59 (12), 1963-1972.
383. C. Oppenheim, Electronic scholarly publishing and Open Access, Journal of Information Science, 2008, 34 (4), 577-590. Reprinted in A. Gilchrist (Editor), Information Science in Transition, Facet, 2009, p.299-322.
384. M. King, S. Loddington, S. Manuel and C. Oppenheim, Analysis of academic attitudes and existing processes to inform the design of teaching, Active Learning in Higher Education, 2008, 9 (2), 103-121.
385. C. Oppenheim and M. Summers, Citation counts and the RAE VI: Unit of Assessment 67 (music), Information Research, 2008, 13 (2),
386. S. Ellerslie and C. Oppenheim, The effect of motivation on publication productivity of UK LIS academics, Library and Information Research, 2008, 32 (101), 57-90
387. C. Oppenheim, Legal issues for information professionals IX: An overview of recent developments in the law, in relation to the internet. Journal of Documentation, 2008, 64(6), 938-955.
388. C. Oppenheim, Out with the old and in with the new: the RAE, bibliometrics and the new REF, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 2008, 40 (3), 147-149.
389. E. Mauleon, M. Bordons and C. Oppenheim, The effect of gender on research staff success in life sciences in the Spanish National Research Council, Research Evaluation, 2008, 17 (3), 213-225.
390. C. Oppenheim, A clarification of UK copyright law, Online, 2006, 30 (4), 60.
391. M. Bide, R. Dhiensa, H. Look, C. Oppenheim and S. Probets, Requirements for a registry of electronic licences, The Electronic Library, 2009, 27 (1), 43-57.
392. S.M. Ahmed, C. McKnight and C. Oppenheim, A review of research on human-computer interfaces for online information retrieval, The Electronic Library, 2009, 27 (1), 96-116.
393. S. Al-Daihani and C. Oppenheim, The information behaviour of Kuwaiti legal professionals, Kuwait Journal of Information Studies, 2006, 1 (1), 36-52.
394. C. Oppenheim, Why pay for content?, Ariadne, 2009 (60),
395. M. Norris and C. Oppenheim, Peer review and the h index: two studies, Journal of Informetrics, 2010, 4 (3), 221-232
396. J.W. Houghton and C. Oppenheim, The economic implications of alternative publishing models, Prometheus, 2010, 28 (1), 41-54. Reprinted at:
397. C. Oppenheim, What lies ahead for Aslib under Emerald?, Library and Information Update, 2010, (June), 36.
398. J. Li, M. Sanderson, P. Willett, M. Norris and C. Oppenheim, Ranking of library and information science researchers: comparison of data sources for correlating citation data, and expert judgements, Journal of Informetrics, 2010, 4, 554-563
399. J.W. Houghton and C. Oppenheim, The economic implications of alternative publishing models: authors’ response, Prometheus, 2010, 28 (2), 203-205.
400. C. Creaser, J. Fry, H. Greenwood, C. Oppenheim, S. Probets, V. Spezi and S. White, Authors’ awareness and attitudes towards open access repositories, New Review of Academic Librarianship, 2010, 16 (1), 145-161. A summary version of this article also appeared as C. Creaser, J. Fry, H. Greenwood, C. Oppenheim, S. Probets, V. Spezi and S. White, Open Access: a view from the ground, JISC Inform, 2011 (29), 10.
401. M. Norris and C. Oppenheim, The h-index: a broad review of a new bibliometric indicator, Journal of Documentation, 2010, 66 (5), 681 – 705
402. T. Berners-Lee, D. de Roure, S. Harnad, D. Law, P. Murray-Rust, C. Oppenheim, N. Shadbolt and Y. Wilks, Journal publishing and author self-archiving: peaceful co-existence and fruitful collaboration, at: and at: (2005)
403. C. Oppenheim, Legal issues for information professionals X: Legal issues associated with cloud computing, Business Information Review, 2011, 28 (1), 25 - 29
404. C. Creaser, M.A.C. Summers and C. Oppenheim, What do UK academics cite?, Scientometrics, 2011, 86 (3), 613-627.
405. C. Oppenheim, The reading ease of the Information Scientist, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 1976, 8(1), 77-78.
406. C. Oppenheim, UK copyright: in a state of extreme flux, CILIP Update, 2011 (May), 43-45.
407. J.M. Levitt, M. Thelwall and C. Oppenheim, Variations between subjects in the extent to which the social sciences have become more interdisciplinary, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2011, 62 (6), 1118-1129.
408. C. Oppenheim, Guest editorial, CABLIS, 1990 (21), 1-3.
409. H. Hall, S. Kenna and C. Oppenheim, The rationale for the DREaM, Library and Information Research, 2011, 35 (110), 43-49.
410. C. Oppenheim, Beware of Cloud Computing, Refer, 2012,28 (1)
411. C. Oppenheim, Beware of cloud law! Blog post 2012, available at:
412. H. Hall and C. Oppenheim, The possible dream: developing LIS research excellence, CILIP Update, 2012 (May), 32-33.
413. C. Oppenheim, Should the very concept of copyright be rethought – at least in the realm of academic scholarship? UKSG Insights, 2012, 25 (2), 183-186.
414. C. Oppenheim, Cloud law and contract negotiation, El profesional de la información, 2012, 21 (5), 453-457, available at:
415. L. Goodchild, C. Oppenheim and M. Cleeve, MPs online: an evaluative study of MPs’ use of websites, Aslib Proceedings, 2007, 59 (6), 565 – 587.
416. Anon (C. Oppenheim, V. Skelton and S.E. Ward), Forty years of information management, Business Information Review, 2013, 30 (3), 123-127.
417. C. Oppenheim, The end of Online – and the end of an era, Refer, 2014, 30 (1), 4-6.
418. M. Norris, C. Oppenheim and F. Rowland, Finding open access articles using Google, Google Scholar, OAIster and OpenDOAR. Online Information Review, 2008, 32 (6), 709-715.
419. M. Brook, P. Murray-Rust and C. Oppenheim, The Social, Political and Legal Aspects of Text and Data Mining (TDM), D-Lib Magazine, November/December 2014 , 20, (11/12) , doi: 10.1045/november2014-brook;
420. M. White and C. Oppenheim, In response to ‘“So wide and varied”: the origins and character of British information science’, Journal of Information Science, 2014, 40 (6), 858-862.
421. C. Oppenheim and J. Molloy, Explorer les données de la literature grises, Information, Données et Documents, 2015 (1), 65-67.
422. E.C. McKiernan, C. Oppenheim and 55 others, Open letter to the Society for Neuroscience, The Winnower, 21 August 2014, 1-3, available at:
423. R.M.S. Wilson and C. Oppenheim, The age of invisibility: how emeritus professors fade from view, available at: (2015). Also, same authors, Not out to pasture but definitely out of sight, Times Higher Education, 26 November 2015 (2231) , p. 28-29. Response by Laurie Taylor in the spoof Poppletonian, Times Higher Education, 3 - 9 December 2015, (2232), p. 60, and at
424. S. Harnad, T. Brody, F. Vallieres, L. Carr, S.Hitchcock, Y. Gingras, C. Oppenheim, et al, The green and the gold roads to Open Access.Nature Web Focus, (2004)
425. L. Carr, A. Swan, A. Sale, C. Oppenheim et al, Repositories for Institutional Open Access: Mandated Deposit Policies, (no date)
426. C. Oppenheim, Cloud law and contract negotiation, El professional de la información, 2012, 21 (5), 453-457.
427. C. Oppenheim, The Marrakesh Treaty and its implications, (2016)
428. C. Oppenheim, Some thoughts on hyperlinks and communication to the public, (2016)
429. C. Oppenheim, Implications for copyright law if the UK leaves the EU, Online Searcher, 2017, 41 (1), 42-46.
430. C. Oppenheim, Who owns the rights to scholarly articles?, Open and Shut?, (2014)
431. C. Oppenheim, The Marrakesh copyright treaty for those with visual disabilities and its implications in the European Union, and in the UK, Alexandria, 2017, 27 (1), 1-6.
432. C. Oppenheim, How big a problem is articles that should be OA, but are behind a paywall?, The Scholarly Kitchen, 2017 (May),
433. C. Oppenheim, Elsevier losses questioned in Sci-Hub case, When the data hits the fan, 2017 (June),
434. A. Muir and C. Oppenheim,Nick Moore, his information policy matrix, with a bibliometric analysis,Library Management, 2017, 38 (8/9), 394-403
435. C. Oppenheim, Copyright on Internet, Learned Publishing, 1997, 10 (1), 39-41.
436. R. Harrison, Y. Nobis and C. Oppenheim, Sci-Hub: the librarian’s response, (2018); also appeared at:
437. C. Oppenheim, About me, (2018)
Publikované konferenční přednášky
1. P. Ellis et al, Patent citation networks, Proceedings International Symposium on Patent Information and Documentation, 1977, no pagination
2. C. Oppenheim, The significance of industrial property to the pharmaceutical industry, Proceedings AIOPI Conference, 1978, 5, 13-16.
3. C. Oppenheim, Education of information scientists, now and in the future,
Proceedings of the Institute of Information Scientists 1979 Conference (on microfiche).
4. C.D. Hamilton and C. Oppenheim, A comparative evaluation of Economics Abstracts International and of some Predicasts databases, in Proceedings IOLIM, 1979, 3, 239-244.
5. C. Oppenheim and S. Perryman, A comparison of GEOREF and GEOARCHIVE for geosciences information retrieval, ibid., 407-418.
6. C. Oppenheim, Historical facts in text-based systems, Proceedings CNA Conference, 1980, 33-46.
7. C. Oppenheim, Ethics of information supply, Proceedings Joint Aslib/IIS/LA Conference, 1980, 105-111.
8. C. Oppenheim, Patents information online: a review, Proceedings IOLIM, 1981, 5, 91-100.
9. M. Hyams and C. Oppenheim, Technological forecasting based upon statistical analysis of patents databases, Proceedings Infodial Conference, 1983, Supplement.
10. C. Oppenheim, Electronic publishing, Proceedings Videotex User Conference, 1986, 237-248.
11. C. Oppenheim, Use of online databases in bibliometric studies, Proceedings IOLIM, 1985, 9, 355-364.
12. C. Oppenheim, Loading databases: a host's experiences, ibid., 69-75.
13. C. Oppenheim, Online information services - present plans and future prospects, Proceedings 11th IATUL Conference, 1985, 139-142.
14. C. Oppenheim, The importance of financial information online, in Proceedings IOLIM, 1987, 11, 323-333.
15. C. Oppenheim, The convergence of real time and historical business information, Proceedings East West Information Meeting, 1989, 1, 199-209 (the same paper, translated into Russian, also appeared in the Russian language Proceedings).
16. C. Oppenheim and E. Thomas, Five years' experience of CD ROM in
libraries, proceedings of CD ROM Europe 90, Agestream, 1990, within
May 23rd proceedings. (The same paper also appeared in Advanced
Information Report.)
17. C. Oppenheim, Marketing of real time and bibliographic information,
Proceedings IOLIM, 1990, 14, 397-404.
18. C. Oppenheim, Why are bibliographic databases so unimportant?
Proceedings Annual MARC User Group Conference, 1989, 15, 13-22.
19. C. Oppenheim, CD ROM: An introduction to its technology and its potential applications, Proceedings Advanced Information Systems Conference, 1991, 1, 69-76.
20. C. Oppenheim, Text retrieval today and a look at the future, Proceedings 1991 Israeli
21. C. Oppenheim, Financial Information Systems,ibid.
22. C. Oppenheim, The Library of the Year 2010,ibid.
23. Y.P. Shao and C. Oppenheim, International trend of contracting out information technology services in the banking sector, Proceedings of 1st China World Consultancy and Information Services Conference, 1993, p. 351-357
24. C. Oppenheim, Executive Information Systems, in Proceedings of the 1993 European Business Information Conference, TFPL, p. 141-148.
25. C. Oppenheim, Keynote Address, in, Taming the Electronic Jungle - Proceedings of a Conference Organised by National Acquisitions Group and UK Serials Group, edited by Mary Morley and Hazel Woodward, NAG/UKSG, 1993, p. 1-13.
26. C. Oppenheim, Virtual Reality - a General Overview, Proceedings of IOLIM, 1993, 17, 573-581.
27. C. Oppenheim, The intellectual property jungle, in, Information Management and Management Information, Proceedings of the Joint Information Services Conference, University of Stirling, 1994, 102-110.
28. Y.P. Shao and C. Oppenheim, Expert Systems in Banking: the British scene, Proceedings of the second European Conference on Information Systems, Nijenrode, 1994, 617-628.
29. C. Oppenheim, Revolution or evolution? The impact of the Internet, end user interfaces and new software on chemical and patent information, in Proceedings of the 1995 Chemical Information Conference, Infonortics, 1-24.
30. C. Oppenheim, Regulation and censorship on the Internet, in Proceedings of IOLIM, 1995, 19, 33-40.
31. C. Oppenheim, Do we need a National Information Policy? in Proceedings of the Annual Computers in Libraries Conference, 1996, 10, 289-298.
32. C. Oppenheim, untitled paper, Proceedings of the International Information Management Conference, Elan Conferences, 1996, no pagination.
33. C. Oppenheim, Implementing the Follett Report, Proceedings of the 125th Membership Meeting of the Association of Research Libraries, 1994, 125, 8-10.
34. C. Oppenheim, Intellectual property, paper presented to JISC Conference on legal issues of the Internet, (1997)
35. C. Oppenheim, Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights: An International Update, in Marc Fresko (ed.), “Beyond the Beginning: The Global Digital Library”, Proceedings of the International Conference, 159 - 160 (1998), British Library Research and Innovation Report 78. Also available at:
36. C. Oppenheim, Freedom of Information and Government.Direct, Proceedings of 1998 EPIP Conference,
37. C. Oppenheim, Birth of a Generation, Proceedings of the UKOLUG 20th Anniversary Birthday Conference, UKOLUG, 1998, 1-12.
38. C. Oppenheim, the legal and regulatory environment for global virtual communities, Proceedings of the 2nd Virtual Communities Conference, 1999,
39. C. Oppenheim, Copyright issues in distance learning, Proceedings of the Current Issues in Distance Learning Conference, Loughborough University, 1999, pp. 4-13.
40. C. Oppenheim, The relationship between knowledge management and information management, Proceedings of Inforum Conference, Prague, 1999, and click on “sbornik”.
41. C. Oppenheim, Keynote Address: keeping it legal, in: Proceedings of IOLIM, 1999, 23, 143-146.
42. C. Oppenheim, The future of intellectual property in the information society, in Proceedings of the 8th BOBCATSSS International Symposium, 2000, Royal School of Library and Information Science Copenhagen, pp. 20-24.
43. C. Oppenheim, JISC/Publishers Association work on developing guidelines for copyright issues in the electronic environment, in P. Connolly and D. Reidy (editors), Proceedings of the International Conference on the Digital Library: Challenges and solutions for the new millennium, 2000, 39-43 (Boston Spa, IFLA, ISBN 0 9532439 7 4)
44. C. Oppenheim, Wie sollen Bibliotheken auf die such veraenernden Marktbedingungen reagieren?, Proceedings of the 2000 Digital Library Conference, Bielefeld, Germany,
45. C. Oppenheim, Looking at the real value of Intellectual Capital, in Proceedings of the BIG Conference 2000, Market Research Society, 5-15.
46. C. Oppenheim, Keeping it legal: how to avoid legal problems on the Internet, in Proceedings of the UKOLUG Conference 2000,
47. C. Oppenheim, the legal and regulatory environment for virtual communities, in Proceedings of the 2002 Virtual Communities Conference, (2002)
48. J. Stenson, C. Oppenheim and R. Wilson, The attributes of information as an asset, its measurement and role in enhancing organisational effectiveness, in Proceedings of the 4th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, Association of Research Libraries 2002, 197-202.
49. C. Oppenheim, All you wanted to know about copyright but were afraid to ask, in Proceedings of the National Probation Research and Information Conference, 2002, National Probation Service, 51-55.
50. C. Oppenheim, J. Stenson and R. Wilson, The attributes of information as an asset, in Proceedings of 4th British Nordic Conference on Library and Information Studies, 2002, 275-282.
51. C. Oppenheim, Information ownership, copyright and licences, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries, 2002,
52. J. Stenson, C. Oppenheim and R.M.S. Wilson, A new approach to valuing information assets, in Proceedings of the International Online Information Meeting, 2002, 26, 21-32.
53. C. Oppenheim, Copyright and the digital library, Proceedings of the South African Online User Group Conference, 2001,
54. C. Oppenheim, Keynote paper with Don Marchand, 2002 IOLIM.
55. E.A. Gadd, C. Oppenheim and S.G. Probets, Journal Copyright Transfer Agreements: Their effect on author self archiving, in Proceeding of the 7th ICCC/IFIP International Conference on Electronic Publishing 2003: From Information to Knowledge, , pp 95-103. Editors: Sely Maria de Souza Costa, Joao Alvaro Carvalho, Ana Alice Baptista, Ana Cristina Santos Moreira. Publisher: Universidade do Minho. Venue: Guimaraes, Portugal. June 25-28 2003. ISBN: 972-98921-2-1. Also available at:
56. C. Oppenheim, E. Gadd and S. Probets, Developing IPR solutions for academic author self-archiving, in Beyond the network. Innovative IT services. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of European University Information Systems. 2-4 July 2003, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam. Pp. 404-415.
57. T. Brody, H. Stamerjohanns, S. Harnad, Y. Gringras and C. Oppenheim, The effect of Open Access on citation impact, paper presented at Conference on National Policies on Open Access provision for University research output, Southampton, 19 February 2004,
58. C. Oppenheim, Copyright, libraries and the European Union, in Proceedings of Polskie Biblioteki Akademickie w Unii Europejskiej Conference, Lodz, 23 – 25 June 2004, ISBN 83-900302 1 4, pp. 79-84. Also translated into Polish in supplementary volume, Materialy konferencyjne, 2004, pp 23-30.
59. C. Oppenheim, Should we be bovvered about IPR in e-learning?, Proceedings of the 2007 IPR in e-learning workshop/conference, London, 2007. London: Middlesex University Press, ISBN 978 1 85924 293 3, p. 6
60 Kane, H., Ragsdell, G. and Oppenheim, C., Knowledge Management Methodologies, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management, Dr D. Remenyi, Academic Conferences Ltd, American University, Dubai, November 2005, pp 253-266, ISBN 1-905305-15-Y, [Also on CD-ROM], ISBN 1-905305-14-1.
61. Boyd, J., Ragsdell, G. and Oppenheim, C., Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms: A Case Study from Manufacturing, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Dr. B.Martins, Academic Conferences Ltd, European Conference on Knowledge Management, Consorci Escola Industrial de Barcelona, Spain, September 2007, 139-146, ISBN: 978-1-905305-53-7.
62. B. Kelly and C. Oppenheim, “Empowering users and institutions: a risks and opportunities framework for exploiting the social web”, in Proceedings of the Conference on empowering users: an active role for user communities, Florence, 15-16 December 2009, available and at
63. C.D. Hamilton and C. Oppenheim, “An evaluation of Economics Abstracts International”, in Proceedings of the National Online Meeting, Information Today Inc, 1980, unknown pagination
64. Levitt J.M., Thelwall M. and Oppenheim C. (2010). Investigating change in the level of inter-disciplinarity of social science between 1980 and 2000. Presented at the 11th international conference on Science and Technology Indicators in Leiden.
65. Levitt J.M., Thelwall M. and Oppenheim C. (2009). Preliminary findings that can be used when assessing the advantages and limitations of using bibliometric data in the assessment of Economics research. Presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology in Vancouver.
66. Levitt J.M., Thelwall M. and Oppenheim C. (2009). Is the higher citation of collaborative research the same in every country: A case study of Economics. Presented at the 12th conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics in Rio de Janeiro.
67. A. Brettle, H. Hall and C. Oppenheim, “We have a DREaM: the Developing Research Excellence and Methods network”, Proceedings of the 5th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, Limerick, 22-25 May 2012, 235-236.
68. R.C. da Silva, R. Formentini Caldas, S.M. Burnett and C. Oppenheim (2017), Management in public libraries in the hybrid context: a comparative study of hybrid libraries in the United Kingdom and in Brazil for the development of communities Proceedings of XVIII Encontro Nacional De Pesquisa Em Ciência Da Informação – Enancib, GT-4 – Gestão da Informação e do Conhecimento, no pagination.
69. C. Oppenheim, The economics of Open Access (2010), Aquesta intervenció forma part de les 4as Jornadas OS-Repositorios "Políticas de promoción del acceso abierto" i té lloc a l'Aula Magna de l'Edifici Històric de la UB el dia 5 de març de 2010,
Vědecké zprávy
1. C. Oppenheim, Patent citation networks, BLR&DD Report 5517 (1979).
2. C. Oppenheim, Computerisation of newspaper procedures, International
Press Institute Report, 1979.
3. C. Oppenheim, Ethics of information supply, ERIC Report ED196440 (1981).
4. C. Oppenheim, The relationship between online hosts and database producers, Library and Information Briefings No. 29, 1991.
5. C. Oppenheim, The shape of professional publishing in 2000AD in P Holmes (Ed.) Publishing in the Next Decade, BLR&DD Report 6025, (1991), 67-76.
6. C. Oppenheim, Electronic copyright, Library and Information Briefings No. 35, 1992.
7. C. Oppenheim, Electronic copyright and the SuperJANET environment, in Anon, SuperJANET Project on Information Resources, 1993, 66-75.
8. Mooney and C. Oppenheim, How much does British industry pay for patents and patent information?, BL Information Policy Briefings, No. 5, November 1993.
9. C. Oppenheim, Rights, in P. Bryant and I. Mowat, Networks, Libraries and Information, Library and Information Briefings No. 55/56, 1994, p. 31-36.
10. C. Oppenheim, Copyright in HEIs: A Discussion Paper, in M. Tedd (Ed.), "Papers on copyright issues in the Electronic Library", JISC, 1995. Reproduced in:, later changed to:
11. C. Oppenheim, Copyright and the Networking of Images, in ibid. Reproduced in:
12. B. Tuck, C. Oppenheim and R. Yeates, Electronic Copyright Management Systems, LITC Report No. 8, 1996. Reproduced in:
13. M. Bide, C. Oppenheim and A. Ramsden, Copyright Clearance and Digitisation in UK Higher Education: Supporting Study for JISC/PA Clearance Mechanisms Working Party, (1997).
14. M. Bide, C. Oppenheim and A. Ramsden, Charging Mechanisms for Digitised Texts: Second Supporting Study for JISC/PA (1997).
15. C. Oppenheim, Copyright, JISC Senior Management Briefing Paper 5, JISC, 1998.
16. C. Oppenheim et al, Copyright Guidelines for JISC and TLTP Projects, JISC, 1998. Copyright Guidelines for JISC and TLTP Projects, ISBN 1900508419. Also available at:
17. C. Davies, M. Hall, C. Oppenheim and A. Scammell, Early impact of eLib activities on cultural change in higher education, LITC, 1997, also appeared in
18. M. Hall, C. Oppenheim and M.R. Sheen, Barriers to the use of patent information in UK small and medium enterprises (SMEs): results of a questionnaire survey, ETRAC Working Paper 98/6(1), University of Strathclyde, 1998.
19. C. Oppenheim, Report of Crown Copyright Seminar, Intellectual property Institute, 1999, pp. 5-10.
20. L.L. Halliday and C. Oppenheim, Economic models for the digital library, report for eLib at: (October 1999).
21. C. Oppenheim, The legal business, in: Electronic Publishing Services Ltd., adding value through personalisation, EPS Monthly Briefing, 2000 (March), p. 13-15.
22. S. Andretta et al, Librarianship and Information Management Benchmarking Statement, The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, 2000.
23. B. Bogusz, J.E. Davies and C. Oppenheim, Study on the availability and use of personal information in public registers, report for the Office of the Data Protection Registrar at: (May 2000).
24. Derwent Information in association with Charles Oppenheim, Dismantling the barriers, 2000.
25. Wilson, R.M.S, Stenson, J. & Oppenheim, C. (2000) Valuation of information assets. Library and Information Commission research report 33. London,
Library and Information Commission
26. Wilson, R.M.S, Stenson, J. & Oppenheim, C. (2000) The valuing of information assets in UK companies. Library and Information Commission research report 80. London, Library and Information Commission
27. R.L. Hardy, C. Oppenheim and I. Rubbert, Final Report of the PELICAN Project, (February 2002)
28. A. Muir and C. Oppenheim, Report on Developments World-Wide on National Information Policy, (March 2002) This report was written with the assistance of Naomi Hammond and Jane Platts.
29. P. Sturges, E. Davies, J. Dearnley, U. Iliffe and C. Oppenheim, Privacy in the digital library environment, Library and Information Commission Research Report 135, Re:source, 2002.
30. C. Oppenheim, Recent Changes to Copyright Law and the implications for FE
and HE, Report for JISC (2004)
31. Swan, A., Needham, P., Probets, S., Muir, A., O'Brien, A., Oppenheim, C., Hardy, R. & Rowland, F. (2004) Delivery, Management and Access Model for E-prints and Open Access Journals within Further and Higher Education. Available at: and also at and at
32. R. Hardy, C. Oppenheim, T. Brody and S. Hitchcock, Open Access Citation Information, and at (2005)
33. Electronic Publishing Services, C. Oppenheim and LISU, UK Scholarly Journals: 2006 baseline report: an evidence-based analysis of data concerning scholarly journal publishing, Research Information Network, Research Councils UK and DTI (2006), available at:
34. M. Norris and C. Oppenheim, Bibliometric databases scoping project, ESRC Report (2007), available at:
35. S. Manuel and C. Oppenheim, Designing a rewards and support scheme for a repository of teaching and learning materials, (2006), available at:
36. S. Loddington, E. Gadd, C. Oppenheim and S. Manuel, Proposed rights solution: final report (2006), available at: htpps://
37. J. Fry, S. Lockyer, C. Oppenheim, J. Houghton and B. Rasmussen, Identifying benefits arising from the curation and open sharing of research data produced by UK Higher Education and research institutes (2008), available at: and at
38. J. Houghton, C. Oppenheim et al, Economic implications of alternative scholarly publishing models: exploring the costs and benefits (2009), available at: and at numerous other sites
39. J. Fry, C. Oppenheim et al, Communicating knowledge: how and why UK researchers publish and disseminate their findings (2009), available at: and and elsewhere.
40. S. Manuel, S. Loddington and C. Oppenheim, Rewarding teachers: a review of current practice (2006), available at:
41. S. Loddington, M. Bates, S. Manuel and C. Oppenheim, Workflow mapping and stakeholder analysis: final report (2006), available at:
42. M. Bates, S. Manuel, S. Loddington and C. Oppenheim, Digital lifecycles and file types: final report (2006), available at:
43. S. Loddington, C. Oppenheim et al, Copyright ownership in teaching materials, (2006), available at:
44. S. Manuel and C. Oppenheim, The makeup of a teaching and learning repository support network (2006), available at:
45. S. Manuel and C. Oppenheim, Designing a rewards and support scheme for use in Higher Education (2006), available at:
46. S. Loddington, E. Gadd and C. Oppenheim, Ways of evaluating the chosen rights solution (2006), available at: J. Houghton and C. Oppenheim, Widening access to research information: a response, 2010,
48. C. Oppenheim, How to do a bibliometric analysis of your HEI, 2010, available at:
49. N. Korn and C. Oppenheim, Licensing Open Data: A Practical Guide, 2011, available at:
50. J. Fry, C. Oppenheim, S.G. Probets, C. Creaser, H. Greenwood, V. Spezi and S. White, PEER Behavioural Research Baseline Report, 2009, available at:
51. J. Fry, C. Oppenheim, S.G. Probets, C. Creaser, H. Greenwood, V. Spezi and S. White, PEER Behavioural Research Final Report, 2011, available at:
52. C. Oppenheim, UKeiG Copyright Factsheet, 2011, available at: Translated into Slovenian at:
53. M. Hammond, R. Hawtin, C. Oppenheim and L. Gillam, Using cloud computing for research, JISC, 2010, available at:
54. N. Korn and C. Oppenheim, Legal, Licensing and Policy Constraints Inhibiting Organisations across Europe from Contributing their Previews and Metadata to Europeana, 2013, available at:
55. M. Hammond, G. Curtis and C. Oppenheim, Access to citation data: cost-benefit and risk review and forward look, JISC, 2013.
56. Also wrote numerous editions of the UKeiG Factsheet on copyright, 2000 – 2014
57. D. Kay, N. Korn and C. Oppenheim, Legal, Risk and Ethical Aspects of Analytics in Higher Education,, CETIS, 2012.
58. L. Carr, D.C. DeRoure, S. Harnad, J. Hey, A.J.G. Hey, S. Hitchcock and C. Oppenheim, Southampton Recommendations to 2004 UK Parliamentary Select Committee on Science and technology – Open Access Policy
Knihy a kapitoly knih
1. N. Kidwai and C. Oppenheim, Asthma: Research and Treatment, London,
Wolpert & Jones, 1973.
2. C. Oppenheim, Use of patent literature in R.T. Bottle (Ed.), Use of the Chemical Literature, 3rd Edition, Butterworths, 1979, 203-217.
3. R.T. Bottle and C. Oppenheim, Nomenclature, compound indexes and chemical coding, in ibid., 89-102.
4. C. Oppenheim, Poster sessions, in Anon. Scholarly Publishing Guide, Primary Communications Research Centre, Leicester, 1978.
5. C. Oppenheim, Patent information, in Anon, European Directory of Business Information Sources and Services, Centre for Business Information, Paris, 1978, 389-394.
6. C. Oppenheim, Patent information, in Anon, Directory of Information Sources, Alternative Technology Information Group, 1981.
7. C. Oppenheim, The role of patents and copyright in society, in M. Barnes, et al, (eds.), Information and Society, Library and Information Study Group, Leeds, 1981, 100-116.
8. C. Oppenheim, Information aspects of patents, in J. Phillips (Ed.), Patents in Perspective, ESC Publishing, 1985, 54-67.
9. C. Oppenheim, New technology: trends, limits and social effects, in A.I. Mikhailov (Ed.) Theoretical Problems of Informatics, FID, Moscow, 1984, 94-108.
10. C. Oppenheim, Editor, Information Comes of Age, Rossendale Press, 1984.
11. C. Oppenheim, The effect of technology and modern informatics on developing countries, in A.I, Mikhailov (Ed.), Social Aspects of Modern Informatics, FID, Moscow, 1985, 49-58.
12. C. Oppenheim, Editor, CD ROM: Fundamentals to Applications, Butterworths, 1988. Also contributed a chapter to the book, entitled "Sources of Information and Keeping Up To Date".
13. C. Oppenheim, Editor in Chief, Perspectives in Information Management, Butterworths, Volumes 1-3, (1989-92).
14. C. Oppenheim, Online business databases, in Anon, The International Management Development Review 1990, Volume 6, Management Centre Europe, Brussels, 1990.
15. C. Oppenheim, Legal aspects of information management, in P. Dossett (Ed.), Handbook of Special Library and Information Work, Aslib, 6th Edition, 1992, pp. 526-552
16. C. Oppenheim, Library and information work in context, in M. Line (Ed.)., Library and Information Work Worldwide, Volume 1, Bowker Saur, 1991, pp. 1-14.
17. C. Oppenheim, Editor, Applications of Optical Media, Aslib, 1993. Also wrote chapter entitled "The Market for CD-ROM”, pp. 15-62, in this book.
18. C. Oppenheim, Can information be sold like toothpaste? in N. Fox (Ed). In the Marketplace for Knowledge, Aslib, 1991, pp. 76-83.
19. C. Oppenheim, Access to information, in M. Line (Ed), Library and Information Work Worldwide, Volume 2., Bowker Saur, 1992, pp. 105-120.
20. C. Oppenheim, Online information retrieval, databases and networks, in R. Martley (ed.), Information Systems in Archaeology, Alan Sutton Publishing 1984.
21. Contributed to one of the Task Forces for J. Martyn et al (Eds.), Information UK 2000, Bowker Saur, 1991.
22. C. Oppenheim, The Legal and Regulatory Environment for Electronic Information, Infonortics. First edition, 1992. Second edition, 1995. Third edition, 1998. Fourth edition, 2001.
23. C. Oppenheim, Recent European Directives of relevance to information scientists, in M. Blake (ed.), The Common Market for Information, Taylor Graham, 1992, pp. 77 - 89.
24. C. Oppenheim, Designing for the end-user market place, in M. Hancock (ed.), Information Systems for end-users, Taylor Graham, 1992, pp. 25-34.
25. T.S. Eisenschitz and C. Oppenheim, Legal Issues for information professionals, in A. Kent (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Science, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1994, Volume 24, p. 224-261.
26. C. Oppenheim, Online Information Retrieval, in, M. McDonald, W. Hewson and H. Wilson (eds.), Emerging Information Technologies - A Marketing Opportunity, HCG Publications, Olney, Bucks, 1993, p. 255-261.
27. C. Oppenheim, CD ROM Information retrieval, in ibid., p. 262-266.
28. C. Oppenheim, Patents and patent information, in K. Mildren and P.J. Hicks (eds.), Use of Engineering Literature, Bowker-Saur, 1996, p. 31-62.
29. C. Oppenheim, J. Phillips and R. Wall (eds.), The Aslib Guide to Copyright, Aslib, London, 1994-1997
30. D. Badenoch, C. Oppenheim et al, The value of information, in M. Feeney and M. Grieves (eds.), The value and impact of information, Bowker Saur, East Grinstead, 1994, p. 9-78.
31. B. Mooney and C. Oppenheim, How much does British industry pay for patents and patent information?, in ibid., p. 153-194.
32. C. Oppenheim, Staying within the law, in T. Hanson (ed.), Bibliographic software and the electronic library, University of Hertfordshire Press, Hatfield, 1995, pp. 95-107.
33. C. Oppenheim, “Copyright in the electronic age”, in P. Parrinder and W. Chernaik (eds.), Textual Monopolies: Literary Copyright and the Public Domain, Centre for English Studies and Office for Humanities Communication, 1997, pp. 97-111.
34. C. Oppenheim, Copyright, in J. Feather and P. Sturges (eds.), International Encyclopaedia of Information and Library Science, Routledge, 1997, pp. 92-94.
35. N. MacMorrow and C. Oppenheim, Information Policy, in ibid., pp. 198-209.
36. C. Oppenheim, Copyright in the electronic age, in A. Large and Y. Courrier (eds.), World Information Report, UNESCO, 1997, pp. 349-360; reproduced in:
37. C. Oppenheim, Towards the Electronic Library?, in A. Scammell (editor), Handbook of Special Librarianship and Information Work, 7th Edition, Aslib, 1997, pp. 397-407.
38. C. Oppenheim, Copyright and the Internet, in J. Cooper, Editor, Liberating Cyberspace, Pluto Press, 1998, pp. 128-133; reprinted in: Liberty, Editor, Liberating Cyberspace, Pluto Press, 1998, pp. 134-139.
39. C. Oppenheim, Current UK and EU Information Policy, in M. Grieves (ed.), Information Policy in the Electronic Age, Bowker Saur, 1998, pp. 45-70.
40. C. Oppenheim, Information ownership, copyright and licences, in S. Bakker (ed.), Libraries without limits: changing needs, changing roles, Kluwer, 1999, pp. 12- 17.
41. J.E. Davies and C. Oppenheim, Guide to the Practical Implementation of the Data Protection Act 1998, British Standards Institution, 1999-2000.
42. C. Oppenheim, Copyright and intellectual property rights, in C.J. Armstrong (ed.), Staying Legal, Library Association Publishing, 1999, pp. 55-74.
43. C. Oppenheim, Do patent citations count? in B. Cronin and H.B. Atkins (eds.) The Web of Knowledge: A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield, Information Today [in conjunction with the American Society for Information Science], 2000, pp. 405-432.
44. C. Oppenheim, copyright and other legal issues, in A.S. Robson, D. Bawden and A. Judd (eds.) Pharmaceutical and medicines information management, Churchill Livingstone, 2001, pp. 246-255.
45. C. Oppenheim, Who needs a war over copyright law?, in CIG Yearbook 2003, City Information Group: London , 2002, pp 6-7.
46. M. Hall, C. Oppenheim and M. Sheen, Barriers to the use of patent information in SMEs, in R. Blackburn (Editor),Intellectual property and innovation management in small firms, Routledge, London, 2003, pp. 144-160.
47. A. Lopez Burrull and C. Oppenheim, Legal aspects of the Web, Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 2004, 38, 483-548.
48. C. Oppenheim, J. Stenson and R.M.S. Wilson, The attributes of information as an asset, in: E.D. Garten and D.E. Williams (editors), Advances in Library Administration and Organization, 2003, 20, 123-147.
49. T. Irwin and C. Oppenheim, Consent, ethics and the law, in: T. Irwin and J. Terbeg (editors), Perfect Medical Presentations, Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, 2004, pp. 135-146.
50. C. Oppenheim, Newspaper copyright developments: a EU and UK perspective, in: H. Walravens (editor),International Newspaper Librarianship for the 21'st'Century, K.G. Saur, 2006, 211-215.
51. P.C.N. Souto and Charles Oppenheim, Direitos autorais e o movimento do acesso aberto: um equilibro que demanda novas attitudes, in: S. Ferreira and M. Targino (editors), Mais Sobre Revistas Cientificasm, Cengage Learning, 2008, 139-166
52. L. Halliday and C. Oppenheim, Economic models of digital-only journals, Chapter 9 in K. Mackie-Mason and W.P. Lougee (editors), Economics and the usage of digital libraries: byting the bullet, University of Michigan Publishing, 2008,
53. M. Bates, S. Manuel and C. Oppenheim, Models of early adoption of ICT innovations in higher education, in: D. Mukherjee (editor), Information and Communication Technology changing education, Icfia University Press, 2010, p. 51-71.
54. C. Oppenheim, Selling information services in the European market, in: E. Dudley et al (editors), The economics of library and information services, Anglo-German Foundation, 1991, 168-180.
55. C. Oppenheim, Beware of cloud computing, in: CLSIG celebrates 40 years: 1971-2011, CILIP Commercial, Legal and Scientific Information Group, 2011, p. 10-12.
56. C. Oppenheim, No-Nonsense Guide to Legal Issues in Web 2.0 and Cloud Computing
Facet Publishing, 2012
57. M. Hausseler, J. Molloy, P. Murray-Rust and C. Oppenheim, Responsible Content Mining, in: E. Tonkin and S. Taylor (Eds.), Working with text: Tools, techniques and approaches for text mining, Chandos, 2014 and at
58. C. Oppenheim, Copyright, in: J.H. Bowman (editor), British Librarianship and Information Work 2011-2015, published by the Editor, 2017, p. 494 – 510.
59. C. Oppenheim, Editor, The Royal Philatelic Society London 1869-2019, London, Royal Philatelic Society London, 2019. Also wrote Editor’s Introduction, p. - .
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