Glynn Harmon

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Elmer Glynn Harmon Glynn harmon [[1]]
Datum a
místo úmrtí
17. února 2013
Pracoviště University of Texas at Austin
  Book of the Year Award, Excellence in Advising Award, Top Advisor Award, Texas Excellence in Teaching Award , Top Flight Student Award, Phi Kappa Phi, Beta Phi Mu
Známý pro své knize Human Memory and Knowledge: A Systems Approach a svému působení na University Of Texas

Elmer Glynn Harmon (4. listopadu 1933 – 17. února 2013)[1] byl profesor na University of Texas at Austin. Výzkum Dr. Harmona byl zaměřen na základní otázky povahy informací a lidského uvažování, se specifickým aplikováním informační vědy do lékařské informatiky, ekonomii informací, inteligentních systémů a vzdělávání. Známý je nejvíce díky své knize: "Human Memory and Knowledge".[2]




„Glynn byl průkopníkem," řekl iSchool Dean Andrew Dillon. „Předtím, než vůbec vznikla představa první školy iSchool, předpověděl vědeckou disciplínu informací a zaslouží si, aby byl uznáván jako zakladatel oboru. Také to byl pravý gentleman a přítel, který bude chybět generacím absolventů a kolegů, hodně těm, který pomáhal i dlouho poté, co opustili Texas."[3]


  • M.B.A. Business Administration, Southwest Texas State University, 1973.
  • Ph.D. Information Science (Public Administration cognate), Case Western Reserve University, 1970.
  • M.S. Library and Information Science, Case Western Reserve University, 1965.
  • M.A. Political Science (Public Administration), University of California, Berkeley, 1963.
  • B.A. Political Science, University of California at Berkeley, 1960.[4]




Rozdělena na období, dle profese, kterou Glynn Harmon právě zastával.

  •  1947–1952  Asistent manažera městského letiště a civilní letec, Hollister and Ukiah, California, (brigáda počas střední školy)
  •  1953–1955 Psychiatrický technik a vedoucí oddělení, Agnew State Hospital, California
  •  1955–1959 Letec a referent pro informace a vzdělávání, Pacific Fleet Naval Air Squadrons, Okinawa, Japan and Hawaii
  •  1960–1961 Rezervní námořní letec, NAS, Oakland, California (částečný úvazek), mezitím studoval na UC Berkeley
  •  1962–1964 Vedoucí správní ředitel, Oddělení komunikace,  U.S. Naval Station and Auxiliary Air Station, Mayport, Florida
  •  1964–1966 Výzkumný pracovník, Centrum pro dokumentaci a komunikační výzkum, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Ohio (na částečný úvazek); Referenční asistent obecné knihovny, (na částečný úvazek)
  •  1965–1966 Školitel ve vládě, asistent ředitele knihovny a referenční knihovník, California State University, Chico, California
  •  1966–1970 Odborný asistent, Postgraduátní škola knihovnictví, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado
  •  1970–1975 Odborný asistent, Knihovnictví a informační věda, The University of Texas at Austin
  •  1975–1990 Profesor, Knihovnictví a Informační věda a Manažerský informační systém, Postgraduátní škola knihovnictví a informační vědy a Postgraduátní škola obchodní, The University of Texas at Austin
  •  1990–1991 Děkan a Profesor, Knihovnictví a informační věda, The University of Texas at Austin
  •  1991–1997 Profesor, Knihovnictví a informační věda, The University of Texas at Austin
  •  1997–1999 Prozatímní děkan a Profesor, Knihovnictví a informační věda, The University of Texas at Austin, (jako prozatímní děkan jen 2 roky a 2 měsíce)
  •  1999–2013 Profesor,  School of Information, The University of Texas at Austin


Karibská krize a Glynn Harmon

Jako mladý muž se naučil létat letadlem a sloužil jako námořní pilot, školský důstojník, ruský tlumočník a správce komunikace pro americké námořnictvo. Byl nasazen v roce 1962 a létal stíhačkou Navy podél Formosa Straights na průzkumných jízdách, byl jeden z osmi ruských tlumočníků na ničiteli během kubánské raketové krize. Jeho vzpomínky na tuto dobu líčí velmi drsné moře, nebezpečí ruských ponorek a neustálý strach z hrozícího nebezpečí z případné americké invaze na Kubu. Později také učil leteckou historii na UT Austin.[2]

Oblasti výzkumu

  1. Biomedical Informatics
  2. Cognition and information need and use patterns
  3. Human factors and information systems
  4. Information economics and impact
  5. Aerospace Informatics
  6. Nobel laureate discovery and information use patterns

Význam pro informační vědu a knihovnictví

  • Pomáhal při vývoji prvního počítačového vyhledávání informací a online systémů a počáteční formulace Booleovských operátorů.
  •  Vyvinul interdisciplinární doktorský studijní program GSLIS s J. H. Shera (1970–1971) a učební plán lékařských knihoven a certifikační program.
  •  Předsedal zvláštní zájmové skupině pro vzdělání, Americká společnost pro Informační vědu (1973–1974).
  •  Organizované úsilí přidat informační vědu ke jménu Graduate School of Library Science (1975–1980).
  •  Neustále nabízel spoustu kurzů týkajících se informační vědy. Vyučoval informační vědu a vedl velký počet doktorantských dizertačních prací.
  • Svou tvorbou propagoval informační vědu a zasloužil se o vznik a rozvoj informační vědy jako oboru.




 Reviewing a editační činnost 

  • Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. Member Advisory Board, 1977–1981 and 1999–2013. Reviewer, 1977–2013.
  • Bulletin of American Society for Information Science and Technology. Reviewer, 1973–2013.
  • Information Processing and Management. Reviewer, 1992–2013.
  • Information Systems Research. Reviewer, 1995–2013.
  • Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Reviewer, 1972–2013.
  • National Science Foundation. Reviewer, 1980–1990, 1994–2013.



Krátce rozebrané důležité dílo

Human Memory and Knowledge: A Systems Approach. – Ústředním tématem knihy je:„ Rozsah, v jakém byly vytvořeny, strukturovány a vymezeny oblasti osvojených znalostí, zejména informační vědy, v souladu s potřebami a omezeními, které jsou dány relativně konstantním a omezeným rozpětím lidské paměti“. Kromě toho zde Dr. Harmon řeší, vznik a následný vývoj informační vědy jako takové a dobře rozebírá strukturu znalostí. Je to šestá kniha v řadě pro Contributions in Librarianship and Information Science, pod editací Paula Wassermana. Pro dnešní čtenáře tato kniha může mít význam jakéhosi "kukátka" zpět k počátkům informační vědy.[5]



  1. The Legislative Audit of State Finance in California. M.A. Thesis, University of California at Berkeley, 1963.
  2. Assessing the Relevance of Information in the Research Process. M.S. project, Case Western Reserve University, 1965.
  3. Research Problem Sensitivity: A Professional Recruitment Criterion, College and Research Libraries. Vol. 28 (November, 1967), 375-381.
  4. Human Memory as a Factor in the Formation of Disciplinary Systems, Ph.D. Dissertation, Case Western Reserve University, 1969.
  5. On Integration of the Integrative Disciplines, in K.H. Johnson (ed.), Research Designs in General Semantics. Washington, D.C.: Gordon and Breach Publisher, Inc., 1969. pp. 90-94. Invited and presented before Society for General Semantics.
  6. Information Science as an Integrative Discipline, Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science. Vol. 6, Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Corporation, 1970. pp. 40-42.
  7. Mathematical Approach to Prediction of Scientific Discovery, Nature, Vol. 229, (January 8, 1971), 103-104. William Goffman, co-author. Invited and presented at Sixth International Congress on Cybernetics, Namur, Belgium, 1970.
  8. On the Evolution of Information Science, Journal of the American Society for Information Science. Vol. 22 (July - August, 1971) 235-241.
  9. The Information System as a Capital Investment, in F. Slater (ed.), Cost Reduction for Special Libraries and Information Centers. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Information Science, 1973. pp. 23-26.
  10. The World Encyclopedia Concept, in C.H. Rawski (ed.) Toward a Theory of Librarianship. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1973. pp. 221-231.
  11. Human Memory and Knowledge: A Systems Approach. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Corporation, 1973. 159 pp.
  12. Information and Metaenergy, Proceedings of the N.A.T.O. Advanced Institute on Information Science. Brussels: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1973. pp. 183- 186. Invited and presented. Reprinted in Information News and Sources. Vol. 6 (December, 1974), 301-303.
  13. Development of an Energy R&D Information Network Interface Center. R.E. Wyllys, co- author. Austin, Texas: Energy Research Center, University of Texas, 1974. 77p.
  14. Critical Evaluation of the MIS Concept, Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science. Vol. 10. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Information Science, 1973. pp. 83-84.
  15. Information Systems and Utilities in Real Estate, Information Utilities: Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science. Vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Information Science, 1974. pp. 83-86.
  16. The Computer System User: An Information Need Model, in D.E. Washburn and D.R. Smith (eds.) Coping with Increasing Complexity. New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1974. pp. 115-120.
  17. Development of Information Systems in Real Estate. Austin, Texas: Research Associates, 1974. 145 pp.
  18. Relationships between Energy and Information, Inquiring Mind Radio Series, guest speaker, KUT/FM Radio, University of Texas at Austin, February 18, 1975. 20 minutes.
  19. The Information Science Profession, opening address, Annual Convention of the American Society for Information Science, Boston, Massachusetts. October 26, 1975. New York: Audio Archives, Inc. 20 minutes.
  20. The Invisible Manpower Market for Information Scientists, Proceedings of the ASIS Annual Meeting. Vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Information Science, 1975. pp. 59-60.
  21. Information Science Education and Training, in Martha Williams (ed.) Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. Vol. 11. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Information Science, 1976. pp. 347-380.
  22. Bibliography on Information Science Education, in Special Interest Group on Education, Newsletter. American Society for Information Science, (July, 1977),  7-8.
  23. Stimulating Demand for Information Through User and Inquiry Education, Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science. Vol. 3, (August, 1977) 25-26.
  24. Education for Information Management, Proceedings of the American Scoeity for Information Science. Mid-year. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Information Science, 1978. Eugene Rathswohl, co-author. pp. 17-18. Reprinted by Bureau of Business Research, Graduate School of Business, University of Texas at Austin, 1978. 6 pp.
  25. Study of Real Estate Information Service Markets Through 1985 for Stewart Information Services Corporation, D.L. Ricklefs, co-author. Austin, Texas: Graduate School of Library Science, University of Texas, 1978. 34 pp.
  26. Forecasting and Planning Support for Chief State School Officers: Approaches to Information System Development. Austin, Texas: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, 1978. 20 pp.
  27. Information Retrieval Based on Patterns of Scientific Discovery, Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science. Vol. 15. White Plains, New York: Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc., 1978. pp. 156-158.
  28. Review of The Search for a Scientific Profession:Library Science Education in the U.S. and Canada, by L. Houser and A.M. Schrader. Journal of Library History, Philosophy and Comparative Librarianship. Vol. 14 (Winter, 1979), pp. 102-104.
  29. Information Professionalism in the Emerging Socioeconomic Order, Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science. Vol. 16. White Plains, New York: Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc. 1979. pp. 114-129. Presented as 75th Anniversary Colloquium Paper, School of Library Science, Case Western Reserve University, March 20, 1979.
  30. Implications of the Occupational Survey of Information Professionals, In A. Debons, D.W. King, U. Mansfield, D.I. Shirey, The Information Professional: Survey of an Emerging Field. New York, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1981. (Special contribution, Chapter 1) pp. 13-19. Received ASIS Book-of-the-Year Award.
  31. Problem solving in Clinical Health Care: The Concept of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Memory, Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science. Vol. 17. White Plains, New York: Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc. 1980. pp. 117-122. (F. Moncure, co-author).
  32. Information Management Education to 1999: Rapid Change and Successive Curriculum Restructuring, Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science. Vol. 19. White Plains, New York: Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc. 1982, pp. 68-69.
  33. Reviews of F. Machlup, Knowledge and Knowledge Production. Volume 1 of Knowledge: Its Creation, Distribution, and Economic Significance. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980; Journal of Library History. Vol. 17 (Spring, 1982), pp. 234-236; The Branches of Learning. Vol. 2, 1982. Journal of Library History. Vol.18 (Fall, 1983), pp. 525-527.
  34. The Measurement of Information, Proceedings of the Symposium on Empirical Foundations of Information and Software Science. Atlanta, School of Information and Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1982. pp. 107-114. Also published in Information Processing and Management. Vol. 20 (Jan .- Feb. 1984) pp. 193-198.
  35. Computer Development and Information Management, in The Next 200 Years. Programs 48-84 and 49-84, KUT/FM Nov. - Dec. 1984. With R.E. Wyllys and M.E. Rorvig.
  36. Computers and Information Management: New Directions in Research, Parts I & II, in The Next 200 Years. KUT/FM. Jan. 15 & 21, 1985. with J.H. Bichteler and M.E. Rorvig.
  37. Information Measurement in Natural and Artificial Systems, in J.C. Agrawal and P. Zunde, eds. Empirical Foundations of Information and Software Science. New York: Plenum Press, 1985. pp. 303-309.
  38. Toward the Fifth General Information Resource, in Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science: Mid-Year Meeting. Vol. 10. White Plains, New York: Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc., 1985.
  39. Review of B. Dervin & M.J. Voight (eds.) Progress in Communication Sciences. Norwood, NJ: ABLEX Publishing Corp., 1984. Journal of the American Society for Information Science. Vol. 23, White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc., 1986.
  40. Information Measurement: Approaches, Problems, Prospects, Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science. Vol. 23, White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc., 1986.
  41. Toward Expert Inquiry Systems, The Reference Librarian. 18 (Summer, 1987): 95-106.
  42. Review of J. Neway, The Information Specialist as a Player in the Research Process. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1985; Journal of the American Society for Information Science. 38 (Nov. 1987): 316-317.
  43. The Interdisciplinary Study of Information: A Review Essay, Journal of Library History. 20 pp. 22 (Spring, 1987): 206-227.
  44. Expert Systems for Knowledge Engineering, Empirical Foundations of Information and Software Science IV: Empirical Methods of Evaluation of Man-Machine Interfaces. New York: Plenum Press, 1987. pp. 463-477.
  45. Toward Encyclopedic Intelligence, Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science. 15 (Oct./Nov. 1988) 24-27.
  46. Relationships with the Natural Sciences and Knowledge Engineering, in J.M. Pemberton and A. Prentice, Information Science: The Interdisciplinary Context. New York: Neal Schuman Publishers, Inc., 1990. pp. 25-41.
  47. A University of Texas System Network-Based Educational and Research Program in Medical Informatics. University of Texas System (Austin) and Center for Health Informatics, UT Health Science Center at San Antonio,1991. 62 pp. Grant application to NIH for $5 million; not funded).
  48. Review of C. Macdonald and J. Weckert, (eds.), Libraries and Expert Systems. London: Taylor Graham Publishing, 1991; Journal of The American Society for Information Science. 44 (1993): 302-303.
  49. The Public Library as Community Leader: Ten Marketing Strategies, (La Biblioteca Pública como Líder en la Comunidad: Diez Estrategias de Mercadotecnia). Proceedings of First Meeting of Librarians of the State of Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico, June 7-9, 1995.(E.Ballesteros, co-author)
  50. Toward Electronically-Based Education: Internet Versus Televised Delivery. In The Education of Library and Information Professionals in the United States. B. Sheldon & L. Roy, (eds.) In publication, 1996.
  51. Edited: B. Tsai, Automatic Instruction Engineering: Cognitive Computing for Electronic Packaging and Delivery. Silver Springs, MD: American Society for Information Science. In press.
  52. Student Cost-Effectiveness in the Emerging Electronic University Environment, In: Technology and Distance Education. Fort Lauderdale, FL: Nova Southeastern University, 1995. pp. 176-186 (P.Yenbamrung, co-author)
  53. Unconscious Cognition: The Elicitation of Deeply Embedded Information Needs. In P. Vakkari, R. Savolainen & B. Dervin (eds.), Information Seeking in Context. 1997. London: Taylor Graham Publishing. (E. Ballesteros, co-author)
  54. Online Graduate Degrees: A Review of three Internet-based Master ’s Degree Offerings.American Journal of Distance Education, 11 (3):58-70. (R. Strong, co-author)
  55. A Primeval Information Explosion: From the Big Bang to Us. Cosmological Review, Summer 1999. 133-137. (V. Sherman & R. Gordon, co-authors)
  56. Internet Care Giver Consultations in Telemedicine. Austin, TX: University of Texas System, 1999. 86 pp. R.F. Nauert, co-author. Final Report for UT System grant.
  57. Knowledge Management: A Conceptual Platform for the Sharing of Ideas. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Information Science and Technology. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 38: 290-304. 2001. D. Mahdjoubi, co-author.
  58. Knowledge Sensitive Performance Metrics for the Management of Public Libraries: An Exploratory Study of the Diamond Model for Professional Science and a Balanced Scorecard Application.Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 38: 164-174. 2001.
  59. The Importance of Marketing in the Library and Information Science Curriculum, in I. Owens, (ed). Strategic Marketing in Library and Information Science. NY: Hayworth Press. pp. 64-81. Also in Owens, I. (ed.), special issue of The Acquisitions Librarian. 28: 61-79. 2002.
  60. Aircraft Delivery Platforms for Biological Attack: Systems for Prevention, Detection and Countermeasures. In Proceedings of BTR 2002: Unified Science & Technology for Reducing Biological Threats & Countering Terrorism. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico and Sandia National Laboratories. pp. 215-223. 2002. Paper selected for presentation at Scott AFB, 2004 and Kirkland AFB, 2005.
  61. Re-envisioning the Information Concept: Systematic Definitions. Proceedings: Fourth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science: Emerging Frameworks and Methods. Seattle, WA, July 21-25, 2002. Medford, NJ: Information Today. R. Houston, co-author.
  62. Knowledge Management as a Trans-disciplinary Platform. D. Mahdjoubi, co-author. Also Knowledge Sensitive Performance Metrics for Managing Enterprises: An Exploratory Study Based on the Knowledge Navigation Model. Both articles published in Proceedings World Congress on Intellectual Capital. Hamilton, Ontario. January, 2002. D. Mahdjoubi, co-author
  63. Bioinformatics in Information Science Education. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information and Technology. Medford, NJ: Information Today. 39: 490-491. 2002. E. Garfield and others, co-authors.
  64. Predicting Major Terrorist Attacks: An Exploratory Analysis of Predecessor Event Intervals in Timelines. Proceedings of the Biological Terrorism Response Conference, BTR 2003. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico. 78-80. 2003. Paper also selected for presentation at Scott AFB, 2004 and Kirkland AFB, 2005.
  65. Telehealth Consumer-Provider Interaction: Chronic Disease Interventions. UT School of Nursing Conference, Austin, TX, 2003. R. Nauert, co-author. Poster session.
  66. Cancer Treatment Options for Underserved populations: Closing the Gap Between Meta-analysis Outcome Evidence and Orthodox Treatment. UT School of Nursing Conference, Austin, TX, 2003. Co-author, J. Powell. Poster session.
  67. The Information Technology, Risk and Return Triad: An Analysis of Corporate Financial Statements. Proceedings of the Conference of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Medford, NJ: Information Today. 40: 223-227. 2003. Co-author, A. Singh.
  68. Measuring Profitability Impacts of Information Technology: Use of Risk Adjusted Measures. Proceedings of ASIS &T Annual Conference. Medford, NJ: Information Today. Long Beach, CA. 40: 210-215. 2003. Co-author: A. Singh
  69. Reviewed: Connor, J. Guardians of Medical Knowledge: Genesis of the Medical Library Association. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2000. In Libraries & Culture. 38(4): 416-417. Fall, 2003.
  70. Reviewed: J. Michie (ed.). Reader ’s Guide to the Social Sciences. Vols. 1 & 2. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2001. In: Libraries And Culture 40 (1): 107-109. Winter, 2005.
  71. Resolving the productivity and profitability conflict of information technology investments: An economic approach. (with A. Singh). Proceedings of the annual conference of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences. Las Vegas. 10: 136-14. 2004.
  72. Dissertation Tips. Published on national Intellectual Entrepreneur web site (selected as one of 12 UT faculty to post dissertation tips): April, 2005.
  73. The First I-Conference of the I-School Communities. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 32 (4): 9-10. 2006. Guest Editor of Bulletin special issue.
  74. The I-Conference in Retrospect. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 32 (4): 19-21. 2006. Co-author, A.Debons. Harmon co-authored about 75% of article.
  75. Extensively edited the following articles in the above 2006 issue of Bulletin of American Society for Information Science and Technology: i. Bruce, H., Richardson, D. J. and Eisenberg, M. The I-Conference: Gathering of the Clans of Information, 11-12. ii. King, J. L. Identity in the I-School Movement, 13-15. iii. Thomas, J., von Dran, R. and Sawyer, S. The I-Conference and the Transformation Ahead, 16-18.
  76. Contributor and Delphi study leader in Zins, C. Conceptions of Information Science. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 58 (3): 335-350. 2007.
  77. Contributor and Delphi study leader in Zins, C. Conceptual Approaches for Defining Data, Information and Knowledge. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 58 (4): 479-493. 2007.
  78. Contributor and Delphi study leader in Zins, C. Knowledge Map of Information Science. Journal of American Society for Information Science and Technology. 58 (4): 526-535. 2007.
  79. Contributor and Delphi study leader in Zins, C. Classification Schemes of Information Science: Twenty-Eight Scholars Map the Field. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 58 (5): 645-672. 2007.
  80. Remembering William Goffman: Mathematical Information Science Pioneer. Information Processing and Management. 44: 1634-1647. 2008. Also published at Eugene Garfield personal site:
  81. Unconscious Cognition in the Genesis of Reference Queries. Creating a Reference Renaissance: Current and Future Trends. Proceedings of 2008 Annual Conference of Reference User ’s and Services Association Abstract at With Westbrook, L. Received Top Conference Paper Award.
  82. Book chapter on Unconscious Cognition in The Genesis of Reference Queries, in Radford, M. and Lankes, R. David, (eds.). Creating a Reference Renaissance: Current and Future Trends. NY: Neal Schuman Publishers. With Westbrook, L. In press. 2009.
  83. Accelerating Discovery: Five Collaborative Approaches. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the American Association for Information Science and Technology, Human-Computer Interface Symposium. 4 pp. and poster session. 2008.
  84. Exploring Scientific Discovery: Three Research Designs. Accepted for presentation and publication in 2009 Proceedings of the Association for Library and information Science Education. One of the three papers (of 19 papers submitted) accepted for Research SIG Session)
  85. I-Create Accelerated Discovery: A 2020 Educational Vision. Accepted for presentation and publication in Proceedings of the Association for Library and Information Science Education. Abstract pre-published at (ALISE I-Create Conference). 2009.To be submitted to JELIS.
  86. Nobel Laureate Discovery Patterns in Medicine and Physiology. K. Balcom second author. Book in process for MIT Press.

Ocenění a úspěchy

Beta Phi Mu,1965-2013 (Library Science honorary). 

Book of the Year Award, American Society for Information Science, 1983. 

Phi Kappa Phi, 1985-2013 (Faculty honorary). 

Top Flight Student Award, Naval Air Training Command, 1956.

Texas Excellence in Teaching Award , The Univesity of Texas,  1994.

Excellence in Advising Award, The University of Texas, 1994. 

Top Advisor Award, The University of Texas, 1994.

V roce 2013 držel se svými absolventy vedoucí příčky po celém světě.[2]



  1. Dr. E. Glynn Harmon. Find A Grave [online]. 2013 [cit. 2019-05-14]. Dostupné z:
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 HARMON, Kay. Dr. E. Glynn Harmon, Ph.D. National Air and Space Museum [online]. Smithsonian [cit. 2019-05-14]. Dostupné z:
  3. Glynn Harmon. University of Texas at Austin School of Information [online]. 2013 [cit. 2019-05-14]. Dostupné z:
  4. E. Glynn Harmon - Curriculum Vitae [online]. In: . Austin [cit. 2019-05-14]. Dostupné z:
  5. HARMON, Glynn. Human Memory and Knowledge: A Systems Approach.. ilustrované vydání. vyd. [s.l.]: Greenwood Press, 1973. ISBN 083716379X.



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Texaská univerzita a působení Glynna Harmona jako děkana.
American Society for Information Science a její nynější podoba.
Zájmy výzkumu, granty, zkušenosti.
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