WikiKnihovna:Michael Eisenberg

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Michael B. Eisenberg (*4.10.1949 North Bellmore, New York) je zakladatelem informatiky na Washingtonské univerzitě, kde byl děkanem od roku 1998 do roku 2006. V současné době je na univerzitě profesorem a zároveň hlavním prvkem pedagogické a vědecké činnosti.

Eisenberg působil po mnoho let jako profesor informačních studií na Syracuse University. Je zakládajícím ředitelem informačního institutu SYRACUSE. Eisenberg se ve svých výzkumech a přednáškách věnuje tématům jako Informační gramotnost, informační technologie, informační manegement v učení a vyučování, informace a knihovnictví a to díky vzdělávání informačních pracovníků. Také se specializuje na informační chování.

Mikovo osobní motto je "Make it better" neboli "Udělej to lépe". Možná proto se stal spoluautorem nejrozšířenějšího modelu informační gramotnosti - Big6[1]. Big6 zahrnuje všechny oblasti, kterými se Eisenberg zabývá, je to souhrnný název pro tyto oblasti.

Jméno Michael B. Eisenberg
Datum narození 4.října 1949
Místo narození North Bellmore, New York
Aktuální místo pobytu Seattle
Povolání Profesor
Obor Informační věda
Známý díky projekt Big6
Alma mater University at Albany, SUNY


Michael B. Eisenberg se narodil 4. října roku 1949 v New Yorku. Studoval na University at Albany, SUNY ze které má titul BA (Bachelor of Arts) a MLS (Master of Library Science). Dále vystudoval Syracuse University, kde získal titul PhD a CAS (Certificate of Advanced Studies).

Mike Eisenberg je profesorem na Washingtonské univerzitě a zakládajícím děkanem Informations School na zdejší univerzitě. Na této škole je možné získat nejen bakalářský titul z oboru informatiky, ale také magisterský či doktorský titul. Po mnoho let působil jako profesor informačních studií na Syracuse University a zároveň byl zakládajícím ředitelem Informačního institutu Syracuse.

Hlavním cílem Michaela je zlepšit informační, komunikační a technologické dovednosti lidí a také zlepšit schopnost společnosti uspokojovat své informační potřeby. Důležitým projektem Michaela Eisenberga byl projekt Big6, na kterém spolupracoval s Bobem Berkowitzem. Roku 2008 začal Mike pracovat s Dr. Allisonem na projektu informační gramotnosti (Information Literacy) a na dalších studiích, ve kterých zkoumá chování dospělých v digitálním věku.

V současné době pracuje Mike na kompletní revizi své učebnice Informační gramotnost: Základní dovednosti pro informační věk. Mike je častým řečníkem na konferencích, představuje řadu seminářů a školení každý rok, a konzultuje problémy z oblasti informační vědy. Nyní žije se svou ženou Carol v Seattlu. S tou má syna Briana Eisenberga, který vystudoval školu University of Washington. [2]

Aktivity a úspěchy

Michael Eisenberg je velice produktivní člověk. Napsal spoustu knih, článků, publikací, spolupracuje s tisíci studentů, je členem mnoha asociací a za svou celoživotní práci a snahu dostal nejedno ocenění.


American Library Association

American Library Association, American Association of School Librarians

American Society for Information Science & Technology

Association for Library and Information Science Education

Oregon Library Association

Washington Library Association


Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Award - 2009

Who's Who Award

Distinguished Service Award - 2006

Higher Education Award – 2005

Presidential Award – 2003, 2002

Honorary Membership Award 1999

Distinguished Alumni Award ( DAA) 1990

Mike a jeho tým AskERIC[3] byli finalisty prestižní Computerworld Smithsonian Awards pro informační technologické inovace.


2006 - Současnost Rektor a profesor, The Information School, University of Washington

1998 - 2005 Děkan a profesor, The Information School, University of Washington

1993 - 1998 Profesor, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University

1989 - 1993 Asistent profesora, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University

1990 - 1998 Ředitel, Information Institute of Syracuse including the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology

1982 - 1989 Asistent profesora, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University

1985 - 1990 Asistent ředitele, ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology (formerly Information Resources)

1977 - 1982 Pomocný učitel, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University

1979 - 1982 Koordinátor, School Media and Field Work Programs, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University

1974 - 1981 Hlavní specialista v knihovně, Fayetteville-Manlius Senior High School, Manlius, NY

1974 - 1974 Knihovník specialista, Eagle Hill Jr. High School, Manlius, NY

1973 - 1973 Zaměstnanec knihovny, Library, SUNY Albany, Albany, NY

1971 - 1972 Učitel sociálních studií, Valencia High School, Placentia, CA

Význam pro informační vědu a knihovnictví

Mike je zakladatelem takzvané filosofie informační gramotnosti, ke které patří hlavně praxe v tomto oboru.


Největším přínosem do informační vědy je určitě projekt Big6, který by vyvinut Mikem Eisenbergem a Bobem Berkowitzem na začátku 90. let. Projekt byl schválen v Dubaji na Dubai Women's College. Big6 je procesní model, který pomáhá v informační oblasti řešit problémy neboli problem-solving. Může nám připomínat Bloomovu taxonomii[4]. Pomáhá nám používat nástroje a najít, používat, aplikovat a vyhodnocovat informace pro naše specifické zadání a úkoly. Dá se říct, že je to jakási šablona, podle které se vyučuje na americých školách. Je to nejznámnější a nejrozšířenější přístup k informačním a technologickým schopnostem na světě. Tento přístup je praktikován na všech K-12 třídách, což jsou třídy pro studenty od 17 do 19 let. [5]

Model se skládá ze šesti kroků, které na sebe navazují.

1. Task Definition – Definice problému

- Definice informační potřeby

- Určení potřebných informací

2. Information Seeking Strategies – Vyhledávací strategie

- Určení všech možných zdrojů

- Vybrání nejvíce relevantních

3. Location and Access – Umístění a přístup

- Lokalizace zdrojů fyzicky a intelektuálně

- Vyhledávní informací uvnitř zdrojů

4. Use of Information – Použití informací

- Vytvoření znalostí

- Odvození relevantních informací

5. Synthesis - Syntéza

- Organizace více zdrojů

- Prezentace

6. Evaluation - Zhodnocení

- Posouzení produktu (efektu)

- Posouzení procesu (efektivity)

Project Information Literacy (PIL)

Projekt informační gramotnosti (PIL) je národní studií, o mladých dospělých a jejich návicích. Eisenberg na prejektu spolupracoval s University of Washington iSchool. Hlavním cílem projektu je pochopit jak maldí dospělí chápou a operují s hledanými aktivitami z kurzu a každodenního života a hlavně jak řeší důvěryhodnost, relevanci a změny v digitálním věku. Výsledky projektu jsou vypracovány z cca 13 000 dat dospělých, kteří jsou zapsaní ve více než 60 komunitních školách a univerzitách v USA.

Takovou tečkou za jeho významným místem v informační vědě a knihovnictví bychom také mohli uvést jeho vřelý vztah ke studentům, kterým pomáhá k akademickým a profesním úspěchům studentů svým přístupem, určitě mnoho lidí inspiroval ke studiu tohoto oboru, čímž si můžeme dovolit říct, že je jeho význam opravdu veliký. Také se od studentů rád učí novým věcem, což se u profesorů moc často nevidí.

Publikace a tvorba

Knihy a články

EISENBERG, M. and Berkowitz, R. (2011). The Big6 Workshop Handbook: Implementation & Impact, 4th Ed.. Linworth Publishing. ISBN 1586834223

Tato kniha je jakousi modlou pro ty, kteří chtějí metodu Big6 praktikovat. Kniha The Big6 Workshop Handbook obsahuje nejdůležitější a aktuální informace, které jsou důležité pro pochopení této metody a informační gramotnosti. V knize jsou také obsažena tréninková cvičení a praktické sešity. Je to nejdůležitější kniha, kterou kdy Mike napsal.

EISENBERG, M. Information Literacy : Essential Skills for the Information Age 2nd. (2004). ISBN 1-59158-143-5

Tato kniha je druhým vydáním. Autoři se vydávají po stopách historie, diskutují hospodářský význam iformační gramotnosti; zkoumají minulost, přítomnost a současný výzkum v této oblasti. Autoři také vysvětlují, jak informační gramotnost souvisí s národními normami transformujících K-12 vzdělání a vysokoškolským vzděláním. Jsou zde příklady informační gramotnosti v několika různých kontextech, což podtrhuje i její význam a všudypřítomnost v naší společnosti. V dnešnímsvětě je důležité znát toto téma. Tato kniha poskytuje jak teoretická východiska, tak praktické pokyny, které s jistotou předají tyto základní dovednosti svých studentů.

EISENBERG, M. The Super 3: Information Skills for Young Learners (2007)

EISENBERG, M. ED and INFO 2052: Oh the Places You’ll Go! (2012)

Lin, P., Karlova, N., Marino, Jr., J., & EISENBERG, M. (2012). Highly Sought After: Second Life Continued Use, CSCW' 12 Proceedings of the ACM 2012 conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work Companion. ACM. Link

EISENBERG, M. Lin, P., Marino, J., & Karlova, N. (2011). Research on Credibility and Immersive Virtual Environments Virtual Information Behavior Environments (VIBE) Project: Final Report Final Report for MacArthur Foundation Grant #92258-0 (Rep.). Information School, University of Washington. Link

EISENBERG, M., Dirks, L., Carlson, T. (April 2011) "The TEDS Framework for Assessing Information Systems from a Human Actors Perspective: Extending and Repurposing Taylor's Value-Added Model," Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 62(4):789-804.

EISENBERG, M. and Berkowitz, R. (2011). The Big6 Workshop Handbook: Implementation & Impact, 4th Ed.. Linworth Publishing.

Head, A. and EISENBERG, M. (November 1, 2010). " Truth Be Told: How College Students Evaluate and Use Information in the Digital Age", Project Information Literacy Progress Report, University of Washington's Information School. full text.

EISENBERG, M. (2010) "Develop and Deliver Essential Information Literacy Programs," Proceedings of the Korean Society of Library & Information Science Conference, Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 36(2).

Head, A. and EISENBERG, M. (July 12, 2010). ASSIGNING INQUIRY: How Handouts for Research Assignments Guide Today’s College Students Project Information Literacy Progress Report, University of Washington's Information School. full text.

EISENBERG, M. and Head, A. (May 2, 2009) "Add 'Research' to the Education's Traditional Three Rs", Seattle Times, Guest Column. full text.

Head, A. and EISENBERG, M. (February 4, 2009). "Finding Context: What Today's College Student Say about Conducting Research in the Digital Age", Project Information Literacy Progress Report, University of Washington's Information School. full text.

Head, A. and EISENBERG, M. (December 1, 2009). Lessons"Learned:"How College Students Seek Information in the Digital Age," Project Information Literacy First Year Report with Student Survey Findings, University of Washington's Information School. full text.

EISENBERG, M. (May 1, 2008) "The Parallel Information Universe: What's Out There and What It Means for Libraries." Library Journal. full text

EISENBERG, M. and Dirks. L. (2008). "Taylor's Value-Added Model: Still Relevant After All These Years." iSchools Conference, UCLA, Los Angeles. full text

EISENBERG, M. (March 2008) "Information Literacy: Essential Skills for the Information Age," DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 39-47. full text

EISENBERG, M. and Robinson, L. (2007). The Super3: Information Skills for Young Learners. Linworth Publishing.

EISENBERG, M. (2007). "Teaching Information Literacy: Context, Context, Context." in S. Curzon & L Lampert (eds.) Proven strategies for building a successful information literacy program. Neal-Schuman.

EISENBERG, M. (2006). "Three Roles for the 21st-Century Teacher-Librarian," CSLA Journal; v29 n2 p21-3.

EISENBERG, M. and Robinson, L. (2005). The Big6 Collection: The Best of the Big6 eNewsletter Volume II Linworth Publishing.

EISENBERG, M. (2005). "Evaluation--Checking It All Out," Library Media Connection; v24 n3 p22-3.

EISENBERG, M. (2005). "Synthesis--Where it All Comes Together [Big6 special section]," Library Media Connection; v24 n2 p26.

EISENBERG, M. (2005) . "Use of Information: Getting to the Heart of the Matter [Big6 special section]," Library Media Connection; v24 n1 p30-4, 112.

EISENBERG, M. (2005). "Stage 2--Information Seeking Strategies [Big6 special section]," Library Media Connection; v23 n6 p34-7.

EISENBERG, M. (2005) . "It All Starts with Task Definition [Big6 special section]," Library Media Connection; v23 n5 p33-8.

EISENBERG, M., Lowe, C., and Spitzer K (2004). Information Literacy: Essential Skills for the Information Age. 2nd. edition. Libraries Unlimited.

EISENBERG, M. (March 2004). "It's All About Learning: Ensuring That Students Are Effective Users of Information on Standardized Tests," Keynote speaker at the Gale/Linworth Education Issues in Education Forum at the American Association of School Librarians Annual Conference, Library Media Connection, p. 22-30.

EISENBERG, M. and Berkowitz, R. (2003). The Definitive Big6 Workshop Handbook. Linworth Publishing.

EISENBERG, M. and Miller, D. (2002). "This Man Wants to Change Your Job," School Library Journal; v48 n9 p46-50.

EISENBERG, M. (2002). "LIS Education & Accreditation: A Dean's Perspective," Prism (published by Committee on Accreditation, American Library Association); v10 n1.

EISENBERG, M. and Miller, D. (2002). "Surviving or Even Thriving in Times of Crisis: Plans and Planning on the State and Local Level," Oregon Library Association Quarterly Newsletter; v8 n1 p12-15.

EISENBERG, M. (2001). "Beyond the bells and whistles: Technology skills for a purpose," MultiMediaSchools ; v8 n3 p44-48,50-51.

EISENBERG, M. and Cottrell, J. (2001). "Applying an information problem-solving model to academic reference work: findings and implications," College and Research Libraries v62 no4 p334-47. July 2001

EISENBERG, M. The Big6 eNewsletter: Teaching Technology & Information Skills. Executive Editor. Available at:

EISENBERG, M. (2000). "An Open Letter to Dr. Keith Swigger." The Book Report, 16(4): 44.

EISENBERG, M. and Berkowitz, R. with R. Darrow and K. Spitzer (2000). Teaching Information and Technology Skills: The Big6 in Secondary Schools. Linworth Publishing.

EISENBERG, M. and Berkowitz, R. with B. Jansen and T. Little (2000). Teaching Information and Technology Skills: The Big6 in Elementary Schools. Linworth Publishing.

EISENBERG, M. and Lowe, C. (2000). "The Roles and Responsibilities of Library and Information Technology Professionals in the 21st Century." In Educational Media and Technology Yearbook 2000. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 2000.

EISENBERG, M. and Lowe, C. (1999). "Call to Action: Getting Serious about Libraries and Information in Education." MultiMedia Schools, 6(2): 18-21.

EISENBERG, M. and Berkowitz, R. (1999). The New Improved Big6 Workshop Handbook. Professional Growth Series. Linworth Publishing.

Spitzer, K., EISENBERG, M., and Lowe, C. (1998). "Information Literacy: Essential Skills for the Information Age." ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology: ED427780.

Small, R., Sutton, S., EISENBERG, M., Miwa, M., and Urfels, C. (1998). "An Investigation of PreK-12 Educators' Information Needs and Search Behaviors on the Internet." ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology: ED423862.

EISENBERG, M. and Berkowitz, R. (1998). "The Big6 and Student Achievement: Report of an Action Research Study." The Big6 Newsletter, November/December.

EISENBERG, M. (1998). "The Year of Information Literacy." Interview by Yvonne Burry. The Book Report, 17(1): 22-.

EISENBERG, M. B. (1998). "Big6 Tips: Teaching Information Problem Solving. #6: Evaluation Ensuring Effectiveness and Efficiency." Emergency Librarian, 26(2): 35.

EISENBERG, M. (1998). "Implementing the Big6 Part II: Plans and Planning." The Big6 Newsletter, 1(5): 3, 6-7,14-15.

EISENBERG, M. (1998). "Big6 Tips: Teaching Information Problem Solving. #5: Synthesis Putting It All Together." Emergency Librarian, 26(1): 38.

EISENBERG, M. (1998). "Implementing the Big6: Context, Context, Context." The Big6 Newsletter, 1(4): 8-9, 14-15.

EISENBERG, M. (1998). "Big6 Tips: Teaching Information Problem Solving. #4.2 Extracting Relevant Information." Emergency Librarian, 25(5): 37.

EISENBERG, M. and Spitzer, K. (1998). "The Big6: Not Just for Kids! Introduction to the Big6: Information Problem-Solving for Upper High School, College-Age, and Adult Students." The Big6 Newsletter, 1(3): 8-10.

EISENBERG, M. (1998). "Big6 Tips: Teaching Information Problem Solving. #4.1: Use of Information: Where the Rubber Meets the Road." Emergency Librarian, 25(4): 43-44.

EISENBERG, M. (1998). "Big6 Tips: Teaching Information Problem Solving. #3: Location & Access--Think Index, Keywords, and Boolean." Emergency Librarian, 25(3): 28.

EISENBERG, M. (1998). "Sports and the Big6: The Information Advantage." Big6 Newsletter, 1(2): 8-10.

EISENBERG, M. (1998). "Not Just for the Younger Set: Booktalking Revisited." Big6 Newsletter, 1(6): 8-9.

EISENBERG, M., Henson, J., Howley, C., Cawley, N., Ramirez, B., and Rothenberg, D. (1997). "Rising Expectations: A Framework for ERIC's Future in the National Library of Education. Report of the ERIC Operations Framework Task Force." ERIC Clearinghouse for Information & Technology: ED410969

EISENBERG, M. (1997). "Big6 Tips: Teaching Information Problem-Solving. #2: Information Seeking Strategies." Emergency Librarian, 25(2): 22.

EISENBERG, M. and Berkowitz, R. (1997). "The Big6 & Electronic Resources: A Natural Fit." The Book Report, 16(2): 15, 22.

EISENBERG, M. (1997). "Technology--More than an Answer in Search of a Question." The Big6 Newsletter, September/October.

EISENBERG, M. (1997). "Big6 Tips: Teaching Information Problem-Solving. #1: Task Definition." Emergency Librarian, 25(1): 25.

EISENBERG, M. (1997). "Maximizing the Value of School Web Pages: An Information Problem-Solving Approach." SCAN (Australia), August/September.

EISENBERG, M. and Lowe, C. (1997). "The Big6 Skills: Looking at the World through Information Problem-Solving Glasses." In Callison, McGregor, and Small (eds.), Instructional Interventions for Information Use. Proceedings of the TreasureMountainResearch Retreat VI.. San Jose, CA: Hi Willow Press.

Cottrell, J. and EISENBERG, M. (1997). "Web Design for Information Problem-Solving: Maximizing Value for Users." Computers in Libraries, 17(5): 52-54, 56-57.

EISENBERG, M. and Repman, J. (1997). "The Sky Is Falling, The Sky Is Falling Or Is It?" Technology Connection, 3(2): 20-21.

EISENBERG, M. (1997). "Helping With Homework." Big6 Newsletter , 1(1): 4-5.

EISENBERG, M. and Berkowitz, R. (1996). "Helping With Homework: A Parent's Guide to Information Problem-Solving." ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology: ED418699.

EISENBERG, M. (1996). "Take the Internet Challenge: Using Technology in Context." The Book Report, 15(September/October): supp. 5-7.

Johnson, D. and EISENBERG, M. (1996). "Computer Literacy and Information Literacy: A Natural Combination." Emergency Librarian , 23(5): 12-16.

EISENBERG, M. (1996). "The Internet Challenge: Using Technology in Context to Meet Educational Goals." Information Highway and Schooling Virtual Conference, June 7-8.

EISENBERG, M. and Johnson, D. (1996). "Computer Skills for Information Problem-Solving: Learning and Teaching Technology in Context." ERIC Digest. ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology: ED392463.

EISENBERG, M. (1995). "Librarianship in Cyberspace: Thriving in a Virtual World." SCAN (Australia), November.

EISENBERG, M. and Berkowitz, R. (1995). "The Six Study Habits of Highly Effective Students: Using the Big6 to Link Parents, Students, and Homework." School Library Journal, 41(8): 22-25.

EISENBERG, M. (1995). "Prelude to Perth: A Cyberspace Interview with Mike Eisenberg." Interview by Georgia Phillips. ASLA Teacher & Librarian, Journal of the AustralianSchoolLibrary Association (New South Wales), September.

EISENBERG, M. (1995). "LM_NET: Bringing Together the School Library Media Community-Electronically." In Epler (ed.), K-12 Networking: Breaking Down the Walls of the Learning Environment. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc.

EISENBERG, M. and Milbury, P. (1994). "LM_NET: Where Media Specialists Meet in Cyberspace." School Library Journal, 40(11): 31-33.

EISENBERG, M. (1994). "Free from the Constraints of Space and Time: Considering the Opportunities and Challenges for Electronic Publishing." Educational Technology, 34(7): 59-64.

EISENBERG, M. and Milbury, P. (1994). "The Internet and Library Media Programs: The Technology Is Now!" InMcClure, Moen, and Ryan (eds.), Libraries and the Internet/NREN: Perspectives, Issues, and Challenges. Westport, CT: Meckler.

EISENBERG, M. and Milbury, P. (1994). "LM_NET: Helping School Library Media Specialists to Shape the Networking Revolution in the Schools." School Library Media Annual, 12: 33-53.

EISENBERG, M. and Ely, D. (1993). "Plugging Into the 'Net': K-12 Networking." The Emergency Librarian, 21(2): 8-16.

EISENBERG, M. (1993). "Managing Technology." In Carson and Smith (eds.), Renewal at the Schoolhouse: Management Ideas for Library Media Specialists and Administrators. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.

EISENBERG, M. and Milbury, P. (1993). "LM_NET: The School Library Media Electronic Network." Information Searcher, 5(2).

EISENBERG, M. and Ely, D. (1993). "K-12 Networking." The ERIC Review, 2(3).

EISENBERG, M. and Small, R. (1993). "Information Based Education: An Investigation of the Nature and Role of Information Attributes in Education." Information Processing & Management, 29(2): 263-275.

EISENBERG, M. and Brown, M. (1992). "Current Themes Regarding Library and Information Skills Instruction: Research Supporting and Research Lacking." School Library Media Quarterly, 20(2): 103-109.

EISENBERG, M. and Berkowitz, R. (1992). "Information Problem-Solving: The Big6 Skills Approach." School Library Media Activities Monthly, 8(5): 27-29, 37, 42.

EISENBERG, M. and Spitzer, K. (1991). "Skills and Strategies for Helping Students Become More Effective Information Users." Catholic Library World, 63(2): 115-120. 1991.

EISENBERG, M. (1991). "Professional Preparation of Library Media Specialists: The State of Programs in New York State." The Bookmark, 50 (Fall): 82-85.

EISENBERG, M. and Spitzer, K. (1991). "Information Technology and Services in Schools." Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST), 26: 263-275.

Schamber, L. and EISENBERG, M. (1991). "On Defining Relevance." Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 31(3): 238-240.

EISENBERG, M., Spitzer, K., Kingsley, I., and Darby, C. (1990). "Trends and Issues in Library and Information Science 1990." ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology: ED335061.

EISENBERG, M. and Berkowitz, R. (1990). Information Problem-Solving: The Big6 Skills Approach to Library & Information Skills Instruction. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing.

Schamber, L., EISENBERG, M., and Nilan, M. (1990). "A Re-examination of Relevance: Toward a Dynamic, Situational Definition." Information Processing and Management, 26(6): 755-776.

EISENBERG, M. (1990). Guest Editor. Special Issue on Technology. School Library Media Quarterly, 18(3).

EISENBERG, M. (1990). "Technology and the Library Media Program: Focus on Potential and Purpose." School Library Media Quarterly, 18(3): 139-.

EISENBERG, M. and Brown, M. (1990). "Current Themes Regarding Library and Information Skills Instruction: Research Supporting and Research Lacking." In The Research of School Library Media Centers: Papers of theTreasure Mountain Research Retreat, Park City, Utah, October 17-18, 1989 . Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.

Berkowitz, R. and EISENBERG, M. (1989). "The Curriculum Roles and Responsibilities of Library Media Specialists." ERIC Digest. ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology: ED308880.

EISENBERG, M. (1989). "Update on Technology." Section Editor. School Library Media Annual 1988. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.

EISENBERG, M., Trombly, C., and Ruth, L. (1988). "Trends and Issues in Library and Information Science." ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology: ED308884.

Vaughn, B. and EISENBERG, M. (1988). "Access Points to ERIC: An Update." ERIC Digest. ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology: ED310780.

Schamber, L. and EISENBERG, M. (1988). "Relevance: The Search for a Definition." In Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science 1988. Learned Information.

EISENBERG, M. and Berkowitz, R. (1988). "Library and Information Skills Curriculum Scope and Sequence: The Big6 Skills." School Library Media Activities Monthly, 5(1): 26-28, 45, 50-51.

EISENBERG, M. and Barry, C. (1988). "Order Effects: A Study of the Possible Influence of Presentation Order on User Judgments of Document Relevance." Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 39(5): 293-300.

EISENBERG, M. (1988). "Measuring Relevance Judgments." Information Processing and Management, 24(4): 373-389.

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Přednášky a univerzita

Mike je profesorem na univerzitě, profesorem velmi významným a pracovitým, takže má na svém kontě několik desítek prezentací na témata, která se se týkají jeho vzdělání a toho, co vyučuje, což je informační gramotnost, informační chování a další. Zajímávé je, že prezentace obsahují opravdu málo textů, obsahují pouze hesla, nebo dokonce jen obrázky či fotky, které jsou, dá se říct, někdy až nesrozumitelné.

Uvedené přednášky jsou pouze ty, které Eisenberg přednášel od roku 2011 do roku 2016, jelikož jich bylo nespočet, zbytek přednášek naleznete v odkazu.

Důležité přednášky a workshopy

1. I.T. Littleton Seminar, "What College Students Say About Conducting Research in the Digital Age: Implications for Libraries, Librarians, and Higher Education from Project Information Literacy," North Carolina State Univesity, Raleigh, NC. (June 1, 2012).

2. Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) Conference, "What College Students Say About Conducting Research in the Digital Age: Implications for Libraries, Librarians, and Higher Education from Project Information Literacy," Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta. (May 23, 2012).

3. TEDSxUofW, "Are You Experienced? Information Alchemy From Data and Information to Knowledge and Wisdom," University of Washington. (April 21, 2012).

4. "Lessons for Learning Putting Project Information Literacy to Work," The Blended Librarian, Online. (April 5, 2012).

5. "Library 21 - Technology and Industry Connections," Serial Solutions, Inc., Seattle, WA. (March 21, 2012).

6. Freshmen Convocation, "Are You Experienced? Do you have What It Takes to Thrive in the Information Age?," Augustana College, Moline, Illinois. (March 15, 2012).

7. "Improving Critical Inquiry," Augustana College, Moline, Illinois. (March 14, 2012).

8. Pacific Northwest Association of Independent Schools (PNAIS), "Lessons for K-12 from Project Information Literacy: College and Career Readiness," Bellevue, WA. (March 5, 2012).

9. "Advanced Big6 Training," Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, Webinar series. (2011).

10. "Colloquium Keynote on Project Information Literacy," University of British Columbia, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. (November 2, 2011).

11. Job Security! Library Information & Technology Programs That Make a Difference," South Dakota Library Association Annual Conference, " South Dakota Library Association, Spearfish, SD. (October 7, 2011).

12. "Are Librarians an Endangered Species?," Serial Solutions, Inc., Seattle, WA. (September 30, 2011).

13. "The Information Field in Higher Education Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow," Connection Conference for Information Science Doctoral Students, Milwaukee, WI. (May 20, 2011 - May 21, 2011).

14. "Library Information and Technology Programs in K-12 Education," Northwest Council of Computers in Education Annual Conference,Portland, OR. (March 1, 2011).

15. Symposium on Web Sciences, "The Promise and Potential of Web Science: An Information School Perspective," Korean Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (KAIST), Seoul, Korea. (February 28, 2011).

16. "What College Students Say about Conducting Research in the Digital Age," Langara College, Vancouver, BC. (January,20 2011) [[6]]


Information Literacy: Essential Skills for the Information Age - V současné době Mike pracuje na plné verzi jeho nejpoužívanější učebnice

Teaching Information and Technology Skills: The Big6 in Secondary Schools

Teaching Information and Technology Skills: The Big6 in Elementary Schools

Helping With Homework: A Parents Guide to Information Problem-Solving

Články o Miku Eisenbergovi

1. Truong, Kelly. Research-Assignment Handouts Give Students Meager Guidance, Survey Finds. The Chronicle of Higher Education. July 27, 2010. Article about Project Information Literacy findings. Based on work by Alison Head and Mike Eisenberg.

2. "Mike Eisenberg on Leadership Challenges and Opportunities in the World Today." Interview in The Leading Edge, Newsletter of the Office of Professional & Organizational Development, University of Washington Human Resources, Spring 2008.

3. Sports: Building Winning Teams," 2007. How people in sports use information to build winning teams. Lorenzo Romar, head coach of the University of Washington men's basketball program, talks about building a successful team. Mike Eisenberg, dean emeritus of the University of Washington Information School, discusses how information professionals collect and manage the information that is essential to building successful teams at the college or professional level.

4. "Students Honor Outgoing iSchool Dean," The Daily of the University of Washington, January 30, 2006.

5. Spagnolo, L. (2002). "ATG Interviews Mike Eisenberg: About Libraries, Information, and Education in the 21st Century," Against the Grain, 14(1): 42-49.

6. Libraries Making a Difference in Society. City Club of Tacoma: May 17, 2000. Listen to the audio. Requires Real Player

7. Sherry Stripling. "Making Sense of the Info Nation," Mike Eisenberg teaches UW's doctors of data overload how to recognize what's valuable. Seattle Times: April 9, 2000. full text

8. "New director leads Library school into Info Age," University Week: October 8, 1998.

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